viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018


In the late afternoon Duncan and all the Scottish lords arrived at the castle. As they arrived, the noise of their horses, carriages and armour was tremendous. Lord and Lady Macbeth were standing to the Courtyard ready to meet their guests.

This is a fine castle here, called the King as he got off his horse...Yes, beautiful. And here is the beautiful Lady Macbeth. Thank you, Lady for being our host.

Sire, it is an honour to welcome you here to our home, Lady Macbeth replied, I hope you had a good journey.

Yes, splendid. Your husband went ahead of us, I imagine he was in  a hurry to ride home and see you, my lady...Ah and here is my new Thane of Cawdor. How are you Macbeth, my brave cousin, now you have seen your wife again?

Chatting and laughing, Duncan and the others went into the Castle.

A Little later, Macbeth was talking to himself in his room, I want to be King of Scotland, as the witches said so I must kill Duncan. I have no choice although he is my guest my cousin and my King, but he is a good man, he does not deserve to die. What shall I do?

Lady Macbeth walked into the room. Why did you leave our guests?The King has almost finshed his supper.

Has he asked for me ?

Yes,he is wondering where you are, my lord.

I can do it, said Macbeth I ve thought and thought about it. I can not kill Duncan. He has given me a great honour. I am now Thane of Cawdor. It would be wrong to kill him just for my own ambition.

Coward, hissed his wife are you afraid? Is the mighty. Thane off Cawdor afraid?You want to be King, don t you?You have no choice. You must kill him. If you dont we will never be King and Queen.

I am not a coward, No man is braver than I am But what if we fail?

Then we fail...Just be bold and brave and then we wont fail.I have a plan. Duncan is tired after his journey and will son be ready to go to bed. When he is asleep. Ill go and talk to the two servants who sleep in the room next to his. They ll be tired too, I ll give them lots of wine to make them sleepy and when they fall asleep you can get into Duncan s romos and kill him. No one will think it is us.

My love, when we have children, I hope they ll be boys.said Macbeth. They ll be the bravests boys in Scotland with a mother like you. He thought some more. All right Ill do it tonight, But now I have to go back t the party and pretend that nothing is wrong, I must be a false friend to the King.

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