jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018


The following day, a black, wet day, the three witches were standing in a cavern near the open field, This time they were standing around a large black cauldron. They were chanting,

While they were chanting, they were throwing things into the big black cauldron, exactly as the rhyme said. One of them threw a toad into the pot, the next one threw in a snake and the last witch stirred the mixture. Again they chanted...

As they were chanting, Hecate appeared,Oh, well done ! the cried with delight, .Now dance around the cauldron and chant again, Macbeth is coming! Show him your powers. Make him afraid of you. The withches obeyed...

Macbeth walked quickly into the cavern. He was horrified...-What are you doing, your evil midnight hags?

The witches laughed, but did not answer.

-Listen to me, I have a question, he continued.

-Speak, cried the first witch.

-Ask. cried the second.

-we ll answer! cried the third.

-Or shall we can our masters ?said one of the witches. They will answer.

-Call them.Let me see them. Let them answer me-

The witches danced and chanted around the cauldron. The air i the cavern went even colder. Then, a ghostly head rose up from the cauldron.Macbeth started to speak, but one of the witches interrupted.

-Be silent!Listen to our master. He can read your mind.

The ghostly head spoke...-Be afraid of Macduff!That s my answer enough!

The head disappeared.

-No, come back!I have another questions, cried Macbeth.

This time, the ghost of a child appeared above the cauldron, ...-Be brave. No man of woman born can harm Macbeth.

Then this ghost disappeared.

-So I have no reason to be afraid of Macduff, said Macbeth to himself, Now, waht s this ?

A third spirit appeared above the cauldron. It was a child, wearing a Crown and holding a branch. -Be brave, be proud. Macbeth will only be defeated when Birman Wood moves.When Birman Wood moves to Dunsiname Hill to fight him. Macbeth will be defeated.

The spirit disappeared.

-So I am safe, cried Macbeth,...-Forests do not move ! Woods can t fight! But there is one more thing I want to know. Will a child of Banquo  s ever become King?

-Enough, cried the witches, the spirits have told you enough.

-No, I must Know.

The witches began to chant.

There was a movement above the cauldron. The ghostly shapes of eight kings appeared above it. They all looked exactly the same. Then Macbeth saw Banquo s ghost appear next to them. The ghost was pointing at the kings. Macbeth understood the message...Banquo s  children were the future. Kings of Scotland. The spirits and the witchs disappeared, leaving Macbeth standing alone in the cavern, frozen with cold and fear.

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