viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018


Suddenly, from somewhere in the castle, there was a loud scream.

-What on earth was that? said Macbeth to his servant…-That is the sound of women crying. Find out what it is.

The servant ran out of the hall. He came back a short while later. He was very pale.

-What is it man? I have Heard enough enough screams in the middle of the night. Tell me what it is, I am not afraid of screams in the day.

-The Queen, my Lord, is dead.

-Now? The Queen my wife is dead today? But why today, not tomorrow?Why has her candle gone out today? Tomorrow I would have time to think about her, my Queen, my love. So why today? Not tomorrow. or tomorrow or another tomorrow, when time Will be there for me to think about her. To think about her passing. to think about my love. No, this means nothing to me. So! So, she is dead. Life is just a passing shadows. We walk on the earth for an hour or two and then we die. It means nothing. Dont walk to me about the Queen today, I want news about this army, give me news about the Queen today, I want news about the Army, give me news about the Army.

There was a noise outside the room and a Messenger came running into the hall. He was clearly afraid.

-Sire, a strange things is happening outside.

-What? Tell me what is happening?

I was standing on the battlements looking out towards Birman Wood. Sire, the forest is moving. It looks like Birman Wood is moving. It is coming in this direction.

-Liar! What are you talking about? cried Macbeth, That is imposible. Once again in his mind, he Heard the witches.

He was very afraid. There was only one choice...I have lived long enough. Let me end all this today. I am tired of the sun. I ll die fighting he shouted and he ran out of the castle onto the batterfield.

Malcom was shouting to his tropos on the batterfield outside the castle. Siward, The English general was with him…-Put down your branches and show Macbeth who you are ! he called…-Macduff , lead your men into battle! Lets fight well and kill the tyrant!

-To battle! called Macduff to his men.

The two armies fought hard. Macduff was everywhere, he was looking for Macbeth. Macbeth himself was fighting hard.

-No man of woman born can harm Macbeth.

The witches words echoed in his mind as he fought. He killed Scotsmen, he killed Englishmen…-You were born of woman! he cried to each of them as they died.

At one point in the battle, he met a Young man. They fought hard.

-Who are you ? asked Macbeth, as he paused for breath.

-Siward, son of the general.Who are you ? cried the Young man.

-You are the devil himself. I ll kill you !

Macbeth laughed as he killed the boy.-Kill me ! You too were born of woman!

The English army was too strong for Macbeth s forces. The thanes son took the castle. Malcom and the thanes searched the casttle but they could not find Macbeth. Macduff went back out into the battlefield, determined to find him. He was thinking about his wife and children. Then, there in the mist, he saw the King.

-Turn, hell hound, turn! cried Macduff.

-No! cried Macbeth, you are the last man I want to fight.

-I have your family s blood on my hands already. I Will not fight.

-Tyrant! Bloody tyrant! My sword Will be my voice.

With these words, Macduff attacked Macbeth, They fought furiously.

.You are fighting hard for nothing! cried Macbeth, my life is not in danger, You cant kill me, you know. No man born of woman can harm Macbeth!

-Ah, shouted Macduff, you are in danger. You Will die by my sword. Because I was not born, I was cut from my mother s dead body.

The witches lied! cried Macbeth as he began to understand...It was all a lie, a game. I Will not fight...Macbeth put down his sword.

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