lunes, 16 de julio de 2018

A new Person.-

I was the 14 th Street Law Center.

-How much would a funeral cost? I asked Mordecai.

-I dont know.Are you interested?

-I want them to have a good funeral

-Ok , then.Let s arrange it now.

We go into Mocadeis old Ford Taurus. The Burton family bodies were in the morgue of the General Hospital. Morcadei entered like he owned the place.

-I am Morcadei Green, lawyer for the Burton family, he informed an around Young man behind the desk.

A doctor from the hospital arrived and Morcadei pushed open the big metal door. Inside the White room were lines of bodies covered in sheets. Their names were on Little pieces of paper tied to their toes.

We stopped in a corner.

-Lontae Burton. said the doctor and pulled the sheet down to her wait. It was Ontario s mother all right, in a White dress. She looked the same as when I saw her alive a few days ago. She looked like ahe was sleeping. I coul not stop staring at her.

-That is her, said Morcadei in a confident and loud voice, like he  known her for years.

Only one sheet covered the children. They were lying in a line with their hands by their soldiers. I wanted to touch Ontario. I wanted to tell him I was sorry.I wanted to wake him up, take him home, give him some food, give him everything he could ever want.

-That is them-said Morcadei.

I looked up to heaven and I Heard a voice in my head say

-Dont let it happen again.

The doctor took us to an office. We helped the assistant meke a list of everything that had been found whit the family.My old blue jacket was the best thing they owned.

-Do you want it back? Morcadei asked me.


I waited outside in teh car while Morcadei arranged the funeral in another office. He told me the Price would go up if they saw my expensive clothes. In less tan a week I had seen five dead Street people. First Miser had changed my life, now Ontario had broken my heart.

There was a knock on the car window. I jumped.

- It is five thousand dollars, all for.Morcadei shouted through the closed car window.

-Yeah, yeah- I said and he disappeared back into the hospital.

Soon he was back, driving fast.

-The funeral will be Tuesday at the church here at he hospital. The newspaper will be there. And televisión. I t is a big story.

-Thanks , Morcadei, I said.

After the funeral, there is going to be a march, a march to the government buildings on Capitol Hill for the Burton family.Television is going to film it, the newsapapers will be there. And televisión. It is a big story.

-Thanks, Morcadei-I said.

After the funeral, there is going to be a march, a march to the government builddings on Capitol Hill for the Burton family.Television is going to film it, the newspapers are going to write about it...Are you Ok?


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