martes, 17 de julio de 2018

The street Lawyer.-

That night, I told Claire my news. It was almost ten and we were sitting in our favourite chairs with glasses of wine. After a few  minutes I said...

-We need to talk.

-What is it ? she asked unworried.

-I am  thinking of leaving Drake.

- Oh really, she either expected this or wanted to seen calm. I had told her about Lontae Burton and her family.

-Yes, I can not go back there.

-Why not?

- The Work is boring and unimportant. I want to do something to help people. I told you about Morcadei Green. His Law Center has offered me a job. I am starting Monday.

-How much did he offer you?

-Thirty thousand a year.

-That is ninety thousand dollars a year less tan you earn now.

-You don t do work for the homeless for the money.

A Young law and medical students we had wanted to help people. We told ourselves then that money was not important .

And now?

-I am tired, she said. She finished her wine and went to the bedroom.

We met in the library on the third floor. Héctor Palma was very nervous.

-Did you put those files on my desk?I asked him. There was no time do play games.

-What files?His eyes went around and around the room, looking at everything except me.

-The River Oks eviction. You were there?

-Yeah, he said.

-What is in the River Oaks file?

-Bad stuff.

-Tell me.

-I have a wife and four kids. I need this job.

-You will be ok.

-You are leaving. What do you care?

I was not surprised he knew. People talked I was news.

-So, before I leave, you want me to go into Chance office and take a file. And I can not be sure what is in it?

-Do what you want. And he run out of the library.

I went back to my office and made some more notes. I would lose my Jobs if I was caught taking  the file, but I was already leaving. It would be much worse if I was already leaving. It would be much worse if I was caught in Chance office with a key that was not mine. I did not like the idea at all.

Then there was the problems of copying the file. Some Drake files were very thick. I would have to stand I front of a photocopier for a long time. And also our photcopiers worked from a plastic card that had our names on it. Drake knew exactly who copied what.

I could use a photocopier somewhere else, but it was ilegal to take the file from the bilding. And I was a lawyer.But coul not I just borrow the file ? I only needed it for half an hour to photocopy it, and bring it back immediately. That made me a Little less of a thief.

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