martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

The Prince troubles.-

Jonh Canty was trying to drag up to the den he was living in the one he though was his son. But the boy sruggled. They were surrounded by a mob of curious people who laughed loudly and  enjoyed every blow.

Only a man  tried to stop the arm of brutal Canty, but he received a crash that left him laying on the floor.

Finally Canty managed to introduce brave Edward into the house. By the light of a candle the Prince saw thee women covered against tha Wall like animals, waiting for a blow and in another corner a kind of withered hag with streaming gray hair and malignant eyes.

John Canty told the hag her grandson had went totally crazy as he though was the Prince of Wales. Edward understood that hag was Tom´s grandmother. However, he insisted...

-I told you and I tell  you now, I am the  Prince of Wales.

The grandmother was amazed and the mother hugged him crying.

-My poor boy!She exclaimed. At last so many Reading wrought madness to you.

The sisters were also distressed and Canty that so much pity could only infuriate him more, gave a slap after another o the boy.

The hag assisted his son  the beating and finally Edward was left laying in a corner bruised and fourious.

When Canty put the candle out, mother and sisters hugged him. And there, in the dark, while she was stroking the prince hair canty wife felt that about that boy there was something undefined something that was lacking in Tom..

She could not tell just what it was and yet her Sharp mother instinct perceived it. Maybe, after all, he was not her son.

A few hours later the family was awoken by sharps raps. A voice said at the othe side of the door...

-John Canty do you know who was the man you cudgeled tonigh with our stick?

-Neither know I, nor care, Canty answered.

I would care if I were you because you killed him. And the dead is Father Andrew!

Canty, then, jumped out of bed and roused his tribe.

He commanded the women that in case they were separated from each other, they would meet in a certain point, near London Bridge. After that, he held the Prince by the wrist and left running with him.

John Canty tried to get lost in the darker alleys, but suddenly he was swalowed by a hive of humanity that was watching and enyoing the sight of the lights on the river.

There were bonfires and dances al over the place.

A few moments later, John Canthy started a quarrel with some neighbors that wanted him to drink.

Edward took the opportunity to escape.

Mingled with the crowd, free from Canty, he quickly realized that all the people were feasting a spurious Prince of Wales.

He thought  about going direcly to the Guildhall, where the usurper Prince would be accompanied by the Lord mayor and the nobles.

But  the crowd was occupying  entirely the steps of the building and as soon as the boy started denouncing he was the real Price of Wales, he received, as an answer, lauhgs and a few blows.

A sort of decadent skilled swordsman appeared defending him.

He was a man dressed in gentleman robes, but faded and theadbare like the plume in his hat.

This charácter produced his rusty sword and he laid about so many cuts and pricks that, soon, the wounded fell on top of each other.

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