miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

The recovered throne.-

When they reached the Abbey, the Deep booming of artillery sounded as salute. Tom dismounted from his horse and went up the stairs with a somber seriosness. He walked through the nave, full of nobility and adorned with indescribable luxury.

He walked started with a triumphant music. All the steps of protocol were followed and the moment of the coronation drew nearer. And the Crown was at centimetres of the boy'head, when in the great central aisle, as coming from nowhere, appeared the small figure of a boy dressed with rags and foul smelling.

-I forbid you to set the crowd upon that head!I am the King! he shouted.

The soldiers seized him at once, but Tomy Canty, in his regal vestiments, jumped from his seat and step forward.

-loose him immediately!He is the King!he ordered.

The Lord Protector said...

-His ancient malady is upon him again!Take the intruder to the Tower!

But Tom went on addressing the soldiers.

-Release him or you are dead! he said-I The King, order it!

The guards then, set Edward  free and Tom fell on his Kness before him and said...

-My Lord let me be the first to offer you my life and swear fidelity to you. Put on your Crown and recover what is yours.

And when Tom raised again, a murmur of admiration went through the abbey. Except for the clothes, the two boys were identical.

But the Lord Protector was not convinced at all and begged permission, to the ragged boy, to ask him a few questions that only the true King could answer.

Edward accepted and answered in a absolute precisión many questions about his deceased father, about the princesses and about the location of the furniture in every room in the palace. But the Lord Protector was no satisfied. The tide for and against the ragged boy turned direction among the crowd at every minute, one momento in favor and in the next against.

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