martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-12-

He wrote to me about your uncle. Mr Eyre of Madeira. Your uncle is dead. He has left you all his money. You are a very rich woman.

For a long time, I was too surprised to speak. I was rich now. but I was not excited. I tried to understand what it meant to be rich.

- I cant understand-I said at last- Why did Mr Briggs write to you?

Because St John said-Mr Eyre of Madeira was also out uncle. He was my mother,s brother. When he died he left all his money to you Jane Eyre.

Then you, Diana and Mary are my cousins ! I said This is wonderful news. Our uncle money is for all of us. Diana and Mary can come home, but it was even better to have three cousins.

So, just before Christmas, Diana and Mary came home. I Worked hard to make their old house comfortable. Diana and Mary will like it! I thought. But what about St John? He is a strange man. He like Stone, hard and cold. He pleased to see his sisters, but still he does not really look happy.

Diana, Mary and I began to live quietly and comfortable together. St John still wanted to go to Inida. I was happy living with my cousins but I still thought about Mr R every day.

Where was he ? Was he happy?I wrote to the lowyer Mr Briggs knew nothing about Mr R. Then I wrote to Mrs F at T Hall. I waited for a letter from her, but no letter came. I wrote to Mrs F again. perhaps she did not get my first letter Again there was no answer. At last a letter did come for me but it was only a letter from Mr B about my uncle money. I began to cry.

While I was crying ST Jcame into the room and saw me. Jane-he said-come for a walk with me. No, dont call Diana and Mary. I want to talk to you.

We walked along the side of the river. At First, st John said nothing. At last he turned to me. Jane, I am going to India in six weeks and I want you to come with me.

I was surprised. Why did St J want me to go to India with him? How could I help him? I was not strong and serious like him.

As your helper? I asked. I dont think.

No, not as my helper. As my wife I want to marry you so that we can work together in India. There were many por people there. They need our help.

Now I was even more surprised, I felt sure that St J did not love me. And I did not want to marry him. I could not marry him. I still loved Mr R.

But I cant go to India..I said. I dont know to help the people there, I am not like you.

St J looked at me seroiusly, Oh that does not matter. I tell you what to do and you will quikly learn. You always worked hard in the village school. You will worked hard in the willage school. You will work hard in India too.

I thougt for a long time. st J my cousin needed my help. He was going to do very useful work in India. At lastAt last, I continued. Perhaps I can help you, but I must be free. I cannot marry you. You are like my brother, I said.

St J looked at me. His handsome face was cold and serious like Stone.That is not posible. You must be my wife. I dont want a sister. I dont want you to marry another man. I want you to stay with me, untill we died.

I felt cold and sad. I remembered my love for M R and the way he always spoke to me. St J was different. He wanted me to marry him, but I knew he did not love me. I wanted to help him, but not to marry him. H e was a good man, but I did not love him. I did not marry him. He was a good man, but I did not love him.

I did not know what to say to him.

I am going away for two weeks, st J continued. When I come back, I want your answer. I hope you will decide to marry me. You cant just stay here doing nothing.

When I went back into the house, Diana spoke to me.

Jane you look unhappy. Your face is White. What is happening? I told her. St J asked me to marry him.

But that is wonderfull! she said, Now he will stay in England. He wont go to India. He will stay here with us.

-No -I said-he wants me to go India with him.

-But you cannot go to India-she said. You arent strong enough.

-I wont go-I told her, because I cant marry st J. And now I am afraid he is angry with me.He is a very good man, but he does not understand seemes cold and hard.

That night, I thougt I Heard a voice-Jane Jane Jane it called. It was Mr R voice.

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