sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2018


Later the same night, Banquo and his son, Fleance, were walking on the castle courtyard.. What time is it, Fleance?Banquo asked.

-I do not know. It must be almost midnight.

-It is time for bed, then . Look. it is dark in the castle , all the candles are out.My head is so full of stranges thoughts, though. I dont not think I ll sleep well tonight.

Suddenly, they Heard footsteps in the courtyard . Who is there ?called Banquo.

A friend

It was Macbeth.

So you have not gone to bed  yet, either?said Banquo. The King s asleep, he really enjoyed himself tonight and he is getting on very well with Lady Macbeth.

-Yes, he has been very generous too.

On the way here I thought about the weird sisters, the witches, said Banquo. Their first prediction for you has come true already, has not it?

Forget them, for a moment, replied Macbeth, Lets talk about them another day.

Whatever you want, said Banquo yawning...I am going to bed. Sleep well, Macbeth. Come on Fleance.

Banquo and his son went into the castle. After a few minutes, Macbeth followed them inside. He walked up the Stone steps and stood a while them inside. Duncan s rooms. Suddenly Macbeth saw a visión front of him, the visión of a dagger.The dagger was covered in blood and the handle was pointing towards him. What is it ? he whispered , horrified . A dagger? Is this a dagger which I see before me ?And the handle is towards my hand. Come here , dagger . Let me get out .  Let me get you ...But I cant, I cant get you, you are not there . I can see you , but there s nothing there. What is it?What is happening to me ? It is a visión , a dream , it is all in my mind.

The bloody visión seemed to make Macbeth more courageous. He ran into the room where Duncans sercants were asleep.The servants smelled strongly of wine and did not move when Macbeth came in. Macbeth gently took their daggers from their belts and went quickly into Duncan s room.

Lady Macbeth was standing outside in the corridor . She was worried.I hope they drank enough wine, she thought . I hope the servants do not wake up.

Macbeth opened the door and came out of Duncan s rooms very quietly. I have done it, he said. Did you hear any noise?

- Just an owl, nothing more, she replied.

- I Heard a voice, Macbeth was clearly terrified.

There was no voice, Macbeth was clearly terrified.

There was no voice, said lady Macbeth calmly.

-Look at my hands , they are covered in blood , the King s blood and there was a voice. The voice said...You ll never sleep again. Only the innocent sleep. Macbeth you have murdered sleep. It was a terrible voice.

-No, it is imposible. It was all in your mind. I tell you , there was no voice, Now you must be brave , my Lord. Forget what we have done.

Go, wash your hands, wash off the blood. And the daggers . why have you brought the daggers with you ? Are you mad ? Take them back to the servants room and leave them there. Leave them with the servants.

- I cant. I cannot go in there again. I am too afraid to see him dead.Macbeth was trembling.

Then give me the daggers. I ll take them back. Ill cover the servants with Duncans blood. Then people will think that they murdered Ducan.

Lady Mcbeth went into the servants room. When she returned, she could hear knocking at the castle gates. Macbeth was very pale.

- Look at my hands, Macbeth said to his wife, They are stained red with Duncans blood and they ll never be clean again. All the wáter in the oceans will never make them clean again.

- My hands are as red as yours, lady Macbeth was losing patience, but I have more courage than you, Lets go to bed, there s someone knocking at the gates. Everyone must think that we are asleep. No one must see us awake at this time of night.

Lord and Lady Macbeth hurried to their rooms but, as they went inside, they could still hear the sound of knocking at the castle gates.-

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