jueves, 3 de enero de 2019


-Then surrender, coward. We ll keep you like a moster in a show. Everyone Will come to look at you. We ll write a sign, come and see the tyrant!

-I cant surrender. I cant Kiss the ground before Malcom s feet.

Macbeth picked up his sword again.- It is over, Birman Wood has come to Dunsinane, Macduff was not born of woman. I ll fight and die like a King...he cried as he attacked Macduff.

Macduff was strong. He was filled with hate for the murderer of his wife and children. Macbeth was weaker now he understood that the witches prophecy was a trik. The men fought on.

In Macbeth s castle, Malcom, Siward nd the thanes were waiting for news.

-I hope our Friends are safe, said Malcom.

-Some Will die and some Will return, said one of the thanes philosophically.

Malcom looked around the hall...-Macduff is missing Siward s son is mising.

Ross had news of Siward s son.-Your son, my Lord. has paid a soldier s debt.

-So, said Steward, my son is dead. Did he fight bravely?

-Oh, yes, he did. Macbeth killed him on the battlefield.

-Then he died a proud and happy death.

-I ll pray for him, said Malcom.

-Go be with him! said Siward.

There was still no news of Macduff or Macbeth. Malcom and the thanes were outside on the battlements. They could hear some noise from the battle, although it was difficult to see what was happening. Suddenly they Heard soldiers cheering in one corner of the batllefield.

-What is it ? cried Malcom.-Why are they cheering?

-It is Macduff! cried Ross.

Macduff walked slowly across the battlefield towards the castle. He was pulling something behind him. It was the dead body of Macbeth.

-Hail, Malcom! King of Scotland!cried Macduff

-The tyrant s dead!come soldiers, Macbeth is dead. Long live Malcom, King of Scotland!

The soldiers put down their swords and joined Macduff.

-Hail Malcom! King of Scotland !

-Hail Malcom! King of Scotland !

From the Battlements the new King Malcom raised his arms and the army was silent.

-Brave men, thanes and generals, he called

.The cruel Tyrant, Macbeth is dead. His body is lying there on the battlefield.

His wife, his partner is cruelty, the Queen has killed herself, Macduff Steward and the thanes have won the Batlle. As their reward, they Will be Earls of Scotland, not thanes. And there is only one thing left to do. I mus thank you, each and every one, and invite you all to Scone.

There  in the ancient palace, where Scottish kings are always crowned, I too Will be crowned King.

There was a loud cheer from the army on the battlefield and the thanes on the battlements.

-Hail Malcom! King of Scotland !

-Hail Malcom ! King of Scotland !

                                                                         The End.-

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