miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-8-

Mr R looked sad.

-I Know Mason does not want to hurt me, but he could say something that will hurt me. I shall be happier when he goes back to teh West Indies.

Later that day, I got a surprising letter. Mrs Reed, my aunt, was dying and she wanted to see me. It was a long journey to her home. When I got there, I Heard that my cousin John was dead.

Mrs Reed was very ill. At first, she did not want to speak to me.

Then one day, when I was sitting by her bed, she showed me a letter. It was from my uncle, my father 'brother, who lived in Madeira.

I read the letter and looked at the date on it.

-But. Mrs Reed, I said, this is an old letter. You got it three years ago!

- I know- she said.but I never liked you, Jane Eyre. After I read the letter, I wrote to your uncle. I told him you were dead. I told him you were dead.

-I told him you died at T School. Now go away.Leave me !

Soon afterwards , Mrs Reed died, and I returned to T Hall.It was summer, and the fields around T Hall were very quiet and beatiful. For me, it was the most beautiful place in the world.It was my home now.

Adele will be pleased to see me, I thought,-But what about Mr R? He is the person I most want to see. But does he want to see me ? Perhaps by now he is already married to Blanche Ingram.

If they are not already married , they will be married very son.

-So I must son Mr R is married.I will never see T Hall again. And worse tan that, I will never see Mr R again.

As I came near the house, I met Mr R, When I saw that he looked pleased t see me, I felt happier.

Adele and Mrs F were very happy to see me too.

-The visitors have all left now-said Mrs F-It is very quiet here. It is good to see you again.

-Yes, this is my home, I thought-I have always been happy here. How can I leave it ?

I started to work, teaching Adele again. Everything was the same as before. Mr R still said nothing about getting married to Blanche Ingram. Then one evening, he saw me in the garden.

-Come and talk to me, Jane, he said.

I went towards him.Now, I thought, he is going to tell me that he is going to get married.

Are you happy here, Jane?he asked.

-Yes, I am very happy-I answered.

-And you like Adele and Mrs F?

-vey much.I said.

-You'll be sad to leave them-he said.

I looked away-

-Now he is going to tell me that I must leave because he is going to be married-I Thouht. I looked at him.

-Yes, I answered-I will be very sad to leave.

-But you must leave, you know-Mr said.

.must I ? Must I leave son?

-Yes, son.

-Then you are going to get married.Adele must go to school, and you must get a new job. I will find you one. Far from here.

-Far from here? I asked-But then I 'll never see you again, Mr R.

-Oh, when you are far from here, you´ll soon forget me? he said

-No, I thought, you will forget me perhaps, but I will never forget you.

-Never, I answered him, at last. And I started to cry.I could not speak.

He watched me carefully, then al last he spoke again.

-Perhaps you don not need to go, he said.Perhaps you can stay here when I am married?

Did Mr R think taht I had no feelings? Did he not understand how I felt? Were my feelings so unimportant? I not felt angry.

-No, I told him. I could never stay. I will not stay, Miss Ingram....Miss Ingram will be your wife. I know that I am not rich and beautiful like Miss Ingram. I am poor and unimportant. But I can still fell sadness. And if you marry Miss Ingram, I must leave here.....

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