jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018


While Malcom, the thanes and the English army were cutting down branches in Birnam Wood, Macbeth was making preparations in his castle at Dunsinane.He was not all afraid. The words of the witches came back to him.

No man of woman born can harm Macbeth.

Macbeth Will only be defested when Birman Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.

-No, I am not afraid, Macbeth said to himself. Malcom was born of woman, all men are born of women and to add to that, forests dont move.

Macbeth s pies and servants were trying to find out move many men were in their enemies army.

-Sire, said a servant running into the room, they say there are ten thousands men in their army.

-I am not afraid, shouted Macbeth in anger. they cannot kill Macbeth Bring me my armour,

.It is not time, yet, replied the servant.

Just at that momento, the doctor came into the room.

-Ah, yes. My good doctor how is my wife ? Is she any better? What is the matter with her ?

.She cant sleep. She has delusions.

-Cure her, doctor, give her something to make her sleep. She is sad, find a way to make her forget her sadness. Cure her, thats your job. Mine is to fight a battle.

-I cannot cure a broken heart. replied the doctor-

-But you have potions and drugs to cure my wife. I am sure you can do it. Just cure her. Perhaps you also have drugs to cure my wife.

-Yes, sure.Your preparations make that clear.

-well. I am not afraid of death. Birman Wood must come to Dunsinane before I die.

The doctor sighed. He wished he was a long way away from Dunsinane.

In Birnam Wood, the soldiers were waiting. They were all carrying branches from the tres in the Wood. The thanes gave the order, March... they called, Macbeth towards Macbeths was defiant.

-Put out the making preparations for the battle. Macbeth was defiant.

-Put out the Flags. Show them this castle is mine. Put out my flags, he ordered.

-They Will come son. Prepare for a siege, We are strong here in the castle, they have no briks or Stone to hide behind.  Let them attack, then, when they are weak, we ll attack them and send them home to England. They Will never take this castle...They Will never take my throne !

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