domingo, 21 de octubre de 2018


When I got on the coach I saw the driver talking to the land lady. They were evidently talking of me, for every now and then they looked at me. I could hear a lot of words often repeated so I looked them up my polyglot dictionary. I must say they did not cheer me, for amongst them were Stan , hell, witch were- Wolf of vampire. I must ask the Count about these supertitions. The last glimpse wich I had of the inn, yard and its crowd was they all crossing themselves.

We had a fine trip during the day. When it grew dark there seemed to be some excitement mongst the passengers and they kept hunging the driver speed. He lashed the horses unmercifuly with his long whip. We were entering on the Borgo Pass.

We were already in my post. A caleche with four black horses, drew  beside the coach. It was driven by a tall man, all in black, wich seemed to hide his face from us. He took my lugagge and we left. I turned my head and could see the figures of my late companions crossing themselves. I felt a litlle strangely.

It was within a few minutes of midnight when far off in the distance began a louder and a sharper howling of wolves. I felt a short of paralysis of fear. I was afraid to speak or move. We were in complete darkness for the clouds obscured the moon. When we stopped, the driver jumped down and held out his hand to assist me.

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