sábado, 14 de julio de 2018

The street lawyer.-

It was unbelievable how many people were in that room.Volunteers were giving out blankets and apples. Morcadei was pouring fruit juice into paper cups and talking all the time. A line waited patiently for food at a table.

I went to Morcadei and he said hello like I was an old friend.

-It is crazy-he said. One big snowstorm and we work all night.

-He showed me the bread, the butter, the meat and the cheese.

.It is real complicated.You do ten with meat and then with cheese.ok'?


-You learn fast-then he disappeared.

I made ten sándwiches quicly, then I showed and watched all the people. Most of the homeless looked down at the floor.Most of them said thank you to the volunteers when they got the food. Then they ate slowly. Even the children were careful with their food.

Morcadei came back and started making sándwiches next to me.

-where does the food come from? I asked him.

-Food bank. People give it, Tonight we are lucky because we have chicken-usually it is just vegatables.

-How many shelters like this are there in the city?

This is not actually a shelter. The church kindly opens its doors when the weather is bad. When the doors close, they go out again.

-I tried to understand this. Then where do these people live?

-Some are squatters. They are the lucky ones. Some live on the streets,some in parks, some in bus stations, some under bridges.

Usually it ok but they can not stay out in the open tonight. It is too cold. They have to go to one of the shelters.

-How many shelters are there?

-About twenty. Two are closing son. No money.

-How many beds?

-About five thousand.

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