martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018


Macbeths trusted servant returned to the great hall some time later. He brought two men with him.

-Ah yes, said Macbeth, I spoke to both of you yesterday, too, did not I ?

-yes, said the first man.

-Have you thought about what I said ?

-Yes, we have.

-Banquo has behaved badly towards you, as I told you yesterday. He is not your friend, continued Macbeth. Are you brave men ? Are you brave enough to do what I ask for you ?

-We are my lord, said the second man.

Excellent, said Macbeth, then listen carefully. Banquo is your enemy, but he is also an enemy of mine. Every minute that he is alive. I am in danger and so are you. I want you to kill him.Will you help me ?

-Yes, I will do ask my Lord, said the first man, I have had a bad time in life,many things have gone wrong the first man, I have had a bad time in life, many things have gone wrong for me. You tell me that it is Banquos fault that these things have happened. I believe you are right and I think he must die.

-I will also do as you ask, said the second man. I have been unlucky all my life. Perhaps this will change my luck.

-Excelent again, said Macbeth, but you must do it tonight.

Tonight is your only chance.You must do exactly as I say. Wait outside the castle walls, in the shadows and when Banquo comes, you must attack him and kill him. Make sure you are not too near to the castle, no one must hear you, no one must suspect you. There is one more thing. His son will be with him and he is my enemy too. He must also die. Can you do this for me?

-Yes, we can, my Lord, both men said together.

Macbeth turned away from his two guests.Yes, Banquo it will son be over and done. Tonight you will die and so will Fleance. You will find a place in heaven tonight.-

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