sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-10-

Mr R was silent for a long time.

-I can explain-he said at last.I will tell you everything. It is true. My wife is living at T Hall. We got married fifteen years ago in The West Indies, when I was a Young man. My wife s name was Bertha Mason. She is Masons sister.

Soon after the wedding, Bertha became very strange. Slowly she became mad and dangerous. She wanted to kill me and she tried to kill anybody who came near her. Last April, she tried to kill her brother, Mr Mason.

.Nobody knows about Bertha, nobody knows nothing about her. A nurse, Grace Poole, looks after Bertha.Mr R face was dark and serious.

-Come with me, he said, now I will take you all to see her.

We all left the church. Without speaking, we returned to T Hall.When we got there, MR R took us up to the attic. He took out a key and unlocked the door .Grace Poole was there and in the room with her there was a frightening woman, the terrible woman that I saw in my bedroom, the person with the cruel, mad laugh!

She was the person who tried to kill Mr Mason nd who set fire to Mr R room!

She was mad.But she was Mr R wife and I could not marry him.

Poor Mr R!I felt sorry for him. But I could not now stay at T Hall.

I must leave my home for ever!!I thought with a heavy heart.

-I Thouht wih a heavy heart.I never come back and I will never see Mr R again!

Sadly I put a few ordinary clothes into a small bag. I did not take my beatiful new clothes. I took a Little money and quietly left T Hall early one morning. I did not say goodbye to anybody and nobody saw me leave.

I wanted to travel as far away from T Hall as I could. I spent all my money. I travelled for two days and nights until at last I arrived at a place where there no towns or villages and very few houses.

I had no money now to buy food. I was very tired and very hungry.

It was evening and it was getting dark. I could see only one house. I went to the house and looked through the window.

There were two Young women in the room. They looked kind, so I knocked on the door. A servant opened it,

-Who are you? she asked What do you want?

I am a stranger -I said.I have not any money or food. I am tired and hungry. Please help me.

The servant looked at me for a long time, I will give you some bread, she answered at last-but then you must go away-She left me and came back with a piece of bread-

-now go-she said-you cant stay here.

But I was too tired to move. I sat down on the groun by the door,

-nobody will help me, I said, I will die.

I am a stranger. I said. I have no any money or food. I am tired and hungry, pleased help me.

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