miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018


-but, look, look here is there !It is Banquo...Macbeth whispered black to his wife. He was obviously terrified by  what he could see.

-Please...be brave, my lord. There is no-one there.

Macbeth turned and looked again at the ghostly figure in the chair but the chair was empty. Banquo was not there any more. He sighed with enormous relief walked back to the table with his wife and went to sit down.

-I am sorry, he said to his guests, I was feeling ill.Now I am fine. Let s raise our glasses to Banquo, our absent friend. Banquo, the finest man, my greatest friend!

Everyone stood up and raised their glasses. To Banquo, they said.

Then suddenly, before anyone could take a drink, Macbeth screamed and pointed his finger.

-There, there...get away...get away from me you horrible visión!you are dead!Dead!

But,once again, there was nothing there, Macbeth s guets were now very worried. He was screaming and shouting and he was pointing his finger at nothing. Lady Macbeth tried to calm everyone down, but then she decided the banquet had to end and so she asked everyone to leave.

At last, Banquo s ghost vanished again and Macbeth began to calm down. Again he sat down in his chair.

-He ll be fine, lady Macbeth said to everyone as they left, he just needs to rest. Please do not worry. good night.

The thanes and the other guests left the hall.

-Good night.said Lennox...I hope the feels better in the morning.

Macbeth was exhausted...Blood will have blood, he said to his wife, But Macbeth was also very worried.

-Macbeth did not come tonight. he said in a tired, dull voice-

-Did you invite him? said the Queen.

-Oh yes, I don t know why he did not come, but I ll find out. I have spies in the castle. I have spies in all their houses. And another thing.

-I think i ll visit the three witches again tomorrow. They know more tan is going to happen. It is too late to turn back now.

-You are tired, my lord, said his wife. You need to sleep. Everything will look better in the morning.

-You are right. Let s try to sleep. I am just a Little afraid, but we need to be ready. There s much more left to come.-

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