viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-9-

Mr R looked at me, and then he smiled.

-I do not want you to go, Jane, And Iam not going to marry Miss Ingram.

-Don not get excited, I want you to stay here. It is you I want to marry.

I could not believe him,

-Now you are laughing at me-I said.

- No, I am not -he answered. I  want you to marry me, I said.

-No, I am not.he answered. I want you to marry me.Jane...Will you marry me ?

He looked at me so seriously that at last I did believe him.

Mr R wanted to marry me! He wanted me to be his wife !!!

-Yes, I will marry you, I answered.

-I will make you happy, Jane, he said.

-No one will stop us, he continued with a strange, half sad look. I could not understand that look, but I was too happy to be worried about it.

It grew dark. The wind began to blow, and it started to we walked together back to he house.

My weeding day was only a month later. Two nights before the wedding, I was in bed, asleep.

My wedding dress was in the room, It was a windy night.

The wind made a strange sound. Suddenly I woke up. There was a light in the room. I thought it was morning, but it was still dark outside.

Someone was in my room. Was it Mrs F? was I did not know her, She was a big woman, tall and strong. Her blak hair was long and thick.

Her clothes were long and White.

At first I did not see her face.She took my dress and held it in front of her. She looked at herself in the mirror. Then I saw her face !!

It was the most terrible face!!! The woman eyes were large and red and her face was purple.She looked angry, cruel and frightening.

Then she took my dress, and angrily tore it to pieces.

She threw the pieces of the dress on the floor.

Next, she went to the window and looked out.Then she started to come towards my bed. I was so frightened that I could not move. I could not scream for help. I lay still in bed.

.Is she going to kill me ???I thought, But suddenly the light disappeared and the room went dark.

When I woke up, it was morning. The sun was shining.At once, I remembered the strange and frightening woman.

Did it all really happen or was it a dream???

Did she really come into my room in the middle of the night??? Then I saw my wedding dress. It was lying on the floor, torn to pieces, I picked up the pieces of the dress. So it was all true!!! That terrible woman was real!!!!

When I told Mr R about the woman and showed him my dress, he looked very worried and was silent for a long time.

-Jane, I think you had a bad dream-he said at last.

-I think it was perhaps Grace Poole who really tore your dress, but in your dream it was some stranger

I was not sure about this, but I said nothing. That night, the night before the wedding, I slept in Adele room.

My wedding day come and we went to the church. But the wedding did not happen.

In the church, while the clerygy man was speaking, someone threw open the doors at the back and shouted!!!

Stop the wedding, Mr R cannot get married!!! He has got a wife already !!! He is married to my sister!!!

Everybody in the church turned to see the speaker. It was Mr Mason, the man from the West Indies.

But he did not say that Mr Mason was mistaken.

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