lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

Tom before King Henry.-

-How are you, My lord? Edward, my Prince?the King greeted him.

-Are you going to go on with your jest with me ?

Tom dropped to the floor saying...

-My Lord, have mercy

The servants lifted him while the King was asking...

-My son, do not you know your father? Say you do, break not my heart.

-Noble sir, I am speaking the truth. I am the meanest among your subjects, being a beggar born.And I am here by mischance. Do not kill me!

-Oh I pray heaven to let me live until I see my son healed!No, calm down, you shall not die! the King said.

Henry tried to speak for a while with the beggar, humorning him, bt it seemed to him that the way of talking and reasoning of Tom was totally similar to his son.And he reached the conclusión that the child had only forgotten temporarily his identity.

-Mad? Who says he is mad? exclaimed then addressing in the present people of the court.

-I think he is not mad and taht illness is temporary not incurable.To ease the rumors, tomorrow, at the latest, the ceremony of his proclaim as heir to the throne will take place.

When the King finished talking. Lord Hertford knelt down in front of him.

And wih great caution and cumlocution he reminded him that the ceremony had to be carried out byte Great Marshal of England, the Duke of Norfolk, who was incoveniently attainted as prisoer in the Tower following the King´s orders.

-Have his head cut so that we can name another Marshal-was the answer of the King.

He immediately sent Tom away and ordered everybody to help him, without him noticing to recover all he had forgotten. I t was essential The Prince should recover his health promptly.

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