sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018


That afternoon , the Queen had no idea what Macbeth was planning. She was sitting in her rooms alone.She was thinking about Duncans murder. She was beginning to think that killing King Duncan was a terrible mistake. It was strange, both she and Macbeth had that they wanted but she was not happy and neither was her husband. He was spending a lot of time alone and she did not think that it was a good for him.

She called a servant and sent him to find Macbeth. When he joined his wife in the hall, she decided to give him some words of advice.

-Look, my lord, why are you spending all your time alone?What is done is done. We cannot change the past. We have to forget about Duncan.

-No, no ..We have only just begin, Macbeth replied..We started something when we killed Duncan. We are in danger, our throne is in danger and we cannot stop now. We have to finish it, or well never eat or sleep in peace again. I would prefer to die and be with Duncan tan to live but have a tortured mind.

-You ll feel better at the banquet tonight. You ll be happy with oour guests tonight.

-Yes. I will , my dear wife...and so will you as we remember Banquo..

-Forget about Banquo, she said.-

-But it is not so easy. It is like my mind is full of scorpions and I am sure the reason is because Banquo and Fleance are still alive.

The new Queen tried to calm her husband.

- We cannot do anything about him at all. Forget about him.

-Oh, but I have done something about Banquo . And also about Fleance. I did not tell you because there was no need for you to Know.

-Macbeth, my Lord, what have you done ?What have you done ? said the Queen horrified.

-Wait. Have a Little patience. You ll see in the morning.-

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