lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018


We have come to understand that sunrise and sunset are to Mina  times of peculiar freedom when her old self can be manifiested without any controlling forcé. Tonight taking her husband hands in hers, she began...

We are all here together in freedom for perhaps the last time!Then I shall tell you plaintly what I want. You must all promise me, even you, my beloved husband, that if the time should come, you will kill me.

One by one, even Jonathan with inmense sorrow in his heart, made our promise to her with our eyes full of tears.

No news yet of the ship we waited for The Count is escaping from us.

A telegram came announcing the arrival of the ship in Galazt.

Now we are well equipped for our persecution, Lord Goddming and Jonathan have a lovely steam launch ready to stars. Dr S and Mr M have half a dozen good horses.

We have all the maps and appliances of various kinds that can he had Van H and I are to leave by train tonight for Veresti Where we are to buy a carriage to drive to the Borgo Pass. We  shall drive ourselves we can trust no one. We have all got arms even me, a large revolver. The weather is getting colder every hour and there are snow flurries wich come and go.

It took all my courage to say goodbye to my Darling. We may never meet again.

Madam Mina has been so drowsy all day that she was not like herself. She deeps all the time. She has done literally nothing all day long , she has lost her appetite. She makes no countries into her diary. At sunset I tried to hypnotize her, but with no effect.

I begin to fear that the fatal spell of the place was upon her.

Some Wheeling figures of mist and snow came closer, but keeping out of the Holy Circle I made. Then They began to materialize into the same three woman that Jonathan saw in the room.They smiled at por Mina and said Come to us, sister.

God be thanked she is not yet, one of them for I saw the horror in her eyes. At the first coming of the dawn these horrid figures in the whirling mist and snow.

When I left Madam Mina sleeping within the Holy Circle, I took my way at least to do my terrible work. I knew that there were at least three graves to find. So I searched and I found them. These females laid so full of life and beauty that I shuddered.Before the spell could be wrought upon me, I had nerved myself to my wild work.

There was one great tomb more lordly tan all the rest. Huge it was and nobly decorated. On it was but one Word...Drácula. This then was the home of the Un K Vampire to whom so many more were due.

After I finished my horrible task, before leaving the Castle. I fixed its entrances so that never more can the Count enter there.

When I stepped into the circle, Madam Mina woke up from her sleep. She tells me that she knows our Friends are close.

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