lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-11-

I did not Know, but someone was listening and watching me.

-You wont die-ha said-Who are you? I looked up and saw a tall Young man. He knocked loudly on the door. The servan opened it again.

-Hannah, the man asked.who it this Young woman?

-I dont know-said the servant, Hannah-I told her to go away, but she is still here.Go away-she said to me.

-what is your name ?they asked.

-My name Jane Elliot-I said. I did not want anyone to know my real name. I did not want Mr R to find me. I wanted to star again.

-My new friend gave me some food and took me to a bedroom where I slept for a long time.

After a few days I felt better, and was able to talk to my kind new friens. Their  names were Diana and Mary Rivers.

The man was their brother. His name was J Rivers.and Mary Rivers.He was a cleryman. St Jhon was a very handsome Young man with fair and blue eyes. He was always very serious.

He did not often laugh or smile. He was planning to go to India to work.

His sisters were more friendly but I did not want to tell about Mr R. I thanked them for their kindness.

-I have no family-I said- My parents are both dead. I was at L School for six years. After that,I got a job with a family, but I had to leave suddenly. I did not do anything wrong. Please believe me.

-Dont talk now-said Diana-You are tired.

-You will want a new job-said st John.

-Yes, I replied-As soon as posible.

-Good-I will help you-

A month later, Diana and Mary left their home to work as teachers in the south of England. St John asked me to teach the  children who lived near the church. They were por children and the school was very small. I was the only teacher.

I enjoy my work. I did not have much money and I had to work very hard.

I lived in a very small house near the school.There were not many people there, but St John was very kind and gave me some books to read. In my free time, I read and painted pictures. Sometimes, St John visited me in the evenings.

One evening he came to my house when I was just finishing a painting. He looked at some of my pictures. Then he looked again, more closely, at one of the paintings.

Without saying anything he tore a piece of paper off the botoom of teh painting, and put it carefuly into his pocket.

Then quite suddenly he left. I was very surprised. What a strange person he was.!

The next day it snowed. I thought no visitors would come that day. But in the evening there was a knock on the door.It was St Jhon.He was wet and cold.

-Why have you come? Is there bad news' I asked-Are your sisters all right?

-Dont worry. There is no bad news. Diana and Mary are both well-he answered. He sat down in front of the fire. I walked but he said nothing.

-How strange he is- I though.

-Why did he come here when the weather is so bad? Perhaps he is bored. His sisters are far away-

St John sat and thought for a long time At last he spoke.

I know your story-st John said-I Know about L School.

And I know about T Hall and about Mr R. I also know about M R wife. So now I know why you came without any money. I know why you left T hALL. M r R must be a very bad man.

-oh no-he is not-I said.

I have a letter.said st John.from a man in London called Mr Briggs. He wants to find you. He asked about Jane Eyre. You call yourself Jane Elliot, but I know your real nae is J Eyre.Look.

St Jhon showed me a piece of paper.

It was the piece of paper from the bottom of my painting. My real name Jane Eyre was on it.

Did Mr Briggs say anythin about Mr R?  I asked. How is Mr R ? I only wanted to know about Mr R I still loved him.

Mr Briggs does not know about your MR r-Said John.

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