lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018


Just then  a friend of Arthur and Dr Jack had arrived to check on Lucy.She needed another transfusión of blood, he offfered himself and we went trough that operation, Once this was done, we filled up the certificate of Lucy mother death.

When Lucy woke up in the afternoon she realized about her mother s death. We did what we could to comfort her.

In the afternoon she asked for Arthur and we telegraphed him. Quincey went off to pick him up at the station. Lucy was breathing stertorously and her face was at its worst. Her teeth seemed longer and sharper tan they had been in the morning in particular the canine teeth.

At six o clock Van Helsing came to relieve me. He bent down and examined her carefully ...mein gott! he exclaimed. I bent over her and looked...the wounds on the throat had absolutely disappeared.

For five minutes Van stood looking at her, then he turned to me and said calmy. She is dying. It will not be long now.

I went to the dinning room and waked Arthur. I told him as gently as I could taht both Van and I feared that the end was near. He covered his face with his hands and slid down on his knees by the sofá with his head buried, praying. I took him by the hand and raised him up-

When we came into Lucys room I could see that Van had even brushed her hair, She opened her eyes and seeing him whispered soflty...Arthur oh my love, I am so glad you have come...Kiss me

He was stooping to Kiss her, when Van motioned him back, No he whispered not yet... Hold her hand it will confort her more.

Arthur took her hand and knelt beside her, very shortly after she opened her eyes and took van hand...
My true friend she said in a faint voice, guard him and give me peace.

I sweat it...he said solemnly. Then he turned to Arhur and said to him Come, my child, take her hand in yours and Kiss her on the forehead only once. It is all over. She is dead.

I stood beside Van and said Poor girl there is peace for her at last..

He turned to me and said with grave solemnity...Not so It is only the beginning...

When I asked him what he meant he only shook his head and answered...we can do nothing yet. Wait and see.

The funeral was arranged for the following day, so that Lucy and her mother might be buried together. I noticed that Van never kept far away. This was possibly because there were no relatives at hand. Arthur had to be back the next day to attend his father funeral. Under these circunstances. Van and I took care of everything.He insisted upon  looking over Lucy papers himself.

When all was done, before going to rest we went to look at por Lucy. I could not believe tan ever. The Proffesor looked grave. He placed garlic flowers around the bed. Then he took from his neck a Little gold crucifix and placed it over her mouth.

He said Tomorrow I want you to bring me, before night a set of post morten knives.

Must we make an autopsy? I asked.

Yes and no. Let me tell your now but not a Word to any other.  I want to cut off her head and take out er heart. I would like to do it tonight but for Arthur I must not.He will be free after his father funeral tomorrow and he will want to see her.

But why to do it at all ?The girl is dead. Why would you mutilate her poor body without any need...

He put his hand on my shoulder and said with infinite tenderness...Friend John I pity your poor bleeding heart.

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