viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018


In Macbeth, castle, lady Macbeth was Reading a letter from her husband.

The battle was a great success, but I must tell you about a strange thing wich happended after the fight was over. As Banquo and I were riding back to the Royal Palace, we met three women on the road...I think they were witches, We stopped and talked to them and they made two prophecies to me about my future, First of all, thay said that I was now the new Thane of Cawdor. Then they made another prediction, they said that one day, I will be King of Scotland. They vanished before I could ask any more questions. Later, we met Lord Ross, who was looking for me. He told me the King wanted to give me a reward. It is incredible. Now I am the new Thane of Cawdor and that is my reward. So, you see, the witches were right.

What do you think?Will I be King of Scotland'?Will you be Queen?I wanted to write to you immediately, I wanted you to know. My dear wife, my partner in life, I ll see you son.

Lady Macbeth put the letter down and sat there Deep in thought. My husband was Thane of Glamis and is now Thane of Cawdor. Will he ever be King'?Then she thought about her husband s character.

Macbeth was kind, too kind and he was loyal to the King. He was certainly ambitious, but he was a good and honest man, You want to be King, she thought, but you are too kind, too loyal and too honest. You are not cruel enough. You need to take action and you need to be cruel. Come home to me quikly and I ll help you. Ill make you brave enough to do what we have to do. I ll give you strength...Ill make sure you get the Crown of Scotland and I ll make sure that I am your queen.

There was a knock at the door and Lady Macbeth stood up calmy and opened it. A Messenger was standing outside.

A message from King Duncan, he said bowing.


King Duncan is coming here tonight my lady?

Are you mad?here?tonight?

Yes, my lady, And Lord Macbeth will be here son, but he asked me to hurry with this message.

Thank you, you may go, said Lady Macbeth. She was already making plans. Duncan is coming here. to our castle, she thought. It is a perfect opportunity for us. I ll make sure that this will be a fatal visit for him. I need to be calm, cruel and braver than a man. I need all my strength.

Later that afternoon, Macbeth arrived back at his family castle. A servant took his horse and Macbeth went immediately to see his wife.

Later, that afternoon, Macbeth arrived back at his family castle. A servant took his horse and Macbeth went immediately to see his wife.

Hail Macbeth, thane of Cawdor, she cried. Her eyes were bright.

My love, he said kissing her hand. Did my Messenger arrive?Duncan is coming here tonight.

Yes, yes, And when is he leaving?


Ah ha, replied his wife, but he will never see tomorrow, I have a plan and you Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor, will be King of Scotland.

Listen to me carefully. When Duncan comes here, you must welcome him warmly to our house and you must look innocent. Then later tonight, we will act and you must be like a snake. Our only hope is for Duncan to die. If you are to be King and I am to be Queen, Duncan must die tonight.

we ll talk more about this later, said Macbeth, Now we must prepare for King Duncan s arrival.

Leave the plans to me, said Lady Macbeth as her husband was leaving the room, but you must be cold, you must be brave and you must be calm.

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