lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018


It Lord Macbeth awake, yet ? asked Macduff.

At that very moment, Macbeth came into the courtyard.Good morning to you both!

Good morning to you, Macbeth. Congratulations, Thane of Cawdor, replied Macduff Is the King awake yet'?He told us to come early. I hope we are not later tan he expected.

He is still in bed. ShallI go and wake him''?

No, no, Ill go, said Macduff.

Ill show you the way, Macbeth walked across the courtyard with Macduff. When they reached the castle door, Macbeth pointed to the Kings rooms. Macbeth went inside and Macbeth went back across the courtyard to talk to Lennox.

What a terrible storm we had last night. The noise from the wind was terrible. It sounded just like  a man screaming. It made me feel quite strange. The wind almost sounded like death, said Lennox

Yes, it was a rough night!Macbeth agreed.

It certainly was.We saw quite a lot of damage on the roads. I do not remember anything like it.

The door into the Castle slammed shut and Macbeth came out into the courtyard. His face was a White as a sheet. Horror, oh horror, he cried!

What is the matter?cried Lennox and Macbeth together, what is it, man?

Murder, It is murder!

Not the King?

Go, Look!

Macbeth and Lennox ran towards the Kings rooms.

Ring the alarm bells, screamed Macduff. wake up, everyone...Murder, Treason, Malcom, Donalbain, wake up! Banquo, wake up!Murder. Treason!

Lady Macbeth came running towards the King s rooms. What is happened?TTell me, Macduff.

Oh, Lady it is too terrible for a gentle woman like you to hear. I cannot say, it would be a crime to tell you.

By now, everyone was awake. Thanes, servants and guards were all running towards the King s rooms.

What is it Macduff? cried Malcom.

I am sorry, Malcom. your father, your royal father is dead. Murdered, Murdered by traitors to Scotland.

Who?who did it?Who murderer him?people cried.

It seems his servants killed him, cried Lennox. They were covered in blood. Their daggers and their clothes were covered in blood.

Why?Why did tell kill my father'?I was sure they were loyal men.

Well question them now!shouted Macduff.

But you cant. I killed the traitors, I killed them with my own sword, said Macbeth quietly.

Why on earth did you do that? Macduff was absolutely furious.

I see your point. Yes, perhaps it was a mistake, but I was so angry when I saw the King lying dead. I thought of our good King Duncan murderer by those two drunks and I saw the blood on their daggers. I smelled the wine and I killed them. I love King Duncan.

Lady Macbeth cried out and then fainted. The thanes all ran to help her and her servants carried her to her rooms. Banquo went to talk to all the thanes and soldiers, leaving Duncan s two sons alone together.

They could hear Banquo talkimg to the men. We need to find out why this happened? We must find our way, Quick everyone get dressed, Bring your armour. Well meet in the great hall in ten minutes.

Malcom and Donalbain moved away so that no one could hear them. We are in danger too, said Malcom to his brother, trying to be calm.Someone here is an enemy to us. We cant trust anyone, not even our close Friends. We need to get away. I am going to England. Ill be safer there and perhaps I can find men to help us.

-I agree, said Donalbain. Ill go to Ireland. Well be safer if we separate and lets go now. Lets not wait to say goodbye to these false Friends.They showed no mercy to our father, they ll show no mercy to us.

Malcom and Donalbain went secretely out of the castle, called for their houses and escaped. Scotland s true King, Malcom, Duncan s Heir escaped to England.

A short while later, Lord Ross was standing in the courtyard talking to an old man.

I am seventy-four years old, said the man, and I have seen some terrible things in my life, but this is the worst even of all.

-I agree,old man.

The murder of a King, here, in my master house. But strangely, other terrible things have happened too in the last few days. Look at the sky now, it is daytime, but the sky is dark.And on Tuesday, a baby owl killed a falcon. I ve never seen a thing like that before. I am sure these are strange signs of trouble.

Yes, agreed Ross...and the kings horses, his beautiful fast horses are all dead. They escaped from their stables and started fighting .I have never seen horses fighting like that, it was a terrible thing to see.

Then Macduff walked into the courtyard. He greeted the two men.

-What do you think of all this?asked Macduff. Did Duncans servants really kill him?

I know, it seems strange that they did it. and why?what advantage could they get?said Ross. I really dont understand.

Someone probably paid them. I think Duncan was murdered by his sons. Thik about it. Where are Malcom and Donalbain now?They are not in the castle. I think they have escaped.This makes them look guilty. This makes me think they killed their own father.

-Yes, you may be right. This is an unnatural crime, but ambition is a terribel thing, said Ross in a sad voice.

-I suppose this meant that Macbeth will now be King.

-yes, you are right. The other thanes have already taken him to Scone.

- So, another King will be crowned at Scone. King Macbeth of Scotland?

-It will be difficult for Macbeth to follow Duncan. Duncan was such a good King, sighed Macduff.

-And what about King Duncan s body?where is it?

-His servants have taken him to Colmekill. Theyll put his body with the bodies of all Scotlands kings.

The three men sighed sadly.

-So Macduff, are you going to Scone, to see Macbeth s coronation?

-No, I am going home to Fife to see my wife and children''?What about you?

-I am going to Scone.

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