martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018


-Thank you, cried the Thanes.-

-Welcome, welcome, everyone !-Macbeth cried as he came back into the hall.He went over to sit next to his queen , but then he saw that someone was sitting in his seat. He looked around , pretending to look for Banquo. But where is Banquo? Banquo is not here ! cried Macbeth.-

-No, said Ross , but he promised to came. We all hear him and I am sure he ll be here soon.

- Come and sit down, sire, called Lennox. Then our banquet can really start!

- But there is nowhere for me to sit.

-Here, Sir. This is your place, here ...Lennox pointed to an empty chair.

-Where? said Macbeth clearly agitated, where ? what are you doing here ?Do not look at me like that

The thans looked astonished. Macbeth was talking to the empty chair.

The Queen got up and tried to calm Macbeth, as her guests were all very concerned by his behaviour. The chair was clearly empty., but Macbeth seemed to think that someone was sitting there.

- Do not worry. sit down enjoy the food !The queen said. He  s just feeling a litlle ill. He often has a problema like this, he s had it since he was Young, It will pass very quikly.


-Control Yourself!  She then whispered to her husband , there s no one there- The chair is empty. Remember the dagger you saw before you killed Duncan ? This is the same. I t is a visitor. It is all in your mind, it is in your imagination !

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