miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018


It is strange that it never struck me that the very next house might be the Count s hiding place, that Jonahan had helped him buy.

At five o clock Godalming and Morris arrived and studied the transcript of the variuos diaries and letters.

Mina Harker Journal.

Today we arrived at Dr S home, which is also a lunatic asylum where he studies his patients. We met in his study after dinner.

The Professor said....It is good that I tell you something about the kind of enemy we have to deal with. This vampire which is amongst us is a strong as twenty men. he is of cunning more tan mortal, for his cunning be the growth of ages, , he still has got the aid of necromancy. he can within his range direct the elements, the storm, the fog, the thunder, he can command all the mean things, the rat, the owl, the bat, the Wolf. he can grow and became small. and he can vanish and become invisible. How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him?

How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him'?To fail here means that we would become as him. The gates of heaven would be shut to us for ever. What do you say you?

While he was speaking Jonathan had taken my hand. There was no need of speaking betweenus.

I answer for Mina and myself, he said.

Count me in, Professor, said Mr Q laconically as usual. I am wiht you said Lord G for Lucy sake, if for no other reason.

Dr S simply nodded. So as we all shook hands our solemn compromiso was made-

So as we all shook hands our solemn compromiso was made.-

Well, we have on our side the power of working as a team, we have the resources of science, we are free to act and think we have self devotion in a cause and aim to achieve which is not a self ish one. These things mean much. And then there are things which so afflict him that he has no power, as garlic and my crucifix.

Now we must settle what to do. We know that fifty boxes of heart came from the Castle to W we also know that at least some of these boxes have been removed. Our first step should be to ascertain if the rest remain in the house beyond this Wall.

And for your Madam Mina you are too preciuos to us run this risk. We are men and able to bear, you must be our star and our hope.

They have now gone off to Carfax with means to get into the house.

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