martes, 23 de octubre de 2018


V came today, he finally spoke to me about Lucy illnes. I think he is mad, this strongly affected him. He thinks Lucy is a vampire and is neither dead nor alive.

You are a clever man, friend John. You reason well, but you are too perjudiced. You don t let your eyes see nor your ears hear. Do you not think that there are things which you cannot understand, and that some people see things that others cannot?

There are always mysteries in life. Do you know the whole mystery of life and death?Can you tell me why men believe in all ages and places, that there are men and women who cannot die? My thesis is this one, I want you to believe in things that you cannot. Let me illustrate. Tonight I am going to prove it. Dare you come with me?We will spend the night in the churchyard where Lucy lies. I have the key that locks the tomb.

My heart sank within me, I could do nothing but nod.

We found Lucys coffin and he took out a turnscrew, When his work was done, he motioned to me to look.

The coffin was empty. It was  certainly a surprise to meand gave me a considerable shock...Are you satisfied now, friend John?

I am glad that Lucy s body is not in that coffin, but that only proves one thing That it is not there...

The Professor sighed...Ah well!he said, we must have more proofs, Come with me.

Then he told me to watch at one side of the churchyard whilst he could watch at the other.Just after I had taken my place I Heard a distant clock strike twelve. I was angry with the Professor. Suddenly as I turned round, a White figure flitted in the direction of the tomb.The tomb itself was hidden by tres and I could not see where the figure had gone.

Van insisitis on me going with him another expedition. I felt all had been useless.

It was midday. Van walked over to Lucy coffin and I followed him. A shock of surprise and dismay shot trough me. There laid Lucy possibly more radiantly beautiful tan ever and I could not believe that she was dead. Her lips were red and on the ceeks there was a delicate Bloom

I could not accept still such an overwhelming idea as Van suggested.

Van sent Arthur a letter asking him to come urgently.

Surely there must be some rational explanation for all these mysterious things. It is posible that the Professor could have done it himself'? I shall watch him carefully I must go some light on the mystery.

Last night at a Little before ten o clock, Arthur and Quincey came into Van H room,

When the Professor explained to them what was to be done , Arthur burst into tears, They both came with us this time.

It was just a quarter before twelve o clock when we got into the churchyard. Arthur was very pale and silent. When the lid was removed, he stepped forward. The coffin was empty...We went out...

I am closing the tomb so that the Undead may not enter, said Van Helsing.

There was a long spell of silence and then the Professor pointed to a White figure approaching, My own heart grew cold and I could hear Arthur gasp as we recognized. Lucy features but somehow changed. The sweetness was turned too heartless cruelty.

The four of us ranged in  a line before the door of the tomb. She adanced to Arhur and said ...come to me, Arthur. My arms are hungry for you. Come and we can rest together.

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