sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-6-

One night, I woke up suddenly.

It was about two o clock in the morning. I thought I Heard a sound.

Everything was very quiet.

I thought I Heard a sound. Everything was very quiet.

I listened carefully and the sound came again. Someone was walking about outside my room.

-Who's there ? I called. Nobody answered. I felt cold and frightened. The house was silent. I tried to sleep again.

Then I Heard a laugh. It was a terrible, cruel laugh! I listened.

Someone was walking away, going up the stairs to the attic.

What was happening? I decided to go and find Mrs Fairfax.

I put on some clothes and left my room.

The house was quiet now, but suddenly I could smell smoke. Something was burning! I ran to find out .

The smoke was coming from Mr R' s room. I ran into the room and looked around.

Mr R was asleep in his bed, and the bed was on fire !

-What´s can I do ? I thought. Quickly, I looked around the room.

Luckily,there was some wáter in one corner.

As quickly as I could, I took the wáter and threw it all over the bed.  Mr R woke up.

-What is happening? he shouted.Jane !Is it you ?what are you doing ?

-Mr R-I said- your bed is on fire!You must get up at once.

He junped out of bed. There was wáter everywhere and the fire was still smoking.

-Jane you have saved me from the fire! How did you know about it? Why did you wake up?-Mr R asked.

I told him about the noise outside my door and the terrible laugh.

Mr R looked seriuos and angry.

-I must go upstairs to the attic. Stay here and wait for me, please. Do not wake Mrs F-He left the room and I waited for him.

At last, he came back. He was still looking very serious.

-You can go back to bed, now, Jane.Everything is all roght now.

-Who lives in the attic? I asked Mrs F the next day.

-Only Grace Poole-she answered-she is one of the servants. She is a strange woman.

I rememebered Grace Poole. She was a strange, silent woman, who did not often speak to the other servants.

So perhaps it was Grace Poole who walked around the house late at night and laughed strangely outside the doors.

That evening, when Adele finished her lessons, I went downstairs.

MrS  F met me.

-Mr R left the house early this morning-she said.

-He is going to stay with his Friends. I think he will stay with them for some weeks. I do not know when he will come back-she said.

For several weeks, the house was very quiet again.

Mr R stayed with his Friends and I continued my lessons with Adele.

I did not hear the strange and terrible laugh at night again.

One day, Mrs F showed me a letter from Mr R.

-He is coming back-she said, and he is bringing a lot of visitors with him. I am going to be very busy getting everything ready.

Miss Blanche Ingram is coming too.She is very beautiful.

Mr R and his Friends arrived. The visitors were all rich, important people.

Miss Blanche Ingram was among them.

She was beautiful but very proud.

Some of the visitors were nice to me, but she seemed to be interested in Mr R.

She always seemed to enjoy her conversations with him.

They often went out riding together.

-I think Mr R will marry Miss Ingram-said Mrs F.

But was Mr R interested in Blanche Ingram? He seemed to like her, but he did not look very happy when they were together.

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