lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018


-I hope all goes well there, Ross

Macduff said goodbye to the old man and rode away from Macbethscastle.

-goodbye, old man, said Ross.

-God bless you and all those who want to bring peace, the old man replied.

After the coronation, the New King Macbeth moved to the Royal palace at Forres. All the Scottish thanes were invited to celebrate the event and Banquo was one of the first to arrive. But Banquo was worried and a Little excited...he coul not stop thinking about the three witches and their prophecies. They called Macbeth Thane of Cadwor and he became Thane of Cawdor. Then they called him King of Scotland. Was Macbeth involved in Duncans murder?But no, then, they said my children would be royal. Perhaps now I can hope for my future, he thought.

Two servants opened the doors and interrupted his thoughts. King Macbeth and his new queen came into the room.

-Ah here s our most important guest!Look, my dear, it is our good friend Banquo.

The Queen welcomed Banquo warmly and invited him to the banquet that evening.

Thank you, your Highness, Banquo accepted the invitation to the dinner, then he explained that he wanted to go riding in the afternoon. He liked the countryside around Macbeths castle.

-Fine, said Macbeth, but when you return we should talk. We need to talk about Malcom and Donalbain.They are my cousins but I am sure they are the murderers. One is in Ireland and the other in England. They escaped after Duncan died and now they are telling terrible lies about their fathers death. Anyway,are you planning to go far this afternoon? Will you be back in time for us to talk?

Yes, we ll be back in time for the banquet and well be back in time to talk.

-we, you said?Is Fleance going with you?

-Yes, Banquo confirmed that he and his son were going riding together.

-well.said Macbeth, I hope you both enjoy the ride, but dont be too late back.Remember that you are the most important guest at the banquet tonight.You are my most trusted friend.

Banquo laughed. He said goodbye to Macbeth and the Queen, then left the room. The Queen followed him, as she had a lot of things to do before the banquet.

Macbeth was then alone in the hall. He walked around for a while. He was worried about Banquo, and he had two major reasons to be worried.

The first reason was that Banquo Knew about the witches prophecy. What if Banquo told someone?What if people started to talk?

The second reason was more complicated. The witches had also made a prophecy about Banquo.

-You will not be King, but your children will be kings. Macbeth said the witches words out loud.

-If Banquo s children are kings, then my own children cannot be kings. I have commited a crime, a terrible crime and Banquo s children will benefit.

There was only one solution. Banquo must die and Fleance Banquo s son must die with him. The perfect chance was on that very afternoon, when Banquo and Fleance were out riding. Macbeth called his most trusted servant to come and talk to him.

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