viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

the Great Seal.-

-These proofs are not satisfactory, said the Lord Protector.

-Let'see , I know...Tell me where the Great Seal is !

On so trivial a thing depends a throne and a dynasty!

For only he that is the true King can so answer.

And then in a sovereign gesture that left all the crowd of dignataries and nobles astonished, the ragged boy sent a lord to search the seal in a small box hidden in his cabinet.

And explained his location with all details. The Lord left towards the palace and the crowd remaind in silent.

But the Messenger came back empty-handed. Again the sympathy tides of the crowd left Tom ran aground in the throne and cast the other into the sea. When suddenly Tom cried...

-The seal you are talking about, is it a square object, thick and with  big handle?I know where it is !And also his  Highness does!It was the last object you took before rushing from palace!Where did you keep this seal! Try to remember.

After a lot of efforts, Edward remembered. He had kept the seal in an arm of an armor hanged on the Wall.And he had done it before leaving, dressed in Tom'srags, to scold the guard.

Again, a Lord went to the palace and this time, he did return with the Great Seal. Tears welled up from the eyes of dignataries and many other important vassals.Edward prevented anybody laying a hand upon Tom. And addressing him, he asked....

-How was it that you knew the Seal was, when I could not remember it myself?

-I used it several times, Tom answered-

-What did you use it for ?Edward asked.

-To crack nuts with, Tom said.

An avalanche of Laughter greeted the answer.If a doubt remained in the presents, this scene had dispose of it. The royal robe of state flied from the beggars's shoulders to Edward's hiding the ragged robes.

And when the Crown was set upon the head of the genuine King, the bell towards seemed to explode with happiness and the cannons thundered, making the London foundations tremble.

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