martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

The King is dead, long live the King.-

The furious battle was interrupted by a troop of horsemen. One of them dismounted and entered the building.

A multitude of noble men stood up.Ton Canty was inside, with his prince getups, surrrounded by nobles and accompanied by the Lord Mayor, the princesses Jane and Elizabeth and the main authorities of he city.

All of them were eating and drinking from tables crammed with food placed in front of them. The rider placed himself in the middle of the room, commuicating solemnly the recent death of the King Henry and exclaimed...

The King is dead! there was a profund silence and the presents bent their heads. Then another shout burst, destined to welcome the Prince in his new function...Long live the King.

From his table, placed in a high platform, Tom looked for a few seconds the spectacle of nobles and notables proclaiming his kingdom, took Lord Herford by the sleeve and said at his ear...

Any order I utter here at this momento will be immediately obeyed?

-Any, no doubt, the Lord answered.

-From this day, said Tom, then addressing the crowd...the law of blood is ended and the law of mercy is established, Free lord Nortfolk!

From a small Woods his savior had taken him, Edward, the true new King, Heard the shouts that followed the words of Tom, cries that were carried from lip to lip to all the crowd gathered in the streets-

-The King is dead! Long live the King!

Edward depressed and divested of his Crown, learnt that way he was no longer a Prince but a King.

He cried and shuddered learning on a tree. When all is said and done, his heartless predeccessor, King Henry had been a gentle father.

A bit later he cheered up. His new companion, seeing his recovery, introduced himself as Miles Hendon and took him to a humble inn, near London Bidge.

Once on safe grounds, the Young Kind wanted to sleep. And as there were no blankets around, Hendon covered him with his own doublet and he remained exposed to cold, as any true knight would have done for his King, or for a helpless child.

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