viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-7-

One evening, a new visitor came to T Hall.  He was a quiet Young man with dark hair called Mr Mason.

He came to see Mr R on business. Mr Mason told us he and Mr R were old Friends, but Mr R was not very pleased to see Mr Mason.

When Mr R Heard the name Mr Mason, from the West Indies, he was surprised and his face turned White.

That night, Mr R and Mr Mason talked for a long time. At last, very late at night, they went to bed.

Soon, everyone in the house was asleep.

Suddenly,I woke up. I Heard a terrible scream from somewhere over my head.

Then everything was very quite again. I listened carefully, and then I Heard a lot of noise from above my head.

There seemed to be fighting in the room above. Then there was another scream.

-Help. help-someone shouted. There was more fighting. Then a voice called out...Rochester, come quickly! Help me !

A door opened and I Heard someone running up the satirs to the attic. I quikly put on some clothes and opened my door.

Everybody in the house was awake now. The visitors were all standing outside theirs doors.

-What is happening? somebody asked.

Mr R came down from the attic.-Please dont worry-he told his Friends.Everything is all right.

-But what is happening? somebody asked.

One of the servants had a bad dream and started to scream. Mr R said...but everything is all right now...please go back to bed.

Slowly, all Mr R visitors returned to their rooms. I too went back to my room, but I did not go back to bed.

I sat and looked out of the window. The house was very quiet now. There were no sounds from the attic.

Then someone knocked on my door. I opened it. Mr R stood outside...-Jane come with me please, he told me, but come quietly...follow me...

I followed Mr R up to the attic. He unlocked the door of a room and we went inside.

-Wait here, Mr R told me. I stood next to the door. There was another door on the opposite side of the room.

From behind this door I could hear a terrible sound.  It was like an angry animal. Mr R left me and went through this door.

Once again, I Heard that terrible, cruel laugh...was Grace Poole behind the door? Mr R spoke to someone inside the room, and then came out and locked the door again.

-Come here, Jane-he told me quikly. I came further into the room. There was a large bed in the room.

Mr Mason was lying on the bed. His face was White and his eyes were closed. There was a lot of blood on his shirt. He did not move.

-Is he dead?-I asked.

-No -answered Mr R. He is not badly hurt but I must go and bring the doctor for him. Will you stay with him until I get back?

The man on the bed moved, and tried to speak. Mr R turned to him. -Do not try to talk, Mason Jane, do not speak to im, please.There must be no conversation between you.

Mr R hurried out of the room. I waited for him with the silent man on the bed. I was frightened. I knew that Grace Poole was in the next room.

For a long time. I waited for Mr R to return.

-When will he come back? I asked myself.

At last morning came and Mr R returned with the doctor. While the doctor was looking after Mr Mason, Mr R spoke to me. -Thank you for all your help, Jane.

Mr Mason is going to leave T Hall now. The doctor will take him away-he told me.

We helped Mr Mason down the stairs and out of the house. It was still early, and the other people in the house were still asleep-

-Take care of poor Mason, said Mr R to the doctor.-Soon he will be able to go back home to the west Indies.

Before he left, Mr Mason said something very strange.

-Look after her, R-he said-Promise to look after her.

Mr R looked sad- I promise.I will always look after her.

I started to go back to the house-Do not go, Jane, said Mr R-Come into the garden.Talk to me.

We went into the garden.-What a night! he said-where you frightened, Jane ?

-Yes, I was frightened. Up There, in the next room....there was someone....that terrible laugh...Mr R will Grace Poole go away now?

-No, he replied...but do not worry about Grace Poole. Try to forget about her.She is not dangerous. It is Mason.I am worrying about.

I was surprised to hear this. Mr Mason'? But he  is frightened.He can not hurt you....

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