lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018


It was just beginning to go dark that evening and three men were hiding in the shadows, outside the castle.. They were the two men sent by Macbeth to kill Banquo, the third man was a stranger.

-Who are you?

-I am here to help you, said the stranger.

-Who sent you?


-But there are already two of us, said one man.

-I know, said the stranger, but Macbeth wants to be sure.Which three of us to do this job, we cant fail.

-Fine, you are right, said the first man, come and join with us,

The three men stood together in the darkness.

When you hear the horses, we ll get Banquo and you can get the boy, is that clear?Macbeth says the boy must die too.

-How long do you think they ll be ?

-Not long. It is almost evening, they ll be here son. When they get near to the castle, they ll get off their horses and a servant will meet them with a light.

The three men Heard the sound of horses in the distance. The sound came nearer and nearer. Then, they Heard the horses stop and saw a servant walk out of the castle gates with a light in his hand.

-Right, three men ran out of the shadows, Banquo and Fleance were taken completely by surprise.Two of them pulled Banquo from his horse and the third got hold of Fleance.As they attacked Banquo, he just had time to shout to his son.-Ride Fleance, ride...It is a trap...Ride for your life.

Those were Banquo s last words. The two men killed him. Fleance struggled hard and got away from his attacker, he jumped onto his horse and rode off as fast as he could. He did not look back. He rode far away from the royal palace. The servants was terrified, he too, ran away as fast as he could.

-quick,back to the palace,said the leader of the men. We have good news for King Macbeth, but we also have bad news about Fleance. We must tell him straight away.

Back at the castle, guests were beginning to arrive for the banquet. Macbeth was welcoming them all into the great hall. Then In the distance, he saw the first of his trusted men at the gate. Macbeth quickly walked over to him.

-There s blood on your face.he whispered. That is good So Banquo is dead. Did you kill Fleance too, as I asked?

-I am sorry, sire, Fleance escaped.

.This is bad, he will come back to take his revenge. I do not like it. And Banquo, where is Banquo s body?

-Safe, sire. He is in the ditch, he is dead.

-Thank you. Thank you for that, Now go, we ll talk about this tomorrow. You will have your reward for your loyalty.Leave now, before someone sees you.

The man disappeared back into the shadows and Macbeth ran to join his guests in the hall. They were beginning to take their seats at the table which was full of food and drink.

-Welcome Friends!said the queen.


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