viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018


So I am both Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth was surprised, but a Little excited. He turned again to Banquo, but they made a second promise. Will I be King of Scotland one day?Will your children also be royal?

Be careful, Macbeth was thinking hard. The witches were right. Their prophecy was right. Now he was the new Thane of Cawdor. Perhaps they were also right about the future. Could he also become King of Scotlamd?But what about King Duncan?Macbeth began to realice that he wanted to be the King of Scotland. Very much.
Macbeth... We are waiting for you...said Banquo.

Sorry Ross, sorry Banquo, he said to his Friends. I was lost in thought.Lets ride to King Duncan.

Back in the palace at Forres, King Duncan was very much in command. They have executed Cawdor yet ?

Yes, Father, said Malcom. They say he was very brave and honest. He confessed his treason and asked you to forgive him.He was very sorry.

A door opened and Macbeth , Banquo and Ross walked in.

My dear cousin, called the King, congratulations to you. I must thank you.

He walked over to Macbeth and shook his hand warmly. He did the same to Banquo.

Sire, said Macbeth, we simply did our duty, You are our King and we are loyal to you.

Welcome, welcome replied the King, Come and see my son Malcom.

The King turned to talk to all the thanes in the room. Thanes of Scotland, he said. I thank you all for you loyalty to Scotland. I think it is time to name my heir, Malcom, my eldest son, has served me well- Today I have made him Prince of Cumberland. He will be the next King of Scotland after me. And now Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor, I will stay at your castle tonight, so we can talk more.

That is an honour, Sire, replied Macbeth, I must send a message to my wife. He bowed to the King and left the room. He was thinking very hard. In truth he was a Little disappointed. Malcom is the new Prince of Cumberland, so he will be King before me. Perhaps the witches were wrong. Their first prophecy was right, but now Malcom is in my way.

Bach in the hall, King Duncan was still talking to the thanes. He was talking about Macbeth, his bravery and his loyalty, Macbeth is a perfect cousin, said the King.

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