viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018


Foo-Foo the First was left in charge of an experimented thief that wanted to teach him his trade. The thief took him along the streets of London. The plan was he was going along the streets of London.

The plan was he was going to act as he was crippled and Edward, pretending to be his Little brother, would beg. Those who fould fall in the trap would besides losing the pennies generously given loose their bags, too.

But as son as the farce started, Edward accused the thief who escaped through the crowd. Once free, the boy fled taking a road until he reached a small village.

His irrepressible pride made him proclaim again he was the King to the farmers. A woman and her two Little daughters saved him from receiving more blows.

Touched by the kindness of that poor people he promised them to reward the good woman.A few moments later after saying these Words, he saw John Canty accompanied by another rascal appearing in the path.

The boy sped towards a Wood, and when night came on the sheltered in an abandoned shack, where he slept profoundly.

In the middle of the night he awoke, startled by a warm, harsh and wet rubbing.

He was brave and moved his hand trough the sadows until he found the ghost that was the next to was a calf that had also taken refuge in the shack.

Happy to have Company and warmth, the King of England hugged the animal and slept better tan any other night of his life.

Feeling hungry he wandered next day in the forest until he discovered a por hut, where a hermit with snowy White wiskers lived.

He covered himself with sheepskins. The man accepted immediately Edward was a King, but he himself seemed a bit mad, as he kept saying he was an archangel.

The Little King decided to accept that aged man's hospitality, eat something and sleep there.

But that night he discovered that his host was not only mad,  his madness was also criminal. No soon he had fallen sleep that he awoke and found his feet and hands had been tied up.

The old man had a Sharp knife and was saying he was going to kill the Little King.

He really believed Edward was the new The new King.

He loathed his father and antecesor, Henry VIII because he had divested the priests of all their possesions.

Edward cries alerted John Canty and his friend who were looking for him around the place. For the first time in his life, Canty did something for the boy, he freed him from death helped by his follower.

Later on, when Edward was roving in London with one of those thieves, he was so lucky to run across his friend and savior, Miles Handon. When they met, Edward was in a difficult situation, as he had fallen in the grips of a constable and Miles rescued him.

Finally, as they had planned, they could part towards Hendon'sland.

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