jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018


The other thanes and soldiers were beginning to return to the royal palace from the battlefield, they told their stories of the day and everyone agreed that Macbeth was the real hero, The Thane of Ross, another of the Scottish lords, knew more details about the battle. God sabe the King, he called. I ve come from Fife. We captured the King of Norway.... Here, here are the ten thousand gold pieces he paid for his freedom...We took the money and he has gone back to Norway.

What about the rebel leader? asked King Duncan, tell me about the Thane of Cawdor.

We captured him too. What shall we do with him?

Excute him. Excute him now. Then I want you to go and find Macbeth. Tell him that I have executed the Thane of Cawdor and tell Macbeth that he is now the new Thane. My brave cousin will now have two titles. Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor¡ That is his reward.

Immediately Sire...It will be a great pleasure to tell the brave Macbeth, Ross left, calling for his horse.

Macbeth himself was riding across the open fields with his friend Banquo. They were tired from the battle, but very elated. It was getting dark and the sun was low in the sky.As they were riding along, a sudden mist came up. Their horses stopped, afraid of something. Through the fog, the two men could just see three strange shappes, black and dark. Then they Heard three women call out to them-




Macbeth and Banquo stared at each other and the three witches.

Who are they?whispered Banquo,Lets ride on. We must be near to Forres by now.

No, wait, said his friend. Perhaps they have a message for us.

Hail, Macbeth Thane of Cawdor...cried the second with.

Hail, Macbeth , the future King of Scotland-cried the third.

Macbeth remained silent, trying to understand what the witches were saying, but Banquo was curious to know more.

You have a lot to say about my friend Macbeth. You say he will be Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, he said bodly, but what about me?what can you tell me about my future? What will happen to me in the future?Will I be as lucky as Macbeth?

The witches answered in turn.

You will be less than Macbeth, but you will be luckier.

You will not be King, but your children will be kings.

You will not be King, but your children will be kings.

Hail, Macbeth, hail Banquo, the witches said together.

No, wait, cried Macbeth, what do you mean? you are right, I am Thane of Glamis, that is my title. But I cannot be Thane of Cawdor because there is already a Thane of Cawdor. He is a rebel, but he is alive. And King of Scotland? I cannot be King, because we already have a good King and we are loyal to him. So tell me, who are you and why have you met us here to tell us these strange prophecies? Tell me...

The witches had nothing more to say. They simply disappeared into the fog.

Where have they gone?said Banquo to Macbeth

It seems they have vanished into the air his friend replied. And I want to know why they went away so suddenly. I had more to ask them.

Where they witches? Or are we going mad ?

Do not worry, your children will be kings? Macbeth joked

And you ll be King too!his friend replied.

Oh yes, And Thane of Cawdor as well, dont forget that ...Shh Just a minute, I can hear horses.

The sound of the horses came nearer and nearer

Who is it ?whispered Macbeth.

It is Lord Ross, cried Banquo.

Macbeth, Lord Ross called out. I have news from the King Your royal cousin is well and Happy with your victory. He sent me to congratulate you and thank you. King Duncan has decided to give you a reward. You are now the new Thane of Cawdor. Hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor

They were witches, whispered  Banquo to Macbeth and it looks like they were telling the truth.

Macbeth was confused. He turned to Ross. What do you mean ? The Thane of Cawdor is still alive.

Yes, but he is a traitor and he has confessed. King Duncan has ordener his execution.

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