jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018


It was a dark time and a dark place. In ancient Scotland, revellions were common and kings did not live long.Duncan, King of Scotland was in his palace at Forres in the far north. King Duncan was a good man and a fine King, but rebels were trying to take his throne,The rebel leader was a rich, powerful man, the Thane of Cawdor. The battles were hard and bloody and Duncan was worried about his sons.Malcom, the older son , was fighting at that very moment. Fourtunately, the younger son, Donalbain was safe with Duncan for now.

News ! said King Duncan anxiously...we need news about the battle. It is hard to sit here, safe at Forres, while my men are fighting.

I know father, but we must be patient, replied Donalbain, with a heavy heart.

The Thane of Cawdor was a very powwerful man indeed.

Awake from the King s palace in an open field, there was a very strange sight indeed. Three shapes were visible. They were old women, ugly,old women and they were wearing black rags. The three women were witches and they were making a terrible plan.

When will we three meet again?said one witch. In thunder, lightning or in rain?

When the battle s lost and won ?laughed the second.

Before the setting of the sun -added the third.

Where, sisters?Where shall we meet?

Near, near here.

Who, sisters?Who shall we meet?

Lets meet Macbeth

Macbeth, they cried together, let s meet Macbeth, in fog and filthy air¡

An hour or two later, King Duncan and Donalbain were still waiting for news about the latest battle. Suddenly two men appeared on the horizon.

Look Father It is Malcom He is with a soldier. I think he is hurt.Donalbain ran towards his brother. What s happened?Are you hurt ?he cried.

No, brother, Im fine. This soldier is hurt, but he saved my life.I was almost captured by the Thane of Cawdor s men, he turned to the King. Hello father. There s no need to worry. I am well and we won the battle. We won...It was long and terrible and this man here, this soldier is a hero.

Malcom, thank god. whispered, the King embracing his son, and Thank you, Duncan turned to the soldier.

I am not a hero, Sire, said the soldier quietly. Lord Macbeth was the true hero today.

Lord Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, was the King s cousin.

My brave cousin, said the King...he s such a fine man.

Yes, said the soldier, he fought like a lion. The battle was hard and the King of Norway was helping The Thane of Cawdor. Their Army was larger tan ours too.They attacked again and again but Macbeth and Banquo were good generals. Scotland is safe, Sire Scotland is safe.

The soldier sat down heavily in a chair. I am sorry, Sire, he whispered.

Get a doctor for this brave man, called Duncan, Quickly.

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