lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018


That same night, in the middle of a thurderstorn, Hecate the Goddess of all witches, was talking to the weird sisters, the three witches. Hecate was angry, How dare you ?

-Why are you angry with us, Hecate ? said one of the three, boldly.

The three witches were afraid of Hecate, because she was even stronger tan them and even more evil.

-How dare you play silly games with Macbeth without me?You did not even tell me what you were planning. I am your goddess.I want my part. Hecate was screaming now, -In future, I want you to ask me first before you do anything. Now, listen to me and do what i say.-

The thunder got louder and the lightning came nearer. The witches listened in silence. Hecate continued...-Macbeth is coming here tomorrow. He is coming to see you. He wants to know what will happen next. He wants to know more about his future. You must confuse him.Use all your magic skills.Make him think that he is safe and secure.

.Man s biggest enemy is a false sense of security. Tell him that ereything will be alright. Do as I say and remember, I am your goddess.

Hecate disappeared into the night, leaving the three witches shivering in the dark.

The same night in the royal palace , rumours were beginning to fly. Lennox was talking to another of the Scottish thanes.

-Strange things have happened here in Scotland. Duncan was murdered, murdered at Macbeth s castle. When his sons escaped, it was natural to think that they were Duncan s murderes. Everyone thought it and everyone said it. But now, after everything that s happened. I am not sure I believe it.

-Yes, I think I agree with you. I dont think Donalbain and Malcom killed their father. They loved him as a father  and as their King said the thane.-

- Now Banquo is dead and Fleance has escaped. And this time everyone is saying that Fleance murderer his father too. I do not believe that eiter.

-No, are right, Lennox. Neither do I, it seems wrong to me, agreed the thane.

-And do not you think it was a litlle strange that Macbeth killed Duncan s guards immediately?They were asleep, they were drink, and he killed them. Why did not he give as all a chance to talk to them?Why did not he question them?

-Yes, it is very strange, said the thane.

-It may be disloyal to King Macbeth to say this, but  I am glad he has not found Donalbain or Malcom. It is lucky for them.

There was a long silence.

-And now, continued Lennox, It seems that Macduff is in disgrace.He did not come to the tyrant s banquet. Do you Know where he is ?

-Yes, I do. Macduff has gone to England to find Malcom. Malcom is the true King of Scotland, his father, Duncan, wanted him to be his hear. He wanted him to be the next King of Scotland. Macduff is going to speak to Malcom. He thinks they should talk to Edward, the Englis King. They hope ad I hope, King Edward will help, then we can stop Macbeth, we can remove Macbeth the tyrant from the Scottish throne. We ll have to more banquets with bloody daggers. Then we can save Scotland.

-This is a good news. Our prayers are with him, said Lennox.

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