miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-13-

Where are you ? I cried. But there was no answer.There was no one there. Was it only a dream? No, I knew that somewhere, far away, Mr R needed me. I must go and find him, I thought.

The next day, I knew to look for Mr R. After a long journey, I arrived at T Hall. I walked for the last two miles to the house. I was excited. I was hurrying to see my old home again. The trees were the same, the road was the same. I arrived at the house   and stopped...and stood and looked.

It was horrible! Where was T Hall, my beautiful home ? No one could live here now. Now I understood why Mrs F never answered my letters. The walls of the house were still standing, but the Windows were empty and dark and there was no roof. The grass was long and there were no flowers in the garden. The broken walls of the  H were black and silent. The only sounds were the birds and the wind. Where was Mrs F now?Where was Little Adele?And where was Mr R ?

I hurried back to the village to find out.I asked a man in the village to tell me about T Hall.

No one lives there now, he told me.

-Last autumm T Hall burned down. It was horrible. The house burned down in the middle of the night.

How did it happen? I asked him.

They think Mr R wife started it. Nobody ever saw her, but people say the was mad. People think she started a fire in her room in the attic.

When it happened, the house, the house was almost empty. Mr R was in the house, but the Little girl, Adele was away at school and old Mr F was staing with some Friends, many miles away. It seems that Mr R did not want to see anybody at the time. People say he seemed very unhappy. They say that he wanted to marry a yong  woman, but she ran away.

-Tell me about the fire-I said-

When the fire started, he continued, Mr R got all the servants out the house, then he went back in the sabe his wife. She was still in the attic. But she climbed un on the roof. I saw still in the attic. But she climbed up on to the roof.I saw still in the attic. But she climbed up on to the roof. I saw here there. She stood on the roof, shouting and waving her arms. Mr R tried to help her, but he cold do nothing.

Suddenly. she fell from the roof.

-Did she died? I asked.

Yes, she died. She died immediately, and he had lost one hand. The man shook his head.

So, Mr R was still alive ! He was hurt but he was not dead. Suddenly I began to hope again. I continued to question the man.

-Where does Mr R live now ? I asked.-Doe she lived in England ?

-yes, the man answered. He cannot travel far, poor man. He lives at Ferndean about thirty miles from here. It s a quiet place. He lives there quietly with two servants. He never has any visitors.

I decided to go to F at once. I arrived there just before dark. As I got near the house, the front door opened and a man came out. I knew at once it was Mr R. But he was very different now. He was still tall and strong and he could not walk without help.

At last he turned and went sadly back into the house.

The servant , Mary, who answered the door , Knew me at once.

She was very surprised to see me.

I told her that I knew all about Mr R and the fire at T Hall. Tell Mr R that I knew me at once.

She was very surprised to see me.I told her that I knew me at once.

She was very surpised to see me.

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