lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017

Late for work.-

I got home at six o clock in the evening. My wife opened the front door for me.

-Good evening, Ted-she said.

-Good evening, my dear-I answered.

-Are you tired ?-she asked.

-No-I answered-I am not tired but I am very hungry.

-Dinner will be ready in half an hour, she said.

-I took off my coat and sat down-My wife sat beside me.

-Did you catch your train this morning? she asked

-No, I answered-I missed it. I ran all the way to the station and got there at four minutes past nine.

-Which train did you catch?-she asked.

- The 9, 15.

-What time did you get to the office?-she asked

-At ten o clock-I answered.

-At ten o clock! my wife exclaimed. Wasnt the boss angry?

-No, he was not at the office-I said. He arrived at ten-thirty.

-He missed his train, too !

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