miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018


V held between them his Little crucifix, She recoiled from it and full of rage dashed past him as if to enter the tomb. When within a step or two from the door, however, she stopped as if arrested by some irresistible forcé. Van broke the silence by asking Arthur. Answer me, oh my friend...Am I to procced in my work?

Do you ask should friend?He groaned is spirit.V removed the S from the door and the woman with a corporeal body as real , at that momento as our into woman with a corporeal body as real, at the momento as our own passed through the interstice.

We got to the graveryard by half past one to perform our horrible work.

Arthur took the stake and the hammer and when once his mind was set on action, his hands never trembled, not even quiered. V opened his missal , he bagan to read and Q and I followed as well as we could.

Arthur placed the point over the heart and then he struck with all his might. The body shook and then quieted.

When we looked again at the coffin, there was Lucy as we had seen her in life, with her face of unequalled sweetness and purity.

V said to Arthur...Now , my child, you may Kiss her,for she is not a devil now. Her sould is with God...

Arthur bent and kissed her. Then we sent him and Q out of the tomb. The Professor and I cut off the Head and filled the mouth with garlic.

Before he moved away V said Now, my Friends, one step of our work is done, there remains a greater task. We have learned to believe. Shall you not help me ?

Each in turn, we took his hands and he promise was made.

The H arrived at 9 o clock . He is clever  if one can judge from his face and full of energy. She is Smart, beautiful and sweet.

She gave me her diary and her husband and I mine to them. After lunch H and his wife were arranging in chronological order every scrap of evidence they had.-

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