miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-14-

I told her that I know all about Mr R and thae fire at T Hall.

-Tell Mr R that he was a visitor but dont tell him who it is.

-We wont see you, Miss Jane-she said- He wont see anybody now.

I went into the room

-He wont see you, Miss Jane she said.

-He wont see anybody now.

I went into the room.

-who is there? Mr R asked-Is that you mary? Answer me What is happening?

-will you have some wáter? I asked him.

-who is that? I said. I only came this evening. I took his hand.

-Jane It is jane ? he asked.Jane it is really you?

-Yes , it is, I said-I am so happy to be with you again.
 I ll never leave you now.

-But Jane, where did you go ? What happended to you? Why did you leave T H so suddenly?

-Why did you leave you now ?

-But Jane, where did you go ? what is happened to you ?

-Why did you leaveT Hall so suddenly? Why did you away  without any money?

-Why did you leave T Hall so suddenly? why did yu go away without any money ? why did you not stay and let me help you ? he asked.

-You know why I left; I said. I am sorry you were worried. But things are different now. I am a rich woman- I said-

-And I have got three couisns. I told Mr R all about my cousin and my new home.

You do not need me now-he said- but will you really stay with me? There was hope in his voice again.

-of course, I will-I said.

But you are Young. You will want to get married some time. But not to me. I am blind now and I cant do anything. You wont want to marry me.

You will want to marry me some Young man.

-What is your cousin, St J Rivers like? he asked me Is he an old man?

-No he is Young and handsome-

-Do you like him? mr R asked.

-Yes, I do-I answered-He is a very good man.

-And does he like you?

-Yes I think so.He wants me to marry him.

Mr R looked suddenly happier. He took my hand. He was silent for  a long time, and then he spoke. Jane I cant ask you again now. will you marry me ? he asked.

-Yes, I will, I told him. At last I felt really happy. And Mr R too, was no longer sad.

Three days later, I became Mr R wife.

I wrote to Diana and Mary. The news made them very happy. I also wrote to St Jhon but I had no answer from him.

He went to India and continued to work very hard three. He never got married.

Mr R and I are very happy together. We have been married for ten years now.

Two years after we were been married for ten years now.

Two years after we were married, Mr R began to see again with one eye.

He will never be able to see well, but he now can see me and he can see our children.

Our story was a strange and sad one and terrible things happened to us, but now at last we are happy together.

Jane Eyre-13-

Where are you ? I cried. But there was no answer.There was no one there. Was it only a dream? No, I knew that somewhere, far away, Mr R needed me. I must go and find him, I thought.

The next day, I knew to look for Mr R. After a long journey, I arrived at T Hall. I walked for the last two miles to the house. I was excited. I was hurrying to see my old home again. The trees were the same, the road was the same. I arrived at the house   and stopped...and stood and looked.

It was horrible! Where was T Hall, my beautiful home ? No one could live here now. Now I understood why Mrs F never answered my letters. The walls of the house were still standing, but the Windows were empty and dark and there was no roof. The grass was long and there were no flowers in the garden. The broken walls of the  H were black and silent. The only sounds were the birds and the wind. Where was Mrs F now?Where was Little Adele?And where was Mr R ?

I hurried back to the village to find out.I asked a man in the village to tell me about T Hall.

No one lives there now, he told me.

-Last autumm T Hall burned down. It was horrible. The house burned down in the middle of the night.

How did it happen? I asked him.

They think Mr R wife started it. Nobody ever saw her, but people say the was mad. People think she started a fire in her room in the attic.

When it happened, the house, the house was almost empty. Mr R was in the house, but the Little girl, Adele was away at school and old Mr F was staing with some Friends, many miles away. It seems that Mr R did not want to see anybody at the time. People say he seemed very unhappy. They say that he wanted to marry a yong  woman, but she ran away.

-Tell me about the fire-I said-

When the fire started, he continued, Mr R got all the servants out the house, then he went back in the sabe his wife. She was still in the attic. But she climbed un on the roof. I saw still in the attic. But she climbed up on to the roof.I saw still in the attic. But she climbed up on to the roof. I saw here there. She stood on the roof, shouting and waving her arms. Mr R tried to help her, but he cold do nothing.

Suddenly. she fell from the roof.

-Did she died? I asked.

Yes, she died. She died immediately, and he had lost one hand. The man shook his head.

So, Mr R was still alive ! He was hurt but he was not dead. Suddenly I began to hope again. I continued to question the man.

-Where does Mr R live now ? I asked.-Doe she lived in England ?

-yes, the man answered. He cannot travel far, poor man. He lives at Ferndean about thirty miles from here. It s a quiet place. He lives there quietly with two servants. He never has any visitors.

I decided to go to F at once. I arrived there just before dark. As I got near the house, the front door opened and a man came out. I knew at once it was Mr R. But he was very different now. He was still tall and strong and he could not walk without help.

At last he turned and went sadly back into the house.

The servant , Mary, who answered the door , Knew me at once.

She was very surprised to see me.

I told her that I knew all about Mr R and the fire at T Hall. Tell Mr R that I knew me at once.

She was very surprised to see me.I told her that I knew me at once.

She was very surpised to see me.

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-12-

He wrote to me about your uncle. Mr Eyre of Madeira. Your uncle is dead. He has left you all his money. You are a very rich woman.

For a long time, I was too surprised to speak. I was rich now. but I was not excited. I tried to understand what it meant to be rich.

- I cant understand-I said at last- Why did Mr Briggs write to you?

Because St John said-Mr Eyre of Madeira was also out uncle. He was my mother,s brother. When he died he left all his money to you Jane Eyre.

Then you, Diana and Mary are my cousins ! I said This is wonderful news. Our uncle money is for all of us. Diana and Mary can come home, but it was even better to have three cousins.

So, just before Christmas, Diana and Mary came home. I Worked hard to make their old house comfortable. Diana and Mary will like it! I thought. But what about St John? He is a strange man. He like Stone, hard and cold. He pleased to see his sisters, but still he does not really look happy.

Diana, Mary and I began to live quietly and comfortable together. St John still wanted to go to Inida. I was happy living with my cousins but I still thought about Mr R every day.

Where was he ? Was he happy?I wrote to the lowyer Mr Briggs knew nothing about Mr R. Then I wrote to Mrs F at T Hall. I waited for a letter from her, but no letter came. I wrote to Mrs F again. perhaps she did not get my first letter Again there was no answer. At last a letter did come for me but it was only a letter from Mr B about my uncle money. I began to cry.

While I was crying ST Jcame into the room and saw me. Jane-he said-come for a walk with me. No, dont call Diana and Mary. I want to talk to you.

We walked along the side of the river. At First, st John said nothing. At last he turned to me. Jane, I am going to India in six weeks and I want you to come with me.

I was surprised. Why did St J want me to go to India with him? How could I help him? I was not strong and serious like him.

As your helper? I asked. I dont think.

No, not as my helper. As my wife I want to marry you so that we can work together in India. There were many por people there. They need our help.

Now I was even more surprised, I felt sure that St J did not love me. And I did not want to marry him. I could not marry him. I still loved Mr R.

But I cant go to India..I said. I dont know to help the people there, I am not like you.

St J looked at me seroiusly, Oh that does not matter. I tell you what to do and you will quikly learn. You always worked hard in the village school. You will worked hard in the willage school. You will work hard in India too.

I thougt for a long time. st J my cousin needed my help. He was going to do very useful work in India. At lastAt last, I continued. Perhaps I can help you, but I must be free. I cannot marry you. You are like my brother, I said.

St J looked at me. His handsome face was cold and serious like Stone.That is not posible. You must be my wife. I dont want a sister. I dont want you to marry another man. I want you to stay with me, untill we died.

I felt cold and sad. I remembered my love for M R and the way he always spoke to me. St J was different. He wanted me to marry him, but I knew he did not love me. I wanted to help him, but not to marry him. H e was a good man, but I did not love him. I did not marry him. He was a good man, but I did not love him.

I did not know what to say to him.

I am going away for two weeks, st J continued. When I come back, I want your answer. I hope you will decide to marry me. You cant just stay here doing nothing.

When I went back into the house, Diana spoke to me.

Jane you look unhappy. Your face is White. What is happening? I told her. St J asked me to marry him.

But that is wonderfull! she said, Now he will stay in England. He wont go to India. He will stay here with us.

-No -I said-he wants me to go India with him.

-But you cannot go to India-she said. You arent strong enough.

-I wont go-I told her, because I cant marry st J. And now I am afraid he is angry with me.He is a very good man, but he does not understand seemes cold and hard.

That night, I thougt I Heard a voice-Jane Jane Jane it called. It was Mr R voice.

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-11-

I did not Know, but someone was listening and watching me.

-You wont die-ha said-Who are you? I looked up and saw a tall Young man. He knocked loudly on the door. The servan opened it again.

-Hannah, the man asked.who it this Young woman?

-I dont know-said the servant, Hannah-I told her to go away, but she is still here.Go away-she said to me.

-what is your name ?they asked.

-My name Jane Elliot-I said. I did not want anyone to know my real name. I did not want Mr R to find me. I wanted to star again.

-My new friend gave me some food and took me to a bedroom where I slept for a long time.

After a few days I felt better, and was able to talk to my kind new friens. Their  names were Diana and Mary Rivers.

The man was their brother. His name was J Rivers.and Mary Rivers.He was a cleryman. St Jhon was a very handsome Young man with fair and blue eyes. He was always very serious.

He did not often laugh or smile. He was planning to go to India to work.

His sisters were more friendly but I did not want to tell about Mr R. I thanked them for their kindness.

-I have no family-I said- My parents are both dead. I was at L School for six years. After that,I got a job with a family, but I had to leave suddenly. I did not do anything wrong. Please believe me.

-Dont talk now-said Diana-You are tired.

-You will want a new job-said st John.

-Yes, I replied-As soon as posible.

-Good-I will help you-

A month later, Diana and Mary left their home to work as teachers in the south of England. St John asked me to teach the  children who lived near the church. They were por children and the school was very small. I was the only teacher.

I enjoy my work. I did not have much money and I had to work very hard.

I lived in a very small house near the school.There were not many people there, but St John was very kind and gave me some books to read. In my free time, I read and painted pictures. Sometimes, St John visited me in the evenings.

One evening he came to my house when I was just finishing a painting. He looked at some of my pictures. Then he looked again, more closely, at one of the paintings.

Without saying anything he tore a piece of paper off the botoom of teh painting, and put it carefuly into his pocket.

Then quite suddenly he left. I was very surprised. What a strange person he was.!

The next day it snowed. I thought no visitors would come that day. But in the evening there was a knock on the door.It was St Jhon.He was wet and cold.

-Why have you come? Is there bad news' I asked-Are your sisters all right?

-Dont worry. There is no bad news. Diana and Mary are both well-he answered. He sat down in front of the fire. I walked but he said nothing.

-How strange he is- I though.

-Why did he come here when the weather is so bad? Perhaps he is bored. His sisters are far away-

St John sat and thought for a long time At last he spoke.

I know your story-st John said-I Know about L School.

And I know about T Hall and about Mr R. I also know about M R wife. So now I know why you came without any money. I know why you left T hALL. M r R must be a very bad man.

-oh no-he is not-I said.

I have a letter.said st John.from a man in London called Mr Briggs. He wants to find you. He asked about Jane Eyre. You call yourself Jane Elliot, but I know your real nae is J Eyre.Look.

St Jhon showed me a piece of paper.

It was the piece of paper from the bottom of my painting. My real name Jane Eyre was on it.

Did Mr Briggs say anythin about Mr R?  I asked. How is Mr R ? I only wanted to know about Mr R I still loved him.

Mr Briggs does not know about your MR r-Said John.

sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-10-

Mr R was silent for a long time.

-I can explain-he said at last.I will tell you everything. It is true. My wife is living at T Hall. We got married fifteen years ago in The West Indies, when I was a Young man. My wife s name was Bertha Mason. She is Masons sister.

Soon after the wedding, Bertha became very strange. Slowly she became mad and dangerous. She wanted to kill me and she tried to kill anybody who came near her. Last April, she tried to kill her brother, Mr Mason.

.Nobody knows about Bertha, nobody knows nothing about her. A nurse, Grace Poole, looks after Bertha.Mr R face was dark and serious.

-Come with me, he said, now I will take you all to see her.

We all left the church. Without speaking, we returned to T Hall.When we got there, MR R took us up to the attic. He took out a key and unlocked the door .Grace Poole was there and in the room with her there was a frightening woman, the terrible woman that I saw in my bedroom, the person with the cruel, mad laugh!

She was the person who tried to kill Mr Mason nd who set fire to Mr R room!

She was mad.But she was Mr R wife and I could not marry him.

Poor Mr R!I felt sorry for him. But I could not now stay at T Hall.

I must leave my home for ever!!I thought with a heavy heart.

-I Thouht wih a heavy heart.I never come back and I will never see Mr R again!

Sadly I put a few ordinary clothes into a small bag. I did not take my beatiful new clothes. I took a Little money and quietly left T Hall early one morning. I did not say goodbye to anybody and nobody saw me leave.

I wanted to travel as far away from T Hall as I could. I spent all my money. I travelled for two days and nights until at last I arrived at a place where there no towns or villages and very few houses.

I had no money now to buy food. I was very tired and very hungry.

It was evening and it was getting dark. I could see only one house. I went to the house and looked through the window.

There were two Young women in the room. They looked kind, so I knocked on the door. A servant opened it,

-Who are you? she asked What do you want?

I am a stranger -I said.I have not any money or food. I am tired and hungry. Please help me.

The servant looked at me for a long time, I will give you some bread, she answered at last-but then you must go away-She left me and came back with a piece of bread-

-now go-she said-you cant stay here.

But I was too tired to move. I sat down on the groun by the door,

-nobody will help me, I said, I will die.

I am a stranger. I said. I have no any money or food. I am tired and hungry, pleased help me.

viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-9-

Mr R looked at me, and then he smiled.

-I do not want you to go, Jane, And Iam not going to marry Miss Ingram.

-Don not get excited, I want you to stay here. It is you I want to marry.

I could not believe him,

-Now you are laughing at me-I said.

- No, I am not -he answered. I  want you to marry me, I said.

-No, I am not.he answered. I want you to marry me.Jane...Will you marry me ?

He looked at me so seriously that at last I did believe him.

Mr R wanted to marry me! He wanted me to be his wife !!!

-Yes, I will marry you, I answered.

-I will make you happy, Jane, he said.

-No one will stop us, he continued with a strange, half sad look. I could not understand that look, but I was too happy to be worried about it.

It grew dark. The wind began to blow, and it started to rain...so we walked together back to he house.

My weeding day was only a month later. Two nights before the wedding, I was in bed, asleep.

My wedding dress was in the room, It was a windy night.

The wind made a strange sound. Suddenly I woke up. There was a light in the room. I thought it was morning, but it was still dark outside.

Someone was in my room. Was it Mrs F? was I did not know her, She was a big woman, tall and strong. Her blak hair was long and thick.

Her clothes were long and White.

At first I did not see her face.She took my dress and held it in front of her. She looked at herself in the mirror. Then I saw her face !!

It was the most terrible face!!! The woman eyes were large and red and her face was purple.She looked angry, cruel and frightening.

Then she took my dress, and angrily tore it to pieces.

She threw the pieces of the dress on the floor.

Next, she went to the window and looked out.Then she started to come towards my bed. I was so frightened that I could not move. I could not scream for help. I lay still in bed.

.Is she going to kill me ???I thought, But suddenly the light disappeared and the room went dark.

When I woke up, it was morning. The sun was shining.At once, I remembered the strange and frightening woman.

Did it all really happen or was it a dream???

Did she really come into my room in the middle of the night??? Then I saw my wedding dress. It was lying on the floor, torn to pieces, I picked up the pieces of the dress. So it was all true!!! That terrible woman was real!!!!

When I told Mr R about the woman and showed him my dress, he looked very worried and was silent for a long time.

-Jane, I think you had a bad dream-he said at last.

-I think it was perhaps Grace Poole who really tore your dress, but in your dream it was some stranger

I was not sure about this, but I said nothing. That night, the night before the wedding, I slept in Adele room.

My wedding day come and we went to the church. But the wedding did not happen.

In the church, while the clerygy man was speaking, someone threw open the doors at the back and shouted!!!

Stop the wedding, Mr R cannot get married!!! He has got a wife already !!! He is married to my sister!!!

Everybody in the church turned to see the speaker. It was Mr Mason, the man from the West Indies.

But he did not say that Mr Mason was mistaken.

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-8-

Mr R looked sad.

-I Know Mason does not want to hurt me, but he could say something that will hurt me. I shall be happier when he goes back to teh West Indies.

Later that day, I got a surprising letter. Mrs Reed, my aunt, was dying and she wanted to see me. It was a long journey to her home. When I got there, I Heard that my cousin John was dead.

Mrs Reed was very ill. At first, she did not want to speak to me.

Then one day, when I was sitting by her bed, she showed me a letter. It was from my uncle, my father 'brother, who lived in Madeira.

I read the letter and looked at the date on it.

-But. Mrs Reed, I said, this is an old letter. You got it three years ago!

- I know- she said.but I never liked you, Jane Eyre. After I read the letter, I wrote to your uncle. I told him you were dead. I told him you were dead.

-I told him you died at T School. Now go away.Leave me !

Soon afterwards , Mrs Reed died, and I returned to T Hall.It was summer, and the fields around T Hall were very quiet and beatiful. For me, it was the most beautiful place in the world.It was my home now.

Adele will be pleased to see me, I thought,-But what about Mr R? He is the person I most want to see. But does he want to see me ? Perhaps by now he is already married to Blanche Ingram.

If they are not already married , they will be married very son.

-So I must son Mr R is married.I will never see T Hall again. And worse tan that, I will never see Mr R again.

As I came near the house, I met Mr R, When I saw that he looked pleased t see me, I felt happier.

Adele and Mrs F were very happy to see me too.

-The visitors have all left now-said Mrs F-It is very quiet here. It is good to see you again.

-Yes, this is my home, I thought-I have always been happy here. How can I leave it ?

I started to work, teaching Adele again. Everything was the same as before. Mr R still said nothing about getting married to Blanche Ingram. Then one evening, he saw me in the garden.

-Come and talk to me, Jane, he said.

I went towards him.Now, I thought, he is going to tell me that he is going to get married.

Are you happy here, Jane?he asked.

-Yes, I am very happy-I answered.

-And you like Adele and Mrs F?

-vey much.I said.

-You'll be sad to leave them-he said.

I looked away-

-Now he is going to tell me that I must leave because he is going to be married-I Thouht. I looked at him.

-Yes, I answered-I will be very sad to leave.

-But you must leave, you know-Mr said.

.must I ? Must I leave son?

-Yes, son.

-Then you are going to get married.Adele must go to school, and you must get a new job. I will find you one. Far from here.

-Far from here? I asked-But then I 'll never see you again, Mr R.

-Oh, when you are far from here, you´ll soon forget me? he said

-No, I thought, you will forget me perhaps, but I will never forget you.

-Never, I answered him, at last. And I started to cry.I could not speak.

He watched me carefully, then al last he spoke again.

-Perhaps you don not need to go, he said.Perhaps you can stay here when I am married?

Did Mr R think taht I had no feelings? Did he not understand how I felt? Were my feelings so unimportant? I not felt angry.

-No, I told him. I could never stay. I will not stay, Miss Ingram....Miss Ingram will be your wife. I know that I am not rich and beautiful like Miss Ingram. I am poor and unimportant. But I can still fell sadness. And if you marry Miss Ingram, I must leave here.....

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-7-

One evening, a new visitor came to T Hall.  He was a quiet Young man with dark hair called Mr Mason.

He came to see Mr R on business. Mr Mason told us he and Mr R were old Friends, but Mr R was not very pleased to see Mr Mason.

When Mr R Heard the name Mr Mason, from the West Indies, he was surprised and his face turned White.

That night, Mr R and Mr Mason talked for a long time. At last, very late at night, they went to bed.

Soon, everyone in the house was asleep.

Suddenly,I woke up. I Heard a terrible scream from somewhere over my head.

Then everything was very quite again. I listened carefully, and then I Heard a lot of noise from above my head.

There seemed to be fighting in the room above. Then there was another scream.

-Help. help-someone shouted. There was more fighting. Then a voice called out...Rochester, come quickly! Help me !

A door opened and I Heard someone running up the satirs to the attic. I quikly put on some clothes and opened my door.

Everybody in the house was awake now. The visitors were all standing outside theirs doors.

-What is happening? somebody asked.

Mr R came down from the attic.-Please dont worry-he told his Friends.Everything is all right.

-But what is happening? somebody asked.

One of the servants had a bad dream and started to scream. Mr R said...but everything is all right now...please go back to bed.

Slowly, all Mr R visitors returned to their rooms. I too went back to my room, but I did not go back to bed.

I sat and looked out of the window. The house was very quiet now. There were no sounds from the attic.

Then someone knocked on my door. I opened it. Mr R stood outside...-Jane come with me please, he told me, but come quietly...follow me...

I followed Mr R up to the attic. He unlocked the door of a room and we went inside.

-Wait here, Mr R told me. I stood next to the door. There was another door on the opposite side of the room.

From behind this door I could hear a terrible sound.  It was like an angry animal. Mr R left me and went through this door.

Once again, I Heard that terrible, cruel laugh...was Grace Poole behind the door? Mr R spoke to someone inside the room, and then came out and locked the door again.

-Come here, Jane-he told me quikly. I came further into the room. There was a large bed in the room.

Mr Mason was lying on the bed. His face was White and his eyes were closed. There was a lot of blood on his shirt. He did not move.

-Is he dead?-I asked.

-No -answered Mr R. He is not badly hurt but I must go and bring the doctor for him. Will you stay with him until I get back?

The man on the bed moved, and tried to speak. Mr R turned to him. -Do not try to talk, Mason Jane, do not speak to im, please.There must be no conversation between you.

Mr R hurried out of the room. I waited for him with the silent man on the bed. I was frightened. I knew that Grace Poole was in the next room.

For a long time. I waited for Mr R to return.

-When will he come back? I asked myself.

At last morning came and Mr R returned with the doctor. While the doctor was looking after Mr Mason, Mr R spoke to me. -Thank you for all your help, Jane.

Mr Mason is going to leave T Hall now. The doctor will take him away-he told me.

We helped Mr Mason down the stairs and out of the house. It was still early, and the other people in the house were still asleep-

-Take care of poor Mason, said Mr R to the doctor.-Soon he will be able to go back home to the west Indies.

Before he left, Mr Mason said something very strange.

-Look after her, R-he said-Promise to look after her.

Mr R looked sad- I promise.I will always look after her.

I started to go back to the house-Do not go, Jane, said Mr R-Come into the garden.Talk to me.

We went into the garden.-What a night! he said-where you frightened, Jane ?

-Yes, I was frightened. Up There, in the next room....there was someone....that terrible laugh...Mr R will Grace Poole go away now?

-No, he replied...but do not worry about Grace Poole. Try to forget about her.She is not dangerous. It is Mason.I am worrying about.

I was surprised to hear this. Mr Mason'? But he  is frightened.He can not hurt you....

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-6-

One night, I woke up suddenly.

It was about two o clock in the morning. I thought I Heard a sound.

Everything was very quiet.

I thought I Heard a sound. Everything was very quiet.

I listened carefully and the sound came again. Someone was walking about outside my room.

-Who's there ? I called. Nobody answered. I felt cold and frightened. The house was silent. I tried to sleep again.

Then I Heard a laugh. It was a terrible, cruel laugh! I listened.

Someone was walking away, going up the stairs to the attic.

What was happening? I decided to go and find Mrs Fairfax.

I put on some clothes and left my room.

The house was quiet now, but suddenly I could smell smoke. Something was burning! I ran to find out .

The smoke was coming from Mr R' s room. I ran into the room and looked around.

Mr R was asleep in his bed, and the bed was on fire !

-What´s can I do ? I thought. Quickly, I looked around the room.

Luckily,there was some wáter in one corner.

As quickly as I could, I took the wáter and threw it all over the bed.  Mr R woke up.

-What is happening? he shouted.Jane !Is it you ?what are you doing ?

-Mr R-I said- your bed is on fire!You must get up at once.

He junped out of bed. There was wáter everywhere and the fire was still smoking.

-Jane you have saved me from the fire! How did you know about it? Why did you wake up?-Mr R asked.

I told him about the noise outside my door and the terrible laugh.

Mr R looked seriuos and angry.

-I must go upstairs to the attic. Stay here and wait for me, please. Do not wake Mrs F-He left the room and I waited for him.

At last, he came back. He was still looking very serious.

-You can go back to bed, now, Jane.Everything is all roght now.

-Who lives in the attic? I asked Mrs F the next day.

-Only Grace Poole-she answered-she is one of the servants. She is a strange woman.

I rememebered Grace Poole. She was a strange, silent woman, who did not often speak to the other servants.

So perhaps it was Grace Poole who walked around the house late at night and laughed strangely outside the doors.

That evening, when Adele finished her lessons, I went downstairs.

MrS  F met me.

-Mr R left the house early this morning-she said.

-He is going to stay with his Friends. I think he will stay with them for some weeks. I do not know when he will come back-she said.

For several weeks, the house was very quiet again.

Mr R stayed with his Friends and I continued my lessons with Adele.

I did not hear the strange and terrible laugh at night again.

One day, Mrs F showed me a letter from Mr R.

-He is coming back-she said, and he is bringing a lot of visitors with him. I am going to be very busy getting everything ready.

Miss Blanche Ingram is coming too.She is very beautiful.

Mr R and his Friends arrived. The visitors were all rich, important people.

Miss Blanche Ingram was among them.

She was beautiful but very proud.

Some of the visitors were nice to me, but she seemed to be interested in Mr R.

She always seemed to enjoy her conversations with him.

They often went out riding together.

-I think Mr R will marry Miss Ingram-said Mrs F.

But was Mr R interested in Blanche Ingram? He seemed to like her, but he did not look very happy when they were together.

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

Jane Eyre-5-

One afternoon, I walked to the village to post a letter.

It was Winter and there was ice on the road. As I walking back to T Hall. I Heard a noise behind me. It was a horse.

A man was riding towards T Hall. I stood on one side and the horse went past. The man did not see me.

He was a stranger with dark hair. Suddenly with a loud noise, the stranger horse fell down on the ice.

The man was lying on the ground, trying to get up. I ran forward to help.

-Are you hurt, sir?-I asked him.

The stranger looked surprised to see me.-A Little-he answered-

-Could you help me to catch my horse?That is right.Now could you bring the horse here, please?Thank you-he said.

The stranger tried to stand up but his leg was hurting too much.

He looked at me again.

-Could you help me to get up on its back again? good, thank you, Miss-he said.

I watched him as he rode away.

-Who is he?I asked myself.He is not handsome, but he has an interesting face.I would like to know him-I said.

When I got back to T Hall, everybody was very excited.Mrs Fairfax was very busy.

-What is happening? I asked her.

-Oh, Miss Eyre, said she, it is mr Rochester...He has suddenly come back...but he will probably go away again soon..

-Now, Miss Eyre, you must go and put on your best dress.Mr R wants to meet you and Adele after dinner.

Later that evening, I took Adele to Mr R room.

I felt rather afraid of meeting Mr R.

I went quietly into the room and saw a man there. I knew him. It was the man on the horse.

So the interesting stranger was Mr R.

Mr R did not go away again. He was busy every day but sometimes in the evenings he talked to me.

He was usually serious, and he did not smile or laugh very often, but he was interesting and I was not afraid of him.

I began to enjoy myself more at T Hall.