sábado, 14 de julio de 2018

The Street Lawyer.-

A few hours later, Claire and I went having our coffee by the kitchen window. The snow had finally stopped. I had an idea

-Let s go to Florida.-I said.

She gave me a cold look.Florida?

-Ok the Bahamas. We can leave tomorrow.

-It is imposible.

-Not at all. I dont have to work for a few days.

-Why not?

-Because I am going crazy and Drake if you go crazy, then you get a few days.

-You are going crazy.

-I know. I t is fun, actually. People are nice to you. They smile Polly brought me cookies today. I like it.

-The cold look returndand she said-I cant.

-And that was the end of that. I knew she  coul not do it. She was a doctor, people had appoitments with her. But also she did not want to go with me.

-ok -I said. Then I am going to Memphis for a couple of days to see me parents.

-Oh really-she said. She did not even sound interested.

- I need to see my parents. It is been almost year. And this is a good time. I think I don t feel like working. Like I said, I am going crazy.

-Claire got up and went to bed.

-Well, call me, she said over her shoulder. I knew that was the end of my marriage. And I hated to have to tell my mother.

My parets were in their erly staties and trying to enjoy not working for the first time in their lives. Mom had been a bank manager. Dad had been a lawyer in Atlanta. They had worked hard saved hard, and given me the best of everything. Dad always wanted me to be a lawyer like him.

I rented a car at Memphis airport and drove east to the rich part of the city where the White people live. The blacks had the center of the city and the whites the área outside. Sometimes the blacks moved out from the center into a White área and then the whites moved further not.

My parents lived on a golf course in a new glass house. You could see the golf course from every window. I had called from the airport so Mom knew I was coming.

-What is  wrong? she asked when she saw me.

-Nothing. I am fine.

-Where is Claire? You guys never call us, you know. I have not Heard her voice in two months.

-Claire is fine, Mom. We are both alive and healthy and working very hard.

-Are you spending enough time together?


- Are you spending any time together?

-Not much. I saw the tears in her eyes. I am sorry, Mom. It is lucky we dont have kids.

To talk about something else. I told her the story of Mister.

-Are you all right? she asked, a look of shock on her face.

-Of course. I am here, are not I? The Company wanted me to take a couple of days holidays To I came home.

-You poor thing. Claire and now this.

Later that afternoon, My dad and I played golf.

-Dad I am not vey happy at Drake-I said I dont like what I am doing? you are getting rich, they arent, be happy.

He was happy He was winning at the golf. Ten minutes later he said

-Are you changing Jobs?

-I am thinking about it?

-Why dont you just say what you are trying to say?

As usual I felt weak and like I was running away from something.

I am thinking about working for the homeless, I said. As a lawyer-I added quicky.

Dad did stop playing. He hit a ball into the distance.

-I will hate to see you throw it all away, son, he said

-You will be a partner in a few years.

-We walked after his ball.

-A Street guy s killed in front of you and you have to chance the world? You just need a few days away from work.

-Is that all?

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