domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

Good Hendon story.-

When Miles and the Little King reached by horse the nearby village To Hendon's family house, the soldier was as excited as in holiday day. But in the old family house there was only a man.

It was Hugh, the wicked younger brother, who denied completely knowing Miles. He said his brother had died in a battle, as a letter, all the ones in the house had read, affirmed. The old father and Arthur, the eldest brother, had also died. So, Hugh was the landorf of all that land. His wife was Edith, Miles Young love.

The servants and the same Edith said they knew him not. Miles, then, infuriated and his stea hand closed on Hugh'neck.

Damned fox-hearted! he said. I see the trap. You yourself forged the letter that informed of my supposed death. And you have stolen my bride and my domains.

Hugh managed to relieve himself of such a grip and hurried to the village in search of the guards. Edith approached Miles then, begging him to the hence. But the soldier was ready to face whatever it took. He cold not do much against the guards eho led to prison not only Miles, but also the King of England. Miles was put in a snare and he discovered, in his own flesh,what it meant to be someone and nobody recognizing you.

Finally they were released under the ocndition of coming back no more to those lands. Miles rode off with the Little King completely humiliated and sad. Edward encoureged his friend to gallop hastily. He wanted to rwach London before the ceremony of the coronation of the false King took place. Miles, in the meantime, had decided to beg for justice to the new monarch and started stirring his horse more cheefully.

When they stepped into the city the found it full of peoplewho had arrived there to see, even from a distance, the coronation

The eyes of the people were gleaming, hlped by beer.

A free fright among two groups of howling people, separated Miles and Edward from each other.

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