viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

The false beggar-

After a while, Edward coul get ride of the persecution and mockey of the rabble that thought he was mad.

He looked around the fround himself in an unknown locality.All he knew was he was within the city of London.

He whashes his feet in a brokwhich flowed then, where far rington Street now is and and started moving on aimlessly.

He walked for a long time and in order to rest, he went into a church that gave shelther to children from the Street.

But he behave with such arrongant manners, that was takenout from there among gilbes and biting, thinking again the was mad.

Dogs pursued him, he walked along dark in wich human beings were piled up as garbage bags.

Until night fell and it started raining.

-Out to this time of night again and surely you have not a single penny in your pocket to bring home.!

The one speaking like this was John Canty Tom,s father.

-Oh, Edward said, so you are his father, then...

-His father? I am your father wretched swine and Iam going to break your bones! move on!

And witthout letting him utter a single Word more, he pulled him up, kicked him, and forced him to walk in front.

- I am the Prince! I am indeed the Prince of Wales! cried Edward.

-Take me to the palace and I assure you, you will be no poor more.Yor son is there.

You have gone stark mad, you are completely crazy.

But made or no mad, you will son find some good biting will help you to recover your wits-Tom fathers answered.

And dragged the Frantic Prince along an alley followed by a swarm of human vermin.

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