viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018


Suddenly, from somewhere in the castle, there was a loud scream.

-What on earth was that? said Macbeth to his servant…-That is the sound of women crying. Find out what it is.

The servant ran out of the hall. He came back a short while later. He was very pale.

-What is it man? I have Heard enough enough screams in the middle of the night. Tell me what it is, I am not afraid of screams in the day.

-The Queen, my Lord, is dead.

-Now? The Queen my wife is dead today? But why today, not tomorrow?Why has her candle gone out today? Tomorrow I would have time to think about her, my Queen, my love. So why today? Not tomorrow. or tomorrow or another tomorrow, when time Will be there for me to think about her. To think about her passing. to think about my love. No, this means nothing to me. So! So, she is dead. Life is just a passing shadows. We walk on the earth for an hour or two and then we die. It means nothing. Dont walk to me about the Queen today, I want news about this army, give me news about the Queen today, I want news about the Army, give me news about the Army.

There was a noise outside the room and a Messenger came running into the hall. He was clearly afraid.

-Sire, a strange things is happening outside.

-What? Tell me what is happening?

I was standing on the battlements looking out towards Birman Wood. Sire, the forest is moving. It looks like Birman Wood is moving. It is coming in this direction.

-Liar! What are you talking about? cried Macbeth, That is imposible. Once again in his mind, he Heard the witches.

He was very afraid. There was only one choice...I have lived long enough. Let me end all this today. I am tired of the sun. I ll die fighting he shouted and he ran out of the castle onto the batterfield.

Malcom was shouting to his tropos on the batterfield outside the castle. Siward, The English general was with him…-Put down your branches and show Macbeth who you are ! he called…-Macduff , lead your men into battle! Lets fight well and kill the tyrant!

-To battle! called Macduff to his men.

The two armies fought hard. Macduff was everywhere, he was looking for Macbeth. Macbeth himself was fighting hard.

-No man of woman born can harm Macbeth.

The witches words echoed in his mind as he fought. He killed Scotsmen, he killed Englishmen…-You were born of woman! he cried to each of them as they died.

At one point in the battle, he met a Young man. They fought hard.

-Who are you ? asked Macbeth, as he paused for breath.

-Siward, son of the general.Who are you ? cried the Young man.

-You are the devil himself. I ll kill you !

Macbeth laughed as he killed the boy.-Kill me ! You too were born of woman!

The English army was too strong for Macbeth s forces. The thanes son took the castle. Malcom and the thanes searched the casttle but they could not find Macbeth. Macduff went back out into the battlefield, determined to find him. He was thinking about his wife and children. Then, there in the mist, he saw the King.

-Turn, hell hound, turn! cried Macduff.

-No! cried Macbeth, you are the last man I want to fight.

-I have your family s blood on my hands already. I Will not fight.

-Tyrant! Bloody tyrant! My sword Will be my voice.

With these words, Macduff attacked Macbeth, They fought furiously.

.You are fighting hard for nothing! cried Macbeth, my life is not in danger, You cant kill me, you know. No man born of woman can harm Macbeth!

-Ah, shouted Macduff, you are in danger. You Will die by my sword. Because I was not born, I was cut from my mother s dead body.

The witches lied! cried Macbeth as he began to understand...It was all a lie, a game. I Will not fight...Macbeth put down his sword.

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018


While Malcom, the thanes and the English army were cutting down branches in Birnam Wood, Macbeth was making preparations in his castle at Dunsinane.He was not all afraid. The words of the witches came back to him.

No man of woman born can harm Macbeth.

Macbeth Will only be defested when Birman Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.

-No, I am not afraid, Macbeth said to himself. Malcom was born of woman, all men are born of women and to add to that, forests dont move.

Macbeth s pies and servants were trying to find out move many men were in their enemies army.

-Sire, said a servant running into the room, they say there are ten thousands men in their army.

-I am not afraid, shouted Macbeth in anger. they cannot kill Macbeth Bring me my armour,

.It is not time, yet, replied the servant.

Just at that momento, the doctor came into the room.

-Ah, yes. My good doctor how is my wife ? Is she any better? What is the matter with her ?

.She cant sleep. She has delusions.

-Cure her, doctor, give her something to make her sleep. She is sad, find a way to make her forget her sadness. Cure her, thats your job. Mine is to fight a battle.

-I cannot cure a broken heart. replied the doctor-

-But you have potions and drugs to cure my wife. I am sure you can do it. Just cure her. Perhaps you also have drugs to cure my wife.

-Yes, sure.Your preparations make that clear.

-well. I am not afraid of death. Birman Wood must come to Dunsinane before I die.

The doctor sighed. He wished he was a long way away from Dunsinane.

In Birnam Wood, the soldiers were waiting. They were all carrying branches from the tres in the Wood. The thanes gave the order, March... they called, Macbeth towards Macbeths was defiant.

-Put out the making preparations for the battle. Macbeth was defiant.

-Put out the Flags. Show them this castle is mine. Put out my flags, he ordered.

-They Will come son. Prepare for a siege, We are strong here in the castle, they have no briks or Stone to hide behind.  Let them attack, then, when they are weak, we ll attack them and send them home to England. They Will never take this castle...They Will never take my throne !

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018


In the countryside, near Macbeth s castle at Dunsinane, groups of Scottish thanes were meeting.Malcom and the English army were coming.

Macbeth is at Dunsinane. Some say he s mad, some say he s angry. The other thanes nodded in agreement.

-Yes, we need a good King. We don t want a King who murders people.A King who murders people in secret.

The thanes knew that they had to fight Macbeth. They knew they had to take his castle. The army set off to march to a small forest much closer to the castle at Dunsinane to wait for Malcom and the English army. The name of the forest was Birman Wood.

Malcom, Macduff and the English army arrived to join the thanes at Birman Wood. The thanes and Malcom stood at the Edge of the  Wood looking at Dunsinane Castle on the opposite hill. The castle looked strong. Malcom was thinking about Tactics.

-Tell every soldier to cut down a Branch from a tree. We must carry the branches in front of us. Thay way, Macbeth wont see the army and he wont know how many of us there are.

The soldiers started cutting down branches.

-It is almost time, said Macduff...Time for the battle.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018


In Macbeths castle at Dunsinane, there was a very strange atmosphere. Thanes and servants were all talking about the events of the last few weeks. People were talking about Macbeth. They were talking about Macduff s family and they were talking about the Queen, Servants gossiped about her strange habits. The Queen was starting to walk around the castle at night. Some of the servants watched her as she walked. -She talks to herself, they said. -Perhaps she s going mad.-

After several nights of this strange behaviour, The servants began to feel afraid, so they called a doctor. The doctor came to the castle and listened to what they had to say. He decided to sit with one of them and watch the Queen s door one night. That night, he came to the castle at about ten o clock .He sat down outside the door to The Queen romos until six o clock the following morning. Nothing happened. He returned to the following night and nothing happened. On the third night, however, things were different. The doctor was sitting with  a servant outside the door to the Queens romos when, suddenly, the Queen herself opened the door. She walked out of her romos and into the corridor.

-Look! -said the servant-She is walking, but she s asleep.

-You are right, whispered the doctor-Tell me again. How long has she been like this?

-Since our Lord Macbeth became King.

-And What has she said'?

The servant was afraid. I Will never tell anyone. I have no witnesses, so I ll be silent.

-What s she doing now?said the doctor.

-Oh! she often does that.

-She s rubbing her hands, said the doctor quietly.

-Yes, sometimes she can rub her hands for a quarter of an hour without stopping.

-Shh, she is talking, said the doctor.

-Yes, and she always says the same thing. Listen to this, replied the servant.

-Here s a spot, said the Queen, looking at her hands, as she walked in her sleep.

-I ll make a note of this, said the doctor-

Lady Macbeth was walking up and down the corridor.

-Oh dammed spot!I say. It s blood. The old man had so much blood in him. And Macduff? Macduff, Macduff, the Thane of File, he had a wife.

Where is she now? My hands Will never be clean again.I can still smell the blood on them. All the perfumes of Arabia Will never make them smell sweet again.

-I ve never seen anything like this, whispered the doctor, Servants should not hear things like this.

-I know, The Queen is saying things she sould not say, replied the servant.

-She is in such pain, she feels such sadness, said the doctor to himself.

But the Queen continued…-Wash your hands, put on your nighclothes, do not look so plae.I t s fine, Banquo s dead and gone. He can t come back again. To bed, I can hear knocking at the gate.

What s done is done, we cant change the past. To bed.

The Queen went back into her romos.

The doctor was amazed.

-There are such terrible rumours about the King and Queen. Perhaps they are true. Perhaps the Queen is mad. It is clear her mind is tormented. I don t know what to think. I want you to take care of her. Look after her well.

-I Will. good night, doctor.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018


A few weeks later, at the English court, everyone was talking about Scotland. People were thinking about the possibility of war, a war with Scotland. There were lots of rumours, but it was difficult to know what was true and what was not. One afternoon, Malcom was walking in the gardens, when Macduff came to join him.Malcom was not sure about Macduff. Was he honest? Was he still loyal in Macbeth? Could he trust him? The news from Scotland gets worse and worse, said Malcom to his companion.

-Yes, it seems there are new widows and new orphans every day . Macbeth is truly a tyrant.

-I agree, Macbeth is a tyrant. But, Macduff, there is something I dont understand. Why did you leave your wife and children? Why did you leave them in Scotland to come here ?Are you still Macbeth s loyal servant ? I cant understand it. We all loved Macbeth once, Some people are still loyal to him, Are you still loyal to him?

-No, I am not a traitor to Scotland. You are the true King of Scotland. It is what good King Duncan wanted.

-No, I know. Macbeth s the traitor, I think I see that now.

Macduff was silent. He was thinking about his wife and children at home in the castle in Fife.-Oh Scotland! -Macbeth is evil! said Macduff sadly. He is the worst King in the history of Scotland. He is a Tyrant, not a King. Your father was a true King and your mother was a true Queen.

Malcom began to realice that Macduff was a true, true friend.- I have asked King Edward of England for an army, he said.-I want to take this army to Scotland to defeat Macbeth. Will you come with me'?

-Yes, said Macduff. I must come with you. My wife and my children are still there. They are safe in my castle, but danger is all around them. I  must return. I will come with you to help you sabe Scotland.

-Yes. we must save Scotland from this terrible tyrant Macbeth-

The two men talked and began to make plans. They were determined to go back to Scotland with an English army, to fight against Macbeth. Macduff wanted Malcom to be King, after all, he was the true heir to Duncan.

As they were talking, Lord Ross arrived at the English court. He asked for Macduff or Malcom and some servants took him to the gardens.

-Ross!Macduff and Malcom ran to meet him.

-Welcome, welcome Malcom do you know Ross ?said Macduff.

-Not well, but you are welcome here. We need brave thanes to fight against Macbeth, replied Malcom.

-What s the news from Scotland?said Macduff anxiously.

The news is worse tan ever, Ross s voice was heavy. The news is bad for you, Macduff. The King sent soldiers to your castle.

-My wife! tell me that my wife is well!

-She is dead, my friend.

-My children? Macduff s voice was quiet.

-Dead, And all your servants, Everyone they could find.

-All my pretty ones ? My wife and children too ?

-Courage, said Ross. Have courage, Turn your sadness to anger. Let anger rule your heart.

-My Lord Macduff, I am sorry, I don t know what to say, Malcom s voice was sad.

-That s because you don t have any children.

-That is true, but I have Courage. We need to have courage, we need to have strenght. I have them both and I know you have them both. We will march on Scotland and we will kill Macbeth.

.No, I will, said Macduff, I ll kill Macbeth. I ll kill him with my own sword.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018


On his way back to the palace, in the freezzing rain, Macbeth Heard the sound of horses. He looked up and saw Lennox talking to a group of men on horseback. As Macbeth got nearer, the men rode away leaving Lennox alone.

.Who were those men? he commanded.

-Messengers, your Highness, They have news for you.

-What news?

-Macduff has escaped to England.

-To England? .Macbeth was silent for a momento or two, then he became decisive.-I knew it.Macduff is a traitor. I ll send men to his castle, They ll kill everyone they find there. If his wife is there, they ll kill her. If hos children are there, they ll kill them. They ll kill the servants, they ll kill everyone.

Meanwhile, at Macduff s castle, Ross was talking to Lady Macduff who was very angry and upset.

-My husband be patient, my lady, replied Ross.

-Why did he escape?he was afraid. He s a coward and he s a traitor to Mabeth, a traitor to cotland.

-Please don t be so fast to judge him.We don t know why he went, my Lady Perhaps he was wise, not afraid.

-Was it wise to leave me?Was it wise to leave his children?...No, it is clear to me. He doesn not love us.

-No, said Ross gently, You are angry and I can understand that.But Macduff is not a coward. He is wise and noble. These are dangerous times, we do not really understand what s happening. Now, I must go, but I ll be back son. God bless you, my pretty cousin.

-But look at my son...He has no father. We are alone here.

-I am sorry, my Lady but I must go.and Ross left the castle, sadly.

-My child, said Lady Macduff to her son...Your father s dead.

-That s no true, mother It is not true...but is my father a traitor?You said he was a traitor.


-But I do not undersand. What is a traitor, mother?

-A liar and all traitors and all liars must be executed.

-Who exexutes them, mother?

-Honest men

Their sad conversatio was interrupted by the arrival of a Macbeth is sending soldiers. You must go and go at once. And I must go too, they must not find me here.

The Messenger ran from the room.

-Leave? Why should I leave?I ve done no harm!I have no reason to leave.

Macbeth s soldiers burst into the room.

-Where is your husband? I hope he is safe away from you...-cried Lady Macduff

-He s a traitor, said one of the soldiers roughly.

.Liar!cried Macduff s son.

The soldier showed no mercy. He stabbed the boy with a dagger-Mother, he has killed me ...Run! -he screamed.

Lady Macduff ran out of the room towards her other children.

-Come!she screamed.

It was too late.-

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018


The following day, a black, wet day, the three witches were standing in a cavern near the open field, This time they were standing around a large black cauldron. They were chanting,

While they were chanting, they were throwing things into the big black cauldron, exactly as the rhyme said. One of them threw a toad into the pot, the next one threw in a snake and the last witch stirred the mixture. Again they chanted...

As they were chanting, Hecate appeared,Oh, well done ! the cried with delight, .Now dance around the cauldron and chant again, Macbeth is coming! Show him your powers. Make him afraid of you. The withches obeyed...

Macbeth walked quickly into the cavern. He was horrified...-What are you doing, your evil midnight hags?

The witches laughed, but did not answer.

-Listen to me, I have a question, he continued.

-Speak, cried the first witch.

-Ask. cried the second.

-we ll answer! cried the third.

-Or shall we can our masters ?said one of the witches. They will answer.

-Call them.Let me see them. Let them answer me-

The witches danced and chanted around the cauldron. The air i the cavern went even colder. Then, a ghostly head rose up from the cauldron.Macbeth started to speak, but one of the witches interrupted.

-Be silent!Listen to our master. He can read your mind.

The ghostly head spoke...-Be afraid of Macduff!That s my answer enough!

The head disappeared.

-No, come back!I have another questions, cried Macbeth.

This time, the ghost of a child appeared above the cauldron, ...-Be brave. No man of woman born can harm Macbeth.

Then this ghost disappeared.

-So I have no reason to be afraid of Macduff, said Macbeth to himself, Now, waht s this ?

A third spirit appeared above the cauldron. It was a child, wearing a Crown and holding a branch. -Be brave, be proud. Macbeth will only be defeated when Birman Wood moves.When Birman Wood moves to Dunsiname Hill to fight him. Macbeth will be defeated.

The spirit disappeared.

-So I am safe, cried Macbeth,...-Forests do not move ! Woods can t fight! But there is one more thing I want to know. Will a child of Banquo  s ever become King?

-Enough, cried the witches, the spirits have told you enough.

-No, I must Know.

The witches began to chant.

There was a movement above the cauldron. The ghostly shapes of eight kings appeared above it. They all looked exactly the same. Then Macbeth saw Banquo s ghost appear next to them. The ghost was pointing at the kings. Macbeth understood the message...Banquo s  children were the future. Kings of Scotland. The spirits and the witchs disappeared, leaving Macbeth standing alone in the cavern, frozen with cold and fear.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018


That same night, in the middle of a thurderstorn, Hecate the Goddess of all witches, was talking to the weird sisters, the three witches. Hecate was angry, How dare you ?

-Why are you angry with us, Hecate ? said one of the three, boldly.

The three witches were afraid of Hecate, because she was even stronger tan them and even more evil.

-How dare you play silly games with Macbeth without me?You did not even tell me what you were planning. I am your goddess.I want my part. Hecate was screaming now, -In future, I want you to ask me first before you do anything. Now, listen to me and do what i say.-

The thunder got louder and the lightning came nearer. The witches listened in silence. Hecate continued...-Macbeth is coming here tomorrow. He is coming to see you. He wants to know what will happen next. He wants to know more about his future. You must confuse him.Use all your magic skills.Make him think that he is safe and secure.

.Man s biggest enemy is a false sense of security. Tell him that ereything will be alright. Do as I say and remember, I am your goddess.

Hecate disappeared into the night, leaving the three witches shivering in the dark.

The same night in the royal palace , rumours were beginning to fly. Lennox was talking to another of the Scottish thanes.

-Strange things have happened here in Scotland. Duncan was murdered, murdered at Macbeth s castle. When his sons escaped, it was natural to think that they were Duncan s murderes. Everyone thought it and everyone said it. But now, after everything that s happened. I am not sure I believe it.

-Yes, I think I agree with you. I dont think Donalbain and Malcom killed their father. They loved him as a father  and as their King said the thane.-

- Now Banquo is dead and Fleance has escaped. And this time everyone is saying that Fleance murderer his father too. I do not believe that eiter.

-No, are right, Lennox. Neither do I, it seems wrong to me, agreed the thane.

-And do not you think it was a litlle strange that Macbeth killed Duncan s guards immediately?They were asleep, they were drink, and he killed them. Why did not he give as all a chance to talk to them?Why did not he question them?

-Yes, it is very strange, said the thane.

-It may be disloyal to King Macbeth to say this, but  I am glad he has not found Donalbain or Malcom. It is lucky for them.

There was a long silence.

-And now, continued Lennox, It seems that Macduff is in disgrace.He did not come to the tyrant s banquet. Do you Know where he is ?

-Yes, I do. Macduff has gone to England to find Malcom. Malcom is the true King of Scotland, his father, Duncan, wanted him to be his hear. He wanted him to be the next King of Scotland. Macduff is going to speak to Malcom. He thinks they should talk to Edward, the Englis King. They hope ad I hope, King Edward will help, then we can stop Macbeth, we can remove Macbeth the tyrant from the Scottish throne. We ll have to more banquets with bloody daggers. Then we can save Scotland.

-This is a good news. Our prayers are with him, said Lennox.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018


That same night, in the middle of a thunderstorm, Hecate, the Goddess of all witches, was talking to the weird sisters, the three witches.Hecate was angry. How dare you ?

-Why are you so angry with us, Hecate ? said one of the three, bodly.

The three witches were afraid ef Hecate, because she was even stronger tan them and even more evil.

-How dare you play silly games with Macbeth me ?You did not even tell me  what you were planning. I am your goddess. I want my part.-Hecate was screaming now.

-In future, I want you to ask the first before you do anything. Now, listen to me, and do what I say ?


The thunder got louder and the lightning came nearer. The witches listened in silence. Hecate continnued, Macbeth is comming here tomorrow. He is coming to see you. He wants to know what will happen next. He wants to know more about his future. You must confuse him.Use all your magic skills.Make him think that he is safe and secure.

Man s biggest enemy is a false sense of security. Tell him that everything will be alright. Do as I say and remember, I am your goddess.

Hecate disappeared into the night, leaving the three witches shivering in the dark.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018


-but, look, look here is there !It is Banquo...Macbeth whispered black to his wife. He was obviously terrified by  what he could see. brave, my lord. There is no-one there.

Macbeth turned and looked again at the ghostly figure in the chair but the chair was empty. Banquo was not there any more. He sighed with enormous relief walked back to the table with his wife and went to sit down.

-I am sorry, he said to his guests, I was feeling ill.Now I am fine. Let s raise our glasses to Banquo, our absent friend. Banquo, the finest man, my greatest friend!

Everyone stood up and raised their glasses. To Banquo, they said.

Then suddenly, before anyone could take a drink, Macbeth screamed and pointed his finger.

-There, there...get away...get away from me you horrible visión!you are dead!Dead!

But,once again, there was nothing there, Macbeth s guets were now very worried. He was screaming and shouting and he was pointing his finger at nothing. Lady Macbeth tried to calm everyone down, but then she decided the banquet had to end and so she asked everyone to leave.

At last, Banquo s ghost vanished again and Macbeth began to calm down. Again he sat down in his chair.

-He ll be fine, lady Macbeth said to everyone as they left, he just needs to rest. Please do not worry. good night.

The thanes and the other guests left the hall.

-Good night.said Lennox...I hope the feels better in the morning.

Macbeth was exhausted...Blood will have blood, he said to his wife, But Macbeth was also very worried.

-Macbeth did not come tonight. he said in a tired, dull voice-

-Did you invite him? said the Queen.

-Oh yes, I don t know why he did not come, but I ll find out. I have spies in the castle. I have spies in all their houses. And another thing.

-I think i ll visit the three witches again tomorrow. They know more tan is going to happen. It is too late to turn back now.

-You are tired, my lord, said his wife. You need to sleep. Everything will look better in the morning.

-You are right. Let s try to sleep. I am just a Little afraid, but we need to be ready. There s much more left to come.-

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018


-Thank you, cried the Thanes.-

-Welcome, welcome, everyone !-Macbeth cried as he came back into the hall.He went over to sit next to his queen , but then he saw that someone was sitting in his seat. He looked around , pretending to look for Banquo. But where is Banquo? Banquo is not here ! cried Macbeth.-

-No, said Ross , but he promised to came. We all hear him and I am sure he ll be here soon.

- Come and sit down, sire, called Lennox. Then our banquet can really start!

- But there is nowhere for me to sit.

-Here, Sir. This is your place, here ...Lennox pointed to an empty chair.

-Where? said Macbeth clearly agitated, where ? what are you doing here ?Do not look at me like that

The thans looked astonished. Macbeth was talking to the empty chair.

The Queen got up and tried to calm Macbeth, as her guests were all very concerned by his behaviour. The chair was clearly empty., but Macbeth seemed to think that someone was sitting there.

- Do not worry. sit down enjoy the food !The queen said. He  s just feeling a litlle ill. He often has a problema like this, he s had it since he was Young, It will pass very quikly.


-Control Yourself!  She then whispered to her husband , there s no one there- The chair is empty. Remember the dagger you saw before you killed Duncan ? This is the same. I t is a visitor. It is all in your mind, it is in your imagination !

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018


It was just beginning to go dark that evening and three men were hiding in the shadows, outside the castle.. They were the two men sent by Macbeth to kill Banquo, the third man was a stranger.

-Who are you?

-I am here to help you, said the stranger.

-Who sent you?


-But there are already two of us, said one man.

-I know, said the stranger, but Macbeth wants to be sure.Which three of us to do this job, we cant fail.

-Fine, you are right, said the first man, come and join with us,

The three men stood together in the darkness.

When you hear the horses, we ll get Banquo and you can get the boy, is that clear?Macbeth says the boy must die too.

-How long do you think they ll be ?

-Not long. It is almost evening, they ll be here son. When they get near to the castle, they ll get off their horses and a servant will meet them with a light.

The three men Heard the sound of horses in the distance. The sound came nearer and nearer. Then, they Heard the horses stop and saw a servant walk out of the castle gates with a light in his hand.

-Right, three men ran out of the shadows, Banquo and Fleance were taken completely by surprise.Two of them pulled Banquo from his horse and the third got hold of Fleance.As they attacked Banquo, he just had time to shout to his son.-Ride Fleance, ride...It is a trap...Ride for your life.

Those were Banquo s last words. The two men killed him. Fleance struggled hard and got away from his attacker, he jumped onto his horse and rode off as fast as he could. He did not look back. He rode far away from the royal palace. The servants was terrified, he too, ran away as fast as he could.

-quick,back to the palace,said the leader of the men. We have good news for King Macbeth, but we also have bad news about Fleance. We must tell him straight away.

Back at the castle, guests were beginning to arrive for the banquet. Macbeth was welcoming them all into the great hall. Then In the distance, he saw the first of his trusted men at the gate. Macbeth quickly walked over to him.

-There s blood on your face.he whispered. That is good So Banquo is dead. Did you kill Fleance too, as I asked?

-I am sorry, sire, Fleance escaped.

.This is bad, he will come back to take his revenge. I do not like it. And Banquo, where is Banquo s body?

-Safe, sire. He is in the ditch, he is dead.

-Thank you. Thank you for that, Now go, we ll talk about this tomorrow. You will have your reward for your loyalty.Leave now, before someone sees you.

The man disappeared back into the shadows and Macbeth ran to join his guests in the hall. They were beginning to take their seats at the table which was full of food and drink.

-Welcome Friends!said the queen.


sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018


That afternoon , the Queen had no idea what Macbeth was planning. She was sitting in her rooms alone.She was thinking about Duncans murder. She was beginning to think that killing King Duncan was a terrible mistake. It was strange, both she and Macbeth had that they wanted but she was not happy and neither was her husband. He was spending a lot of time alone and she did not think that it was a good for him.

She called a servant and sent him to find Macbeth. When he joined his wife in the hall, she decided to give him some words of advice.

-Look, my lord, why are you spending all your time alone?What is done is done. We cannot change the past. We have to forget about Duncan.

-No, no ..We have only just begin, Macbeth replied..We started something when we killed Duncan. We are in danger, our throne is in danger and we cannot stop now. We have to finish it, or well never eat or sleep in peace again. I would prefer to die and be with Duncan tan to live but have a tortured mind.

-You ll feel better at the banquet tonight. You ll be happy with oour guests tonight.

-Yes. I will , my dear wife...and so will you as we remember Banquo..

-Forget about Banquo, she said.-

-But it is not so easy. It is like my mind is full of scorpions and I am sure the reason is because Banquo and Fleance are still alive.

The new Queen tried to calm her husband.

- We cannot do anything about him at all. Forget about him.

-Oh, but I have done something about Banquo . And also about Fleance. I did not tell you because there was no need for you to Know.

-Macbeth, my Lord, what have you done ?What have you done ? said the Queen horrified.

-Wait. Have a Little patience. You ll see in the morning.-

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018


Macbeths trusted servant returned to the great hall some time later. He brought two men with him.

-Ah yes, said Macbeth, I spoke to both of you yesterday, too, did not I ?

-yes, said the first man.

-Have you thought about what I said ?

-Yes, we have.

-Banquo has behaved badly towards you, as I told you yesterday. He is not your friend, continued Macbeth. Are you brave men ? Are you brave enough to do what I ask for you ?

-We are my lord, said the second man.

Excellent, said Macbeth, then listen carefully. Banquo is your enemy, but he is also an enemy of mine. Every minute that he is alive. I am in danger and so are you. I want you to kill him.Will you help me ?

-Yes, I will do ask my Lord, said the first man, I have had a bad time in life,many things have gone wrong the first man, I have had a bad time in life, many things have gone wrong for me. You tell me that it is Banquos fault that these things have happened. I believe you are right and I think he must die.

-I will also do as you ask, said the second man. I have been unlucky all my life. Perhaps this will change my luck.

-Excelent again, said Macbeth, but you must do it tonight.

Tonight is your only chance.You must do exactly as I say. Wait outside the castle walls, in the shadows and when Banquo comes, you must attack him and kill him. Make sure you are not too near to the castle, no one must hear you, no one must suspect you. There is one more thing. His son will be with him and he is my enemy too. He must also die. Can you do this for me?

-Yes, we can, my Lord, both men said together.

Macbeth turned away from his two guests.Yes, Banquo it will son be over and done. Tonight you will die and so will Fleance. You will find a place in heaven tonight.-

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018


-I hope all goes well there, Ross

Macduff said goodbye to the old man and rode away from Macbethscastle.

-goodbye, old man, said Ross.

-God bless you and all those who want to bring peace, the old man replied.

After the coronation, the New King Macbeth moved to the Royal palace at Forres. All the Scottish thanes were invited to celebrate the event and Banquo was one of the first to arrive. But Banquo was worried and a Little excited...he coul not stop thinking about the three witches and their prophecies. They called Macbeth Thane of Cadwor and he became Thane of Cawdor. Then they called him King of Scotland. Was Macbeth involved in Duncans murder?But no, then, they said my children would be royal. Perhaps now I can hope for my future, he thought.

Two servants opened the doors and interrupted his thoughts. King Macbeth and his new queen came into the room.

-Ah here s our most important guest!Look, my dear, it is our good friend Banquo.

The Queen welcomed Banquo warmly and invited him to the banquet that evening.

Thank you, your Highness, Banquo accepted the invitation to the dinner, then he explained that he wanted to go riding in the afternoon. He liked the countryside around Macbeths castle.

-Fine, said Macbeth, but when you return we should talk. We need to talk about Malcom and Donalbain.They are my cousins but I am sure they are the murderers. One is in Ireland and the other in England. They escaped after Duncan died and now they are telling terrible lies about their fathers death. Anyway,are you planning to go far this afternoon? Will you be back in time for us to talk?

Yes, we ll be back in time for the banquet and well be back in time to talk.

-we, you said?Is Fleance going with you?

-Yes, Banquo confirmed that he and his son were going riding together.

-well.said Macbeth, I hope you both enjoy the ride, but dont be too late back.Remember that you are the most important guest at the banquet tonight.You are my most trusted friend.

Banquo laughed. He said goodbye to Macbeth and the Queen, then left the room. The Queen followed him, as she had a lot of things to do before the banquet.

Macbeth was then alone in the hall. He walked around for a while. He was worried about Banquo, and he had two major reasons to be worried.

The first reason was that Banquo Knew about the witches prophecy. What if Banquo told someone?What if people started to talk?

The second reason was more complicated. The witches had also made a prophecy about Banquo.

-You will not be King, but your children will be kings. Macbeth said the witches words out loud.

-If Banquo s children are kings, then my own children cannot be kings. I have commited a crime, a terrible crime and Banquo s children will benefit.

There was only one solution. Banquo must die and Fleance Banquo s son must die with him. The perfect chance was on that very afternoon, when Banquo and Fleance were out riding. Macbeth called his most trusted servant to come and talk to him.


It Lord Macbeth awake, yet ? asked Macduff.

At that very moment, Macbeth came into the courtyard.Good morning to you both!

Good morning to you, Macbeth. Congratulations, Thane of Cawdor, replied Macduff Is the King awake yet'?He told us to come early. I hope we are not later tan he expected.

He is still in bed. ShallI go and wake him''?

No, no, Ill go, said Macduff.

Ill show you the way, Macbeth walked across the courtyard with Macduff. When they reached the castle door, Macbeth pointed to the Kings rooms. Macbeth went inside and Macbeth went back across the courtyard to talk to Lennox.

What a terrible storm we had last night. The noise from the wind was terrible. It sounded just like  a man screaming. It made me feel quite strange. The wind almost sounded like death, said Lennox

Yes, it was a rough night!Macbeth agreed.

It certainly was.We saw quite a lot of damage on the roads. I do not remember anything like it.

The door into the Castle slammed shut and Macbeth came out into the courtyard. His face was a White as a sheet. Horror, oh horror, he cried!

What is the matter?cried Lennox and Macbeth together, what is it, man?

Murder, It is murder!

Not the King?

Go, Look!

Macbeth and Lennox ran towards the Kings rooms.

Ring the alarm bells, screamed Macduff. wake up, everyone...Murder, Treason, Malcom, Donalbain, wake up! Banquo, wake up!Murder. Treason!

Lady Macbeth came running towards the King s rooms. What is happened?TTell me, Macduff.

Oh, Lady it is too terrible for a gentle woman like you to hear. I cannot say, it would be a crime to tell you.

By now, everyone was awake. Thanes, servants and guards were all running towards the King s rooms.

What is it Macduff? cried Malcom.

I am sorry, Malcom. your father, your royal father is dead. Murdered, Murdered by traitors to Scotland.

Who?who did it?Who murderer him?people cried.

It seems his servants killed him, cried Lennox. They were covered in blood. Their daggers and their clothes were covered in blood.

Why?Why did tell kill my father'?I was sure they were loyal men.

Well question them now!shouted Macduff.

But you cant. I killed the traitors, I killed them with my own sword, said Macbeth quietly.

Why on earth did you do that? Macduff was absolutely furious.

I see your point. Yes, perhaps it was a mistake, but I was so angry when I saw the King lying dead. I thought of our good King Duncan murderer by those two drunks and I saw the blood on their daggers. I smelled the wine and I killed them. I love King Duncan.

Lady Macbeth cried out and then fainted. The thanes all ran to help her and her servants carried her to her rooms. Banquo went to talk to all the thanes and soldiers, leaving Duncan s two sons alone together.

They could hear Banquo talkimg to the men. We need to find out why this happened? We must find our way, Quick everyone get dressed, Bring your armour. Well meet in the great hall in ten minutes.

Malcom and Donalbain moved away so that no one could hear them. We are in danger too, said Malcom to his brother, trying to be calm.Someone here is an enemy to us. We cant trust anyone, not even our close Friends. We need to get away. I am going to England. Ill be safer there and perhaps I can find men to help us.

-I agree, said Donalbain. Ill go to Ireland. Well be safer if we separate and lets go now. Lets not wait to say goodbye to these false Friends.They showed no mercy to our father, they ll show no mercy to us.

Malcom and Donalbain went secretely out of the castle, called for their houses and escaped. Scotland s true King, Malcom, Duncan s Heir escaped to England.

A short while later, Lord Ross was standing in the courtyard talking to an old man.

I am seventy-four years old, said the man, and I have seen some terrible things in my life, but this is the worst even of all.

-I agree,old man.

The murder of a King, here, in my master house. But strangely, other terrible things have happened too in the last few days. Look at the sky now, it is daytime, but the sky is dark.And on Tuesday, a baby owl killed a falcon. I ve never seen a thing like that before. I am sure these are strange signs of trouble.

Yes, agreed Ross...and the kings horses, his beautiful fast horses are all dead. They escaped from their stables and started fighting .I have never seen horses fighting like that, it was a terrible thing to see.

Then Macduff walked into the courtyard. He greeted the two men.

-What do you think of all this?asked Macduff. Did Duncans servants really kill him?

I know, it seems strange that they did it. and why?what advantage could they get?said Ross. I really dont understand.

Someone probably paid them. I think Duncan was murdered by his sons. Thik about it. Where are Malcom and Donalbain now?They are not in the castle. I think they have escaped.This makes them look guilty. This makes me think they killed their own father.

-Yes, you may be right. This is an unnatural crime, but ambition is a terribel thing, said Ross in a sad voice.

-I suppose this meant that Macbeth will now be King.

-yes, you are right. The other thanes have already taken him to Scone.

- So, another King will be crowned at Scone. King Macbeth of Scotland?

-It will be difficult for Macbeth to follow Duncan. Duncan was such a good King, sighed Macduff.

-And what about King Duncan s body?where is it?

-His servants have taken him to Colmekill. Theyll put his body with the bodies of all Scotlands kings.

The three men sighed sadly.

-So Macduff, are you going to Scone, to see Macbeth s coronation?

-No, I am going home to Fife to see my wife and children''?What about you?

-I am going to Scone.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018


Who is knocking at the gates ?cried the porter as he was getting out of bed.Knock, who is there ?Who is it at this time in the morning?

The knocking went on.

Just a minute !give me time ! Nobody thinks about the por old porter.

The knocking went on and on getting louder and louder.

It is allright I am coming.

The porter walked slowly out of the gatehouse and into the courtyard. He looked through the gates and saw two men standing outside. Who are you ? he said sleepily.

Macduff, a Thane of Scotland, said the other. Open the gates, men. Let us in at once.

The porter opened and gates slowly.

Come on, be quick man...shouted Macduff, why are you so slow ?Did you drink too much last night?

Perhaps a Little too much, admitied the porter, as he left the two men in...We did have a small celebration last night, in honour of the King.

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2018


Later the same night, Banquo and his son, Fleance, were walking on the castle courtyard.. What time is it, Fleance?Banquo asked.

-I do not know. It must be almost midnight.

-It is time for bed, then . Look. it is dark in the castle , all the candles are out.My head is so full of stranges thoughts, though. I dont not think I ll sleep well tonight.

Suddenly, they Heard footsteps in the courtyard . Who is there ?called Banquo.

A friend

It was Macbeth.

So you have not gone to bed  yet, either?said Banquo. The King s asleep, he really enjoyed himself tonight and he is getting on very well with Lady Macbeth.

-Yes, he has been very generous too.

On the way here I thought about the weird sisters, the witches, said Banquo. Their first prediction for you has come true already, has not it?

Forget them, for a moment, replied Macbeth, Lets talk about them another day.

Whatever you want, said Banquo yawning...I am going to bed. Sleep well, Macbeth. Come on Fleance.

Banquo and his son went into the castle. After a few minutes, Macbeth followed them inside. He walked up the Stone steps and stood a while them inside. Duncan s rooms. Suddenly Macbeth saw a visión front of him, the visión of a dagger.The dagger was covered in blood and the handle was pointing towards him. What is it ? he whispered , horrified . A dagger? Is this a dagger which I see before me ?And the handle is towards my hand. Come here , dagger . Let me get out .  Let me get you ...But I cant, I cant get you, you are not there . I can see you , but there s nothing there. What is it?What is happening to me ? It is a visión , a dream , it is all in my mind.

The bloody visión seemed to make Macbeth more courageous. He ran into the room where Duncans sercants were asleep.The servants smelled strongly of wine and did not move when Macbeth came in. Macbeth gently took their daggers from their belts and went quickly into Duncan s room.

Lady Macbeth was standing outside in the corridor . She was worried.I hope they drank enough wine, she thought . I hope the servants do not wake up.

Macbeth opened the door and came out of Duncan s rooms very quietly. I have done it, he said. Did you hear any noise?

- Just an owl, nothing more, she replied.

- I Heard a voice, Macbeth was clearly terrified.

There was no voice, Macbeth was clearly terrified.

There was no voice, said lady Macbeth calmly.

-Look at my hands , they are covered in blood , the King s blood and there was a voice. The voice said...You ll never sleep again. Only the innocent sleep. Macbeth you have murdered sleep. It was a terrible voice.

-No, it is imposible. It was all in your mind. I tell you , there was no voice, Now you must be brave , my Lord. Forget what we have done.

Go, wash your hands, wash off the blood. And the daggers . why have you brought the daggers with you ? Are you mad ? Take them back to the servants room and leave them there. Leave them with the servants.

- I cant. I cannot go in there again. I am too afraid to see him dead.Macbeth was trembling.

Then give me the daggers. I ll take them back. Ill cover the servants with Duncans blood. Then people will think that they murdered Ducan.

Lady Mcbeth went into the servants room. When she returned, she could hear knocking at the castle gates. Macbeth was very pale.

- Look at my hands, Macbeth said to his wife, They are stained red with Duncans blood and they ll never be clean again. All the wáter in the oceans will never make them clean again.

- My hands are as red as yours, lady Macbeth was losing patience, but I have more courage than you, Lets go to bed, there s someone knocking at the gates. Everyone must think that we are asleep. No one must see us awake at this time of night.

Lord and Lady Macbeth hurried to their rooms but, as they went inside, they could still hear the sound of knocking at the castle gates.-

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018


In the late afternoon Duncan and all the Scottish lords arrived at the castle. As they arrived, the noise of their horses, carriages and armour was tremendous. Lord and Lady Macbeth were standing to the Courtyard ready to meet their guests.

This is a fine castle here, called the King as he got off his horse...Yes, beautiful. And here is the beautiful Lady Macbeth. Thank you, Lady for being our host.

Sire, it is an honour to welcome you here to our home, Lady Macbeth replied, I hope you had a good journey.

Yes, splendid. Your husband went ahead of us, I imagine he was in  a hurry to ride home and see you, my lady...Ah and here is my new Thane of Cawdor. How are you Macbeth, my brave cousin, now you have seen your wife again?

Chatting and laughing, Duncan and the others went into the Castle.

A Little later, Macbeth was talking to himself in his room, I want to be King of Scotland, as the witches said so I must kill Duncan. I have no choice although he is my guest my cousin and my King, but he is a good man, he does not deserve to die. What shall I do?

Lady Macbeth walked into the room. Why did you leave our guests?The King has almost finshed his supper.

Has he asked for me ?

Yes,he is wondering where you are, my lord.

I can do it, said Macbeth I ve thought and thought about it. I can not kill Duncan. He has given me a great honour. I am now Thane of Cawdor. It would be wrong to kill him just for my own ambition.

Coward, hissed his wife are you afraid? Is the mighty. Thane off Cawdor afraid?You want to be King, don t you?You have no choice. You must kill him. If you dont we will never be King and Queen.

I am not a coward, No man is braver than I am But what if we fail?

Then we fail...Just be bold and brave and then we wont fail.I have a plan. Duncan is tired after his journey and will son be ready to go to bed. When he is asleep. Ill go and talk to the two servants who sleep in the room next to his. They ll be tired too, I ll give them lots of wine to make them sleepy and when they fall asleep you can get into Duncan s romos and kill him. No one will think it is us.

My love, when we have children, I hope they ll be boys.said Macbeth. They ll be the bravests boys in Scotland with a mother like you. He thought some more. All right Ill do it tonight, But now I have to go back t the party and pretend that nothing is wrong, I must be a false friend to the King.


In Macbeth, castle, lady Macbeth was Reading a letter from her husband.

The battle was a great success, but I must tell you about a strange thing wich happended after the fight was over. As Banquo and I were riding back to the Royal Palace, we met three women on the road...I think they were witches, We stopped and talked to them and they made two prophecies to me about my future, First of all, thay said that I was now the new Thane of Cawdor. Then they made another prediction, they said that one day, I will be King of Scotland. They vanished before I could ask any more questions. Later, we met Lord Ross, who was looking for me. He told me the King wanted to give me a reward. It is incredible. Now I am the new Thane of Cawdor and that is my reward. So, you see, the witches were right.

What do you think?Will I be King of Scotland'?Will you be Queen?I wanted to write to you immediately, I wanted you to know. My dear wife, my partner in life, I ll see you son.

Lady Macbeth put the letter down and sat there Deep in thought. My husband was Thane of Glamis and is now Thane of Cawdor. Will he ever be King'?Then she thought about her husband s character.

Macbeth was kind, too kind and he was loyal to the King. He was certainly ambitious, but he was a good and honest man, You want to be King, she thought, but you are too kind, too loyal and too honest. You are not cruel enough. You need to take action and you need to be cruel. Come home to me quikly and I ll help you. Ill make you brave enough to do what we have to do. I ll give you strength...Ill make sure you get the Crown of Scotland and I ll make sure that I am your queen.

There was a knock at the door and Lady Macbeth stood up calmy and opened it. A Messenger was standing outside.

A message from King Duncan, he said bowing.


King Duncan is coming here tonight my lady?

Are you mad?here?tonight?

Yes, my lady, And Lord Macbeth will be here son, but he asked me to hurry with this message.

Thank you, you may go, said Lady Macbeth. She was already making plans. Duncan is coming here. to our castle, she thought. It is a perfect opportunity for us. I ll make sure that this will be a fatal visit for him. I need to be calm, cruel and braver than a man. I need all my strength.

Later that afternoon, Macbeth arrived back at his family castle. A servant took his horse and Macbeth went immediately to see his wife.

Later, that afternoon, Macbeth arrived back at his family castle. A servant took his horse and Macbeth went immediately to see his wife.

Hail Macbeth, thane of Cawdor, she cried. Her eyes were bright.

My love, he said kissing her hand. Did my Messenger arrive?Duncan is coming here tonight.

Yes, yes, And when is he leaving?


Ah ha, replied his wife, but he will never see tomorrow, I have a plan and you Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor, will be King of Scotland.

Listen to me carefully. When Duncan comes here, you must welcome him warmly to our house and you must look innocent. Then later tonight, we will act and you must be like a snake. Our only hope is for Duncan to die. If you are to be King and I am to be Queen, Duncan must die tonight.

we ll talk more about this later, said Macbeth, Now we must prepare for King Duncan s arrival.

Leave the plans to me, said Lady Macbeth as her husband was leaving the room, but you must be cold, you must be brave and you must be calm.


So I am both Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth was surprised, but a Little excited. He turned again to Banquo, but they made a second promise. Will I be King of Scotland one day?Will your children also be royal?

Be careful, Macbeth was thinking hard. The witches were right. Their prophecy was right. Now he was the new Thane of Cawdor. Perhaps they were also right about the future. Could he also become King of Scotlamd?But what about King Duncan?Macbeth began to realice that he wanted to be the King of Scotland. Very much.
Macbeth... We are waiting for you...said Banquo.

Sorry Ross, sorry Banquo, he said to his Friends. I was lost in thought.Lets ride to King Duncan.

Back in the palace at Forres, King Duncan was very much in command. They have executed Cawdor yet ?

Yes, Father, said Malcom. They say he was very brave and honest. He confessed his treason and asked you to forgive him.He was very sorry.

A door opened and Macbeth , Banquo and Ross walked in.

My dear cousin, called the King, congratulations to you. I must thank you.

He walked over to Macbeth and shook his hand warmly. He did the same to Banquo.

Sire, said Macbeth, we simply did our duty, You are our King and we are loyal to you.

Welcome, welcome replied the King, Come and see my son Malcom.

The King turned to talk to all the thanes in the room. Thanes of Scotland, he said. I thank you all for you loyalty to Scotland. I think it is time to name my heir, Malcom, my eldest son, has served me well- Today I have made him Prince of Cumberland. He will be the next King of Scotland after me. And now Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor, I will stay at your castle tonight, so we can talk more.

That is an honour, Sire, replied Macbeth, I must send a message to my wife. He bowed to the King and left the room. He was thinking very hard. In truth he was a Little disappointed. Malcom is the new Prince of Cumberland, so he will be King before me. Perhaps the witches were wrong. Their first prophecy was right, but now Malcom is in my way.

Bach in the hall, King Duncan was still talking to the thanes. He was talking about Macbeth, his bravery and his loyalty, Macbeth is a perfect cousin, said the King.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018


The other thanes and soldiers were beginning to return to the royal palace from the battlefield, they told their stories of the day and everyone agreed that Macbeth was the real hero, The Thane of Ross, another of the Scottish lords, knew more details about the battle. God sabe the King, he called. I ve come from Fife. We captured the King of Norway.... Here, here are the ten thousand gold pieces he paid for his freedom...We took the money and he has gone back to Norway.

What about the rebel leader? asked King Duncan, tell me about the Thane of Cawdor.

We captured him too. What shall we do with him?

Excute him. Excute him now. Then I want you to go and find Macbeth. Tell him that I have executed the Thane of Cawdor and tell Macbeth that he is now the new Thane. My brave cousin will now have two titles. Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor¡ That is his reward.

Immediately Sire...It will be a great pleasure to tell the brave Macbeth, Ross left, calling for his horse.

Macbeth himself was riding across the open fields with his friend Banquo. They were tired from the battle, but very elated. It was getting dark and the sun was low in the sky.As they were riding along, a sudden mist came up. Their horses stopped, afraid of something. Through the fog, the two men could just see three strange shappes, black and dark. Then they Heard three women call out to them-




Macbeth and Banquo stared at each other and the three witches.

Who are they?whispered Banquo,Lets ride on. We must be near to Forres by now.

No, wait, said his friend. Perhaps they have a message for us.

Hail, Macbeth Thane of Cawdor...cried the second with.

Hail, Macbeth , the future King of Scotland-cried the third.

Macbeth remained silent, trying to understand what the witches were saying, but Banquo was curious to know more.

You have a lot to say about my friend Macbeth. You say he will be Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, he said bodly, but what about me?what can you tell me about my future? What will happen to me in the future?Will I be as lucky as Macbeth?

The witches answered in turn.

You will be less than Macbeth, but you will be luckier.

You will not be King, but your children will be kings.

You will not be King, but your children will be kings.

Hail, Macbeth, hail Banquo, the witches said together.

No, wait, cried Macbeth, what do you mean? you are right, I am Thane of Glamis, that is my title. But I cannot be Thane of Cawdor because there is already a Thane of Cawdor. He is a rebel, but he is alive. And King of Scotland? I cannot be King, because we already have a good King and we are loyal to him. So tell me, who are you and why have you met us here to tell us these strange prophecies? Tell me...

The witches had nothing more to say. They simply disappeared into the fog.

Where have they gone?said Banquo to Macbeth

It seems they have vanished into the air his friend replied. And I want to know why they went away so suddenly. I had more to ask them.

Where they witches? Or are we going mad ?

Do not worry, your children will be kings? Macbeth joked

And you ll be King too!his friend replied.

Oh yes, And Thane of Cawdor as well, dont forget that ...Shh Just a minute, I can hear horses.

The sound of the horses came nearer and nearer

Who is it ?whispered Macbeth.

It is Lord Ross, cried Banquo.

Macbeth, Lord Ross called out. I have news from the King Your royal cousin is well and Happy with your victory. He sent me to congratulate you and thank you. King Duncan has decided to give you a reward. You are now the new Thane of Cawdor. Hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor

They were witches, whispered  Banquo to Macbeth and it looks like they were telling the truth.

Macbeth was confused. He turned to Ross. What do you mean ? The Thane of Cawdor is still alive.

Yes, but he is a traitor and he has confessed. King Duncan has ordener his execution.


It was a dark time and a dark place. In ancient Scotland, revellions were common and kings did not live long.Duncan, King of Scotland was in his palace at Forres in the far north. King Duncan was a good man and a fine King, but rebels were trying to take his throne,The rebel leader was a rich, powerful man, the Thane of Cawdor. The battles were hard and bloody and Duncan was worried about his sons.Malcom, the older son , was fighting at that very moment. Fourtunately, the younger son, Donalbain was safe with Duncan for now.

News ! said King Duncan anxiously...we need news about the battle. It is hard to sit here, safe at Forres, while my men are fighting.

I know father, but we must be patient, replied Donalbain, with a heavy heart.

The Thane of Cawdor was a very powwerful man indeed.

Awake from the King s palace in an open field, there was a very strange sight indeed. Three shapes were visible. They were old women, ugly,old women and they were wearing black rags. The three women were witches and they were making a terrible plan.

When will we three meet again?said one witch. In thunder, lightning or in rain?

When the battle s lost and won ?laughed the second.

Before the setting of the sun -added the third.

Where, sisters?Where shall we meet?

Near, near here.

Who, sisters?Who shall we meet?

Lets meet Macbeth

Macbeth, they cried together, let s meet Macbeth, in fog and filthy air¡

An hour or two later, King Duncan and Donalbain were still waiting for news about the latest battle. Suddenly two men appeared on the horizon.

Look Father It is Malcom He is with a soldier. I think he is hurt.Donalbain ran towards his brother. What s happened?Are you hurt ?he cried.

No, brother, Im fine. This soldier is hurt, but he saved my life.I was almost captured by the Thane of Cawdor s men, he turned to the King. Hello father. There s no need to worry. I am well and we won the battle. We won...It was long and terrible and this man here, this soldier is a hero.

Malcom, thank god. whispered, the King embracing his son, and Thank you, Duncan turned to the soldier.

I am not a hero, Sire, said the soldier quietly. Lord Macbeth was the true hero today.

Lord Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, was the King s cousin.

My brave cousin, said the King...he s such a fine man.

Yes, said the soldier, he fought like a lion. The battle was hard and the King of Norway was helping The Thane of Cawdor. Their Army was larger tan ours too.They attacked again and again but Macbeth and Banquo were good generals. Scotland is safe, Sire Scotland is safe.

The soldier sat down heavily in a chair. I am sorry, Sire, he whispered.

Get a doctor for this brave man, called Duncan, Quickly.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


We Heard the sound of horses far yet , we had a look with our glass, and saw out four men on horseback , pursuing some gypsies who carried the box. But then suddenly they had the place full of gypsies. They fired and the gypsies took their knives no attack.

In the middle of this I could see that Jonathan jumped into the c
art , raised the great box and flew it over the wheels to the ground meanwhile Morris was fighting the Gypsies. One of them cut him , and I  saw him bleeding. Just then the lid of the box was moved backwatch.

It was then what we also fired from out side to help our Friends. We were now nearly. By this time the gypsies seeing themselves covered b the Winchesters had given in and made no further resistance.

The sun was almost down and the whole grup ran away. I saw the Count lying within the box, just like a waken image. At that instant Jonathan cut off his head, while Morris knife plunged into his heart.

It was like a miracle , the whole body crumbled into that and passed from our sight .Then the man was in the box , there was in the face such a look of peace , as I could have never imagined.

Mr Morris fell to the ground . We flew to him. Wich a sigh he took my hand with a feble effort he smiled at me and said.

I am only happy to have been of service . Oh god ...! he cried pointing to me. It was worth for this to die !Look ! Her forehaed is clean. The curse has passed away!

And to our most bitter grief, with a smile and in silence, a brave gentleman died.-

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018


We have come to understand that sunrise and sunset are to Mina  times of peculiar freedom when her old self can be manifiested without any controlling forcé. Tonight taking her husband hands in hers, she began...

We are all here together in freedom for perhaps the last time!Then I shall tell you plaintly what I want. You must all promise me, even you, my beloved husband, that if the time should come, you will kill me.

One by one, even Jonathan with inmense sorrow in his heart, made our promise to her with our eyes full of tears.

No news yet of the ship we waited for The Count is escaping from us.

A telegram came announcing the arrival of the ship in Galazt.

Now we are well equipped for our persecution, Lord Goddming and Jonathan have a lovely steam launch ready to stars. Dr S and Mr M have half a dozen good horses.

We have all the maps and appliances of various kinds that can he had Van H and I are to leave by train tonight for Veresti Where we are to buy a carriage to drive to the Borgo Pass. We  shall drive ourselves we can trust no one. We have all got arms even me, a large revolver. The weather is getting colder every hour and there are snow flurries wich come and go.

It took all my courage to say goodbye to my Darling. We may never meet again.

Madam Mina has been so drowsy all day that she was not like herself. She deeps all the time. She has done literally nothing all day long , she has lost her appetite. She makes no countries into her diary. At sunset I tried to hypnotize her, but with no effect.

I begin to fear that the fatal spell of the place was upon her.

Some Wheeling figures of mist and snow came closer, but keeping out of the Holy Circle I made. Then They began to materialize into the same three woman that Jonathan saw in the room.They smiled at por Mina and said Come to us, sister.

God be thanked she is not yet, one of them for I saw the horror in her eyes. At the first coming of the dawn these horrid figures in the whirling mist and snow.

When I left Madam Mina sleeping within the Holy Circle, I took my way at least to do my terrible work. I knew that there were at least three graves to find. So I searched and I found them. These females laid so full of life and beauty that I shuddered.Before the spell could be wrought upon me, I had nerved myself to my wild work.

There was one great tomb more lordly tan all the rest. Huge it was and nobly decorated. On it was but one Word...Drácula. This then was the home of the Un K Vampire to whom so many more were due.

After I finished my horrible task, before leaving the Castle. I fixed its entrances so that never more can the Count enter there.

When I stepped into the circle, Madam Mina woke up from her sleep. She tells me that she knows our Friends are close.

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018


I was wakened up by Mina. She said to me hurriendly...Go, call The Professor. I want to see him at once, Why. I asked.

I have an idea I suppose it must have come in th night and matured without me knokwing it. He must hypnotize me before the dawn and then I shall be able to speak. Go quickly, dear. the time is getting close.

Two or three minutes later Van H was in the room and Mr Morris and Lord G were with Dr S at the door. She explained her idea to Van H and he began his work. Gradually her eyes closed. When Mina opened her eyes, she did not seem to be the same woman.

Where are you ? The answer came in  a neutral way. I do not Know. Sleep has no place it can call its own. For several minutes there was silence. Mina sat rigid and the Professor stod staring at her fixelly. The rest of us hardly dared to breathe.

What do you see?

I can see nothing. It is all dark.

What do you hear?

The lapping of wáter. I can hear some men outside.

Then you are on a ship?

Oh yes...The answer came quick.

What are you doing ?

I am still, oh so still. It is like death...

By this time the sun had risen, Dr V h placed his hands on Mina shoulders and laid her head down softly on her pillow.

There is not a momento to lose. It may not be yet too late...

He must have taken his last earth box on board a ship, and he leaves the land to his castle. Let s follow him.-

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Lord Arthur and Q arrived. They had found twelve boxes in the place and had destroyed them all. Our work was not over, and would never be until we find the missing box.

We all could hear  a key soflty inserted in the lock of the hall door. The slow, careful steps came along the hall. The Count was evidently prepared for some surprise. Suddenly he leaped into the room. There was something pantherlike in the movement. The first to act was Harker who trew himself before the door leading into the room. We all advanced upon him. It was a pity that was we had not better organized a plan of attack.

The expression of the Count s face was so hellish that for a momento I feared for Harker. I moved forward with a protective impulse holding the Crucifix and Wafer in my left hand. It would be imposible to describe the expression of hate and anger on his face He threw himself out of he window. We ran over and saw him spring unhurt from the ground. He turned and spoke to us.

You think to baffle me .You shall be sorry You think you have left me without a place to rest, but I have more. I have spread them over centuries and time is on my side. Your girls are mine already. And through them you shall also be mine, to be my jackals when I want to feed.

The first to speak was the Professor...we have learnt something he fears us. For if not, why did he run away?

With sad hearts we came back to my house where we found Mr H waiting us, and we told her eveything which had happened.

J, she said and the world sounded like music on her lips it was full of love and tenderness. J dear, and you all my true Friends I know that you might fight. That you must destroy. But this is not a work of hate. That por soul who has wrought all this misery is the saddest case of all. You must be pitiful to him, too.


We entered Carfax without any trouble and found all things the same as on the first occasion.We opened the coffins. The earth smelled sickly but we did not seem to mind. The Professor took from his bag a piece of the Sacred Wafer and he laid it reverently on the earth. One by one we treated in the same way each of the great boxes and left them as we had found them to all appearnce. As we passed across the lawn on our way to the station to cath our train, we could see the front of the asylum. I looked eagerly and in the window of my own room saw Mina.She was waving her hand. I might no see her again, How much I love her.

Picadilly 12 30 o clock. We could enter the house thanks to Arthur and Quincey acquaintances. None even suspected that Lord Godalming was not the real owner, and the pólice sent a man to open the door to him. While they both were leaving to the third addreess, we moved to explore the house, All keeping together in case of attack, for we did not know if the Count might be in the house.

In the dinning room wich was at the back of the Wall, we found eight boxes. It was evident to us that the Count was not at present in the house and we proceeded to search for any of his effects.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018


Mina is so good and brave that we all felt that our hearts were strenghened to work and endure for her.

We began to discuss what we were to do. As usual Van had thought ahead of everyone else and had prepared everyhing with an exact ordering.

It was finally agreed that before starting for Picadilly, the second house of the Count, we should destroy the Count lair close at hand.

Breakfast was ready, We tried to be cheerful and encourage each other and Mina was the brightest and most cheerful of us. When we finished, the Professor said to my wife.

Now, Madam Mina, you are in any case quite safe here until the sunset.But before we go, let me see you armed against personal attack. I have prepared your chamber so that he may not enter. Now let me guard yourself. On your forehead I touch this piece of Sacred Wafer in the name of the Father . the Son and...

There was a fearful scream wich almost froze our hearts to hear. As he had placed the Wafer on Mina forehead it had burned into the skin as though it had been a piece of White hot metal-I t was a horrible burn.


One of my patients got serously wounded,He said that the Count had visited his house. I fear for Mina!I woke Van, Arthur and Q. Outside the Harkers s doors we paused. We opened the door. What I saw appalled me. On the bed beside the window laid J Harker, his face flushed and breathing heavily as though in a stupor.K on the near edge of the bed facing outwards was his wife. By her side stood the Count. His right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her to face down on his bosom. Her White nighdress was smeared with blood. As we burst into the room, The Count turned his face and his eyes flamed red with devilish passion.

The Professor had gained his feet and was holding towards him an envelope wich contained the Sacred Wafer. The Count stopped as we advanced lifting our crucifixes. The moonlight suddenly failed and later, we saw nothing but a faint vapour.

For a few seconds and then full consciousness seemed to burst upon him at once and he started up.

In God name what does this mean?Harker cried out...Mina, dear what is it?What does all that blood mean?My god...Help her with a quick movement he jumped from bed and began to put on his clothes. What has happened?Tell me about it !He cried without pausing. Dr Van do something to sabe her. It cannot have gone too far yet. Guard her while I look for him!His wife seized hold of him and cried out...No, Jonathan you must not leave me. I have suffered enough tonight. God knows!

Van H and I tried to calm them both. The Professor held up his Golden crucifix and said with wonderful calmness. Do not fear, my dear. We are here and while this is close to you no foul thing can approach. You are safe tonight can approach. You are safe tonight and we must be calm and take counsel together.

Unclean, unclean...I must touch him or Kiss him no more, she cried.

To this her husband spoke out resolutely, nonsense, Mina. He put out his arms and folded to his breast.

Then Mina told us what happened to her, how she saw the mist again all over the room, how she tried to awake Jonathan, but she could not, how the Count took her blood.Her husband was broken and she suddenly stopped for it was too hard for her to go on with the next part of her terrible story...

He pulled open his shirt, and with his long Sharp nails opened a vein in his breast, he seized my neck and presssed my mouth to the wound so that I must swallow some to his...What have I done to deserve such a fate? God pity me !

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018


We took our way to the next house, taking care of keeping ourselves in the shadows of the trees when the moonlight shone out. When we got to the porch, the Profesor opened his bag and took out a lot of things as he spoke...

My Friends, keep this crucifix near your heart. Put these garlic flowers round your neck, for other enemies more mundane...this revolver and this knife and for aid in all these small electric lamps, and above all the last this...This was a portion of red wafer.

Dr Seward tried one or two skeleton keys, he got one to suit we pressed on the door, the rusty hinges creaked, and it slowly opened. The Professor was the first to move forward. We closed the door behind us, then we all lit our lamps and procceded on our search.

I could not get away from the feeling that there was someone else amongt us. I think the feeling was common to us all, For I noticed that the others kept looking over their shoulders at every sound and every new shadows just as I felt myself doing.

I had an idea of the direction to the chapel so I led the way and after a few wrong turnings I found it.

We made an accurate examination of the place. There were only twenty nine boxes left of the fifty.

A few minutes later, I saw Morris step suddenly back from a corner. The whole place was becoming crowded wit rats  and we moved out. We closed the outer door with bars and padlocks and began our search in the house. We found nothing but dust.

The house was silent when we got back. I tiptoed into our own room and found Mina asleep, breathing so softly that I had to put my ear down to hear it.  She looked paler tan usual.


It is strange that it never struck me that the very next house might be the Count s hiding place, that Jonahan had helped him buy.

At five o clock Godalming and Morris arrived and studied the transcript of the variuos diaries and letters.

Mina Harker Journal.

Today we arrived at Dr S home, which is also a lunatic asylum where he studies his patients. We met in his study after dinner.

The Professor said....It is good that I tell you something about the kind of enemy we have to deal with. This vampire which is amongst us is a strong as twenty men. he is of cunning more tan mortal, for his cunning be the growth of ages, , he still has got the aid of necromancy. he can within his range direct the elements, the storm, the fog, the thunder, he can command all the mean things, the rat, the owl, the bat, the Wolf. he can grow and became small. and he can vanish and become invisible. How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him?

How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him'?To fail here means that we would become as him. The gates of heaven would be shut to us for ever. What do you say you?

While he was speaking Jonathan had taken my hand. There was no need of speaking betweenus.

I answer for Mina and myself, he said.

Count me in, Professor, said Mr Q laconically as usual. I am wiht you said Lord G for Lucy sake, if for no other reason.

Dr S simply nodded. So as we all shook hands our solemn compromiso was made-

So as we all shook hands our solemn compromiso was made.-

Well, we have on our side the power of working as a team, we have the resources of science, we are free to act and think we have self devotion in a cause and aim to achieve which is not a self ish one. These things mean much. And then there are things which so afflict him that he has no power, as garlic and my crucifix.

Now we must settle what to do. We know that fifty boxes of heart came from the Castle to W we also know that at least some of these boxes have been removed. Our first step should be to ascertain if the rest remain in the house beyond this Wall.

And for your Madam Mina you are too preciuos to us run this risk. We are men and able to bear, you must be our star and our hope.

They have now gone off to Carfax with means to get into the house.


V held between them his Little crucifix, She recoiled from it and full of rage dashed past him as if to enter the tomb. When within a step or two from the door, however, she stopped as if arrested by some irresistible forcé. Van broke the silence by asking Arthur. Answer me, oh my friend...Am I to procced in my work?

Do you ask should friend?He groaned is spirit.V removed the S from the door and the woman with a corporeal body as real , at that momento as our into woman with a corporeal body as real, at the momento as our own passed through the interstice.

We got to the graveryard by half past one to perform our horrible work.

Arthur took the stake and the hammer and when once his mind was set on action, his hands never trembled, not even quiered. V opened his missal , he bagan to read and Q and I followed as well as we could.

Arthur placed the point over the heart and then he struck with all his might. The body shook and then quieted.

When we looked again at the coffin, there was Lucy as we had seen her in life, with her face of unequalled sweetness and purity.

V said to Arthur...Now , my child, you may Kiss her,for she is not a devil now. Her sould is with God...

Arthur bent and kissed her. Then we sent him and Q out of the tomb. The Professor and I cut off the Head and filled the mouth with garlic.

Before he moved away V said Now, my Friends, one step of our work is done, there remains a greater task. We have learned to believe. Shall you not help me ?

Each in turn, we took his hands and he promise was made.

The H arrived at 9 o clock . He is clever  if one can judge from his face and full of energy. She is Smart, beautiful and sweet.

She gave me her diary and her husband and I mine to them. After lunch H and his wife were arranging in chronological order every scrap of evidence they had.-

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018


V came today, he finally spoke to me about Lucy illnes. I think he is mad, this strongly affected him. He thinks Lucy is a vampire and is neither dead nor alive.

You are a clever man, friend John. You reason well, but you are too perjudiced. You don t let your eyes see nor your ears hear. Do you not think that there are things which you cannot understand, and that some people see things that others cannot?

There are always mysteries in life. Do you know the whole mystery of life and death?Can you tell me why men believe in all ages and places, that there are men and women who cannot die? My thesis is this one, I want you to believe in things that you cannot. Let me illustrate. Tonight I am going to prove it. Dare you come with me?We will spend the night in the churchyard where Lucy lies. I have the key that locks the tomb.

My heart sank within me, I could do nothing but nod.

We found Lucys coffin and he took out a turnscrew, When his work was done, he motioned to me to look.

The coffin was empty. It was  certainly a surprise to meand gave me a considerable shock...Are you satisfied now, friend John?

I am glad that Lucy s body is not in that coffin, but that only proves one thing That it is not there...

The Professor sighed...Ah well!he said, we must have more proofs, Come with me.

Then he told me to watch at one side of the churchyard whilst he could watch at the other.Just after I had taken my place I Heard a distant clock strike twelve. I was angry with the Professor. Suddenly as I turned round, a White figure flitted in the direction of the tomb.The tomb itself was hidden by tres and I could not see where the figure had gone.

Van insisitis on me going with him another expedition. I felt all had been useless.

It was midday. Van walked over to Lucy coffin and I followed him. A shock of surprise and dismay shot trough me. There laid Lucy possibly more radiantly beautiful tan ever and I could not believe that she was dead. Her lips were red and on the ceeks there was a delicate Bloom

I could not accept still such an overwhelming idea as Van suggested.

Van sent Arthur a letter asking him to come urgently.

Surely there must be some rational explanation for all these mysterious things. It is posible that the Professor could have done it himself'? I shall watch him carefully I must go some light on the mystery.

Last night at a Little before ten o clock, Arthur and Quincey came into Van H room,

When the Professor explained to them what was to be done , Arthur burst into tears, They both came with us this time.

It was just a quarter before twelve o clock when we got into the churchyard. Arthur was very pale and silent. When the lid was removed, he stepped forward. The coffin was empty...We went out...

I am closing the tomb so that the Undead may not enter, said Van Helsing.

There was a long spell of silence and then the Professor pointed to a White figure approaching, My own heart grew cold and I could hear Arthur gasp as we recognized. Lucy features but somehow changed. The sweetness was turned too heartless cruelty.

The four of us ranged in  a line before the door of the tomb. She adanced to Arhur and said ...come to me, Arthur. My arms are hungry for you. Come and we can rest together.


Mr H is dead and he will be buried today . He left all his possesions to Jonathan and he he is not easy with that. He loved the old man like a father.  The service was very simple and very solem.. We came back to town quickly and we walked down Picadilly. Jonathan was holding me by the arm  the way he used to in the old days, before was holding me by the arm,, the way he used to in the old days , before I went to school. I felt Jonathan clutch my arm so tight that he hurt me, and he said under his breath ..My god..

I am always anxious about Jonathan, for I fear that some nervous fit may upset him again. He was very pale and his eyes seemed half in terror and half in amazement. He gazed at a tall, thin man, with a beaky nose and a beard. His face was wicked, It was hard, cruel, and sensual. Do you who he is ?
No dear, I said . I don t know him, who is he ?

It is the man himself I believe it is Count Drácula ..He was terrified and I drove him home, where a telegram from Van Helding whoever he may be, reported that Lucy and her mother were dead.

I have read Jonathan diary ...por dear!How he must have suffered, wether is be true or only imagination. I wonder if there any truth in it at all. I suppose I shall never know for I dare not  open the subject to him. And yet that man we saw yesterday.He seemed quite certain of him.

I have got a letter from Dr V KH. He needs to talk to me. I cannot help feeling terrily excited as the time draws near for his visit, for somehow I expect that it will trow some light upon. Jonathan sad experience and he will tell me about Lucy. That is the reason for his coming. I t is concerning Lucy and her sleep walking and not about Jonathan. How silly I am.

He was home. He talked to me about Lucy as I thought and I gave him my own journal which read tonight. Everything he said was so strange..If I had not read Jonathan journal first, I should have never accept even a possibility. Poor dear Jonathan. How he must have suffered, I shall try to save him from it. When he comes tomorrow, I shall ask him about Jonathan.

When he came back, I feared that he would think me a fool and Jonathan a madman, that Journal is all so strange that I hesitated to go on.But he was so sweet and Kind and He had prometed to help and I trusted him.

If you will let me, I shall give you a paper to read. I have typewritten it out. It will tell you my trouble and Jonathan . I dare not say anything of it. You will read for yourself and judge. And then perhaps you will be so kind to tell me what you think.

I shall come I the morning to see you and your husband , if I may.

He took the papers with him and went away and I sit here thinking I dont know what.