viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018


In Macbeths castle at Dunsinane, there was a very strange atmosphere. Thanes and servants were all talking about the events of the last few weeks. People were talking about Macbeth. They were talking about Macduff s family and they were talking about the Queen, Servants gossiped about her strange habits. The Queen was starting to walk around the castle at night. Some of the servants watched her as she walked. -She talks to herself, they said. -Perhaps she s going mad.-

After several nights of this strange behaviour, The servants began to feel afraid, so they called a doctor. The doctor came to the castle and listened to what they had to say. He decided to sit with one of them and watch the Queen s door one night. That night, he came to the castle at about ten o clock .He sat down outside the door to The Queen romos until six o clock the following morning. Nothing happened. He returned to the following night and nothing happened. On the third night, however, things were different. The doctor was sitting with  a servant outside the door to the Queens romos when, suddenly, the Queen herself opened the door. She walked out of her romos and into the corridor.

-Look! -said the servant-She is walking, but she s asleep.

-You are right, whispered the doctor-Tell me again. How long has she been like this?

-Since our Lord Macbeth became King.

-And What has she said'?

The servant was afraid. I Will never tell anyone. I have no witnesses, so I ll be silent.

-What s she doing now?said the doctor.

-Oh! she often does that.

-She s rubbing her hands, said the doctor quietly.

-Yes, sometimes she can rub her hands for a quarter of an hour without stopping.

-Shh, she is talking, said the doctor.

-Yes, and she always says the same thing. Listen to this, replied the servant.

-Here s a spot, said the Queen, looking at her hands, as she walked in her sleep.

-I ll make a note of this, said the doctor-

Lady Macbeth was walking up and down the corridor.

-Oh dammed spot!I say. It s blood. The old man had so much blood in him. And Macduff? Macduff, Macduff, the Thane of File, he had a wife.

Where is she now? My hands Will never be clean again.I can still smell the blood on them. All the perfumes of Arabia Will never make them smell sweet again.

-I ve never seen anything like this, whispered the doctor, Servants should not hear things like this.

-I know, The Queen is saying things she sould not say, replied the servant.

-She is in such pain, she feels such sadness, said the doctor to himself.

But the Queen continued…-Wash your hands, put on your nighclothes, do not look so plae.I t s fine, Banquo s dead and gone. He can t come back again. To bed, I can hear knocking at the gate.

What s done is done, we cant change the past. To bed.

The Queen went back into her romos.

The doctor was amazed.

-There are such terrible rumours about the King and Queen. Perhaps they are true. Perhaps the Queen is mad. It is clear her mind is tormented. I don t know what to think. I want you to take care of her. Look after her well.

-I Will. good night, doctor.

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