lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018


Van Helsing and I were shown up to Lucy s room. I was horrified when I saw her today. She was Ghastly pale. My god, he said...This is dreadful. There is not time to be lost. She needs a transfusión of blood at once. Is it your or me?

Just then Arthr arrived anxious. He wanted to help. Tell me and I shall do it. I can give my blood to her.

Having finished his operation, Van Helsing adjusted the pillow to the patients head. As he did so, he and I could see the red mark on her throat? The Professor stood up.

I must go back to Ámsterdam tonight? he said...There are books and things there which I want. You must remain here at nights and watch her, I shall be back as soon as possible.

I must have fallen asleep for I was awaken by the Professor. He raised his hand and pointed to the bed. I felt my knees begin to tremble.

There lied por Lucy, more horribly White and wan-looking tan ever.

We rubbed her palms and her wrists and her heart. He said...It is not too late. It has to be your this time, friend John...As he spoke, we began the transfusión operation.

This afternoon I found Lucy much better. The Professor showed Lucy a great bundle of White garlic flowers. He put them in her window and hung them round her neck.

Lucy is better. The Professor smiled and looked quite jubilant. Aha, my treatment is working.

To which Lucy mother replied...Lucy s state this morning is due in part to me. The room was awfully suffy. There were a lot of those horrible , strong smelling flowers about her neck. I took them all away and opened the window to let in a Little fresh air.

After she had spoken, for the first time in my life, I saw Van Helsing break down. Come, he said, I shall provide my blood today.

Presently he took an oportunity of telling her mother that she must not remove anything from Lucy s room without consulting him. Then he took over of the case himself. He said that he would watch that night and the next and would write to me when to come.

I got a telegram from Professor Van Helsing with twenty two hours of delay. He asked me to be at Lucy the previous night. Oh god, I ran.

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