martes, 23 de octubre de 2018


Mr H is dead and he will be buried today . He left all his possesions to Jonathan and he he is not easy with that. He loved the old man like a father.  The service was very simple and very solem.. We came back to town quickly and we walked down Picadilly. Jonathan was holding me by the arm  the way he used to in the old days, before was holding me by the arm,, the way he used to in the old days , before I went to school. I felt Jonathan clutch my arm so tight that he hurt me, and he said under his breath ..My god..

I am always anxious about Jonathan, for I fear that some nervous fit may upset him again. He was very pale and his eyes seemed half in terror and half in amazement. He gazed at a tall, thin man, with a beaky nose and a beard. His face was wicked, It was hard, cruel, and sensual. Do you who he is ?
No dear, I said . I don t know him, who is he ?

It is the man himself I believe it is Count Drácula ..He was terrified and I drove him home, where a telegram from Van Helding whoever he may be, reported that Lucy and her mother were dead.

I have read Jonathan diary ...por dear!How he must have suffered, wether is be true or only imagination. I wonder if there any truth in it at all. I suppose I shall never know for I dare not  open the subject to him. And yet that man we saw yesterday.He seemed quite certain of him.

I have got a letter from Dr V KH. He needs to talk to me. I cannot help feeling terrily excited as the time draws near for his visit, for somehow I expect that it will trow some light upon. Jonathan sad experience and he will tell me about Lucy. That is the reason for his coming. I t is concerning Lucy and her sleep walking and not about Jonathan. How silly I am.

He was home. He talked to me about Lucy as I thought and I gave him my own journal which read tonight. Everything he said was so strange..If I had not read Jonathan journal first, I should have never accept even a possibility. Poor dear Jonathan. How he must have suffered, I shall try to save him from it. When he comes tomorrow, I shall ask him about Jonathan.

When he came back, I feared that he would think me a fool and Jonathan a madman, that Journal is all so strange that I hesitated to go on.But he was so sweet and Kind and He had prometed to help and I trusted him.

If you will let me, I shall give you a paper to read. I have typewritten it out. It will tell you my trouble and Jonathan . I dare not say anything of it. You will read for yourself and judge. And then perhaps you will be so kind to tell me what you think.

I shall come I the morning to see you and your husband , if I may.

He took the papers with him and went away and I sit here thinking I dont know what.

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